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ما هي عمليات الاحتيال في العملات المشفرة المعروفة بـ‎ (Rug Pulls) ‎ وكيفية تجنبها في عملات الميم؟يشهد سوق العملات المشفرة فرصًا واسعة للنمو، لكنه أيضًا يواجه أخطار كبيرة، خاصةً عندما يتعلق الأمر بعملات الميم. إحدى أخطر هذه المخاطر هي (Rug Pulls) وهي عملية احتيال حيث يختفي مطورو المشروع مع أموال المستثمرين بعد جمعها. مع زيادة شعبية عملات الميم، تزايدت أيضًا هذه العمليات الاحتيالية، مما يجعل من الضروري على المستثمرين فهم هذا النوع من الاحتيال وكيفية تجنبه. ما هو (Rug Pulls) في العملات المشفرة؟ (Rug Pulls) يحدث عندما يقوم مطورو مشروع العملة المشفرة بإنشاء عملة جديدة، ويقومون بالترويج لها لجذب المستثمرين، ثم يختفون مع الأموال التي تم جمعها. يحدث هذا الاحتيال عادةً من خلال التلاعب بسيولة العملة، مما يجعل من المستحيل على المستثمرين بيع أو استبدال عملاتهم، تاركينهم بعملات عديمة القيمة. تنتشر هذه العمليات بشكل خاص في مشاريع التمويل اللامركزي (DeFi) وداخل عالم عملات الميم، نظرًا لعدم وجود تنظيم كافٍ في هذا المجال. إن سهولة إنشاء هذه العملات والترويج لها عبر الإنترنت يجعل الأمر سهلاً للمحتالين لاستغلال السوق وتنفيذ عملية الاحتيال. أنواع عمليات (Rug Pulls) تأتي عمليات الاحتيال (Rug Pulls) بشكلين رئيسيين: 1.     سحب السيولة (Liquidity Rug Pull): يقوم المحتالون بإنشاء تجمع سيولة للعملة على بورصات لامركزية مثل (PancakeSwap) أو (Uniswap) بعد الترويج الضخم للعملة وجذب المستثمرين، يسحبون فجأة كل السيولة، مما يجعل من المستحيل على المستثمرين تداول العملة. 2.     التعدين أو الإغراق (Token Minting or Dumping): يحدث هذا النوع عندما يقوم المطورون بإنشاء كميات كبيرة من العملة الجديدة أو يمتلكون نسبة كبيرة من العملة. ينتظرون حتى يرتفع سعر العملة، ثم يبيعون كميات هائلة منها، مما يؤدي إلى انهيار السعر. ارتفاع عمليات الاحتيال في عملات الميم تشهد عملات الميم مثل (Dogecoin) و (Shiba Inu) شعبية متزايدة، مما جعلها هدفًا سهلًا للمحتالين. العديد من هذه العملات تعد بأرباح هائلة، مما يجذب المستثمرين الجدد. ولكن بدون وجود تنظيم كافٍ، يحدث العديد من عمليات الاحتيال في هذا السوق. على سبيل المثال، في عام 2021، تعرض المستثمرون للاحتيال في عملة (Squid Game Token) حيث اختفى المطورون مع ملايين الدولارات بعد ارتفاع قيمة العملة. كيفية تجنب الوقوع ضحية لـ (Rug Pulls) في عملات الميم: لتجنب الوقوع في فخ عمليات (Rug Pulls) يجب على المستثمرين اتباع بعض الخطوات الأساسية: 1.     البحث عن فريق المشروع: يجب أن يكون لفريق المشروع هوية واضحة وسجل موثوق. المشاريع التي يديرها مطورون مجهولون أو غير موثوقين تكون أكثر عرضة للاحتيال. 2.      فحص الكود وعمليات التدقيق: من المهم مراجعة الكود البرمجي للمشروع والتحقق مما إذا كان قد تم تدقيقه من قبل شركات مستقلة مثل (CertiK) أو (PeckShield) 3.     التحقق من السيولة وآليات القفل: يجب التأكد من أن السيولة اللازمة لتداول العملة مقفلة أو محروقة، مما يمنع المطورين من سحبها. 4.     تجنب المشاريع ذات الهيكل الغامض: احذر من المشاريع التي تقدم وعودًا مبالغًا فيها دون تقديم تفاصيل واضحة حول هيكل العملة أو خطط تطويرها. 5.     مراقبة نشاط المجتمع ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي: يجب أن يكون للمشروع تواصل مستمر وشفاف مع مجتمعه. المشروعات التي تعتمد على الوعود المبالغ فيها دون مشاركة حقيقية قد تكون مؤشرًا على الاحتيال. الخاتمة: في حين أن عملات الميم قد توفر فرصًا مغرية للربح، إلا أن المستثمرين بحاجة إلى توخي الحذر وإجراء أبحاث شاملة لتجنب الوقوع في عمليات الاحتيال. من خلال البحث عن فريق المشروع، فحص الكود، والتحقق من آليات السيولة، يمكن للمستثمرين تقليل أخطار الوقوع في فخ (Rug Pulls). للمزيد من المعلومات حول كيفية تجنب عمليات الاحتيال في عملات الميم، يمكن زيارة هذا المدونة: ====================== وكالعادة، من المهم إجراء بحثك الخاص والنظر في مدى تحملك للمخاطر قبل اتخاذ أي قرارات استثمارية. وابقَ على اطلاع من خلال التحقق من أحدث الأسعار والاتجاهات في السوق ومتابعتي على السوشل ميديا، واعتبر استغلال الظروف الحالية للسوق لتعزيز محفظتك من العملات الرقمية. كتبه: الدكتور محمد الحميري @AlhemairyM #دوج #BinanceBlockchainWeek #rugpull

