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The integration of chain champs' innovative TRUST Scoring on the #WAX cloud wallet is a welcome feature. This feature is set to provide comprehensive wallet scoring based on transaction history and behavioural analytics, empowering dApp authors to combat bots, scams, wash trading, and more knowing that the absence of a central authority in the space has made the space a challenging one to identify between individuals, bots and fraudulent activities. Based on the information gathered, TRUST utilizes AI and machine learning to analyze transaction data, creating a living model that continuously improves and adapts. You can do more research on the WAX cloud wallet. #blockchains #security #trust
The integration of chain champs' innovative TRUST Scoring on the #WAX cloud wallet is a welcome feature.

This feature is set to provide comprehensive wallet scoring based on transaction history and behavioural analytics, empowering dApp authors to combat bots, scams, wash trading, and more knowing that the absence of a central authority in the space has made the space a challenging one to identify between individuals, bots and fraudulent activities.

Based on the information gathered, TRUST utilizes AI and machine learning to analyze transaction data, creating a living model that continuously improves and adapts.

You can do more research on the WAX cloud wallet.

#blockchains #security #trust
It might be your first time hearing about Shyft Network. It's actually a public ecosystem for building trust and compliance in blockchain data. According to Shyft Network, they boost safety in DeFi, by starting with Identity Verification. To a common crypto investor, Security is important and this is why Shyft takes privacy seriously, much like their Shyft Veriscope, which helps crypto businesses comply with the Travel Rule. #DiscoverShyft They also act like your cosmic data traffic controller. This simply means, they only move your crucial info when you say so, providing a secure pathway like Veriscope does for VASPs (crypto businesses) under the Travel Rule. There is more to learn about Shyft Network follow closely. #secure #trust #crypto #shyftnetwork
It might be your first time hearing about Shyft Network. It's actually a public ecosystem for building trust and compliance in blockchain data.

According to Shyft Network, they boost safety in DeFi, by starting with Identity Verification. To a common crypto investor, Security is important and this is why Shyft takes privacy seriously, much like their Shyft Veriscope, which helps crypto businesses comply with the Travel Rule. #DiscoverShyft

They also act like your cosmic data traffic controller. This simply means, they only move your crucial info when you say so, providing a secure pathway like Veriscope does for VASPs (crypto businesses) under the Travel Rule. There is more to learn about Shyft Network follow closely.

#secure #trust #crypto #shyftnetwork
Fraud in the Telegram application Personal experience I was in one of the chats of one of the projects on Telegram about crypto field And I sent a message in the public chat about my problem , and if a moderator in the group says to me « contact me privately    I did what he ordered me and I sent him on private, but he deceived me for a small amount.... Then when I complained to the main CEO of the project, they told me, unfortunately, and they did nothing only they fired the moderator Don't trust anyone #Write2Earn$ #trust
Fraud in the Telegram application

Personal experience
I was in one of the chats of one of the projects on Telegram about crypto field
And I sent a message in the public chat about my problem , and if a moderator in the group says to me « contact me privately
I did what he ordered me and I sent him on
private, but he deceived me for a small amount.... Then when I complained to the main CEO of the project, they told me, unfortunately, and they did nothing only they fired the moderator

Don't trust anyone

#Write2Earn$ #trust
1. Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Bank, a major Japanese financial institution, partners with Ginco, a Web3 development company, to launch a crypto asset #trust service. 2. The new service, set to debut later this year, combines the expertise of both companies in traditional finance and blockchain technology. 3. The collaboration aims to offer #secure and reliable digital asset #management solutions to meet the growing demand from institutional and retail investors. 4. Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Bank's entry into the crypto space demonstrates its commitment to adapting to the evolving industry landscape. 5. The #launch of the crypto asset trust service will be closely observed for its impact on the traditional finance sector and digital asset management.
1. Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Bank, a major Japanese financial institution, partners with Ginco, a Web3 development company, to launch a crypto asset #trust service.

2. The new service, set to debut later this year, combines the expertise of both companies in traditional finance and blockchain technology.

3. The collaboration aims to offer #secure and reliable digital asset #management solutions to meet the growing demand from institutional and retail investors.

4. Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Bank's entry into the crypto space demonstrates its commitment to adapting to the evolving industry landscape.

5. The #launch of the crypto asset trust service will be closely observed for its impact on the traditional finance sector and digital asset management.
- #Bitcoin mining has faced criticism for its environmental impact due to energy consumption. - The industry is progressing towards decarbonization by adopting renewable energy sources to reduce the carbon footprint. - Initiatives include utilizing solar, wind, hydroelectric power, and energy recycling solutions. - The demand for environmentally sustainable practices is driving the shift towards greener alternatives in Bitcoin mining. - #Polygon Labs collaborates with Meroku and its Protocol V2 to enhance the DApp Store Kit. - The #DApp Store Kit empowers developers to establish distribution, management, and governance rules while retaining branding and monetization control. - Meroku introduces ".appStore" and ".dev" domains to the DApp registry, offering developers registration control and the ability to design app stores independently. - This #partnership allows developers to break free from centralized databases and encourages a more decentralized approach. - An upcoming Verification Label for DApps will promote transparency and #trust within the ecosystem. $BTC $MATIC $BNB
- #Bitcoin mining has faced criticism for its environmental impact due to energy consumption.

- The industry is progressing towards decarbonization by adopting renewable energy sources to reduce the carbon footprint.

- Initiatives include utilizing solar, wind, hydroelectric power, and energy recycling solutions.

- The demand for environmentally sustainable practices is driving the shift towards greener alternatives in Bitcoin mining.

- #Polygon Labs collaborates with Meroku and its Protocol V2 to enhance the DApp Store Kit.

- The #DApp Store Kit empowers developers to establish distribution, management, and governance rules while retaining branding and monetization control.

- Meroku introduces ".appStore" and ".dev" domains to the DApp registry, offering developers registration control and the ability to design app stores independently.

- This #partnership allows developers to break free from centralized databases and encourages a more decentralized approach.

- An upcoming Verification Label for DApps will promote transparency and #trust within the ecosystem.