ما هي عمليات الاحتيال في العملات المشفرة المعروفة بـ‎ (Rug Pulls) ‎ وكيفية تجنبها في عملات الميم؟

يشهد سوق العملات المشفرة فرصًا واسعة للنمو، لكنه أيضًا يواجه أخطار كبيرة، خاصةً عندما يتعلق الأمر بعملات الميم. إحدى أخطر هذه المخاطر هي (Rug Pulls) وهي عملية احتيال حيث يختفي مطورو المشروع مع أموال المستثمرين بعد جمعها. مع زيادة شعبية عملات الميم، تزايدت أيضًا هذه العمليات الاحتيالية، مما يجعل من الضروري على المستثمرين فهم هذا النوع من الاحتيال وكيفية تجنبه.
ما هو (Rug Pulls) في العملات المشفرة؟
(Rug Pulls) يحدث عندما يقوم مطورو مشروع العملة المشفرة بإنشاء عملة جديدة، ويقومون بالترويج لها لجذب المستثمرين، ثم يختفون مع الأموال التي تم جمعها. يحدث هذا الاحتيال عادةً من خلال التلاعب بسيولة العملة، مما يجعل من المستحيل على المستثمرين بيع أو استبدال عملاتهم، تاركينهم بعملات عديمة القيمة.
تنتشر هذه العمليات بشكل خاص في مشاريع التمويل اللامركزي (DeFi) وداخل عالم عملات الميم، نظرًا لعدم وجود تنظيم كافٍ في هذا المجال. إن سهولة إنشاء هذه العملات والترويج لها عبر الإنترنت يجعل الأمر سهلاً للمحتالين لاستغلال السوق وتنفيذ عملية الاحتيال.

أنواع عمليات (Rug Pulls)
تأتي عمليات الاحتيال (Rug Pulls) بشكلين رئيسيين:
1.     سحب السيولة (Liquidity Rug Pull): يقوم المحتالون بإنشاء تجمع سيولة للعملة على بورصات لامركزية مثل (PancakeSwap) أو (Uniswap) بعد الترويج الضخم للعملة وجذب المستثمرين، يسحبون فجأة كل السيولة، مما يجعل من المستحيل على المستثمرين تداول العملة.
2.     التعدين أو الإغراق (Token Minting or Dumping): يحدث هذا النوع عندما يقوم المطورون بإنشاء كميات كبيرة من العملة الجديدة أو يمتلكون نسبة كبيرة من العملة. ينتظرون حتى يرتفع سعر العملة، ثم يبيعون كميات هائلة منها، مما يؤدي إلى انهيار السعر.
ارتفاع عمليات الاحتيال في عملات الميم
تشهد عملات الميم مثل (Dogecoin) و (Shiba Inu) شعبية متزايدة، مما جعلها هدفًا سهلًا للمحتالين. العديد من هذه العملات تعد بأرباح هائلة، مما يجذب المستثمرين الجدد. ولكن بدون وجود تنظيم كافٍ، يحدث العديد من عمليات الاحتيال في هذا السوق.
على سبيل المثال، في عام 2021، تعرض المستثمرون للاحتيال في عملة (Squid Game Token) حيث اختفى المطورون مع ملايين الدولارات بعد ارتفاع قيمة العملة.

كيفية تجنب الوقوع ضحية لـ (Rug Pulls) في عملات الميم:
لتجنب الوقوع في فخ عمليات (Rug Pulls) يجب على المستثمرين اتباع بعض الخطوات الأساسية:
1.     البحث عن فريق المشروع:
يجب أن يكون لفريق المشروع هوية واضحة وسجل موثوق. المشاريع التي يديرها مطورون مجهولون أو غير موثوقين تكون أكثر عرضة للاحتيال.
2.      فحص الكود وعمليات التدقيق:
من المهم مراجعة الكود البرمجي للمشروع والتحقق مما إذا كان قد تم تدقيقه من قبل شركات مستقلة مثل (CertiK) أو (PeckShield)
3.     التحقق من السيولة وآليات القفل:
يجب التأكد من أن السيولة اللازمة لتداول العملة مقفلة أو محروقة، مما يمنع المطورين من سحبها.
4.     تجنب المشاريع ذات الهيكل الغامض:
احذر من المشاريع التي تقدم وعودًا مبالغًا فيها دون تقديم تفاصيل واضحة حول هيكل العملة أو خطط تطويرها.
5.     مراقبة نشاط المجتمع ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي:
يجب أن يكون للمشروع تواصل مستمر وشفاف مع مجتمعه. المشروعات التي تعتمد على الوعود المبالغ فيها دون مشاركة حقيقية قد تكون مؤشرًا على الاحتيال.

في حين أن عملات الميم قد توفر فرصًا مغرية للربح، إلا أن المستثمرين بحاجة إلى توخي الحذر وإجراء أبحاث شاملة لتجنب الوقوع في عمليات الاحتيال. من خلال البحث عن فريق المشروع، فحص الكود، والتحقق من آليات السيولة، يمكن للمستثمرين تقليل أخطار الوقوع في فخ (Rug Pulls).
للمزيد من المعلومات حول كيفية تجنب عمليات الاحتيال في عملات الميم، يمكن زيارة هذا المدونة:
وكالعادة، من المهم إجراء بحثك الخاص والنظر في مدى تحملك للمخاطر قبل اتخاذ أي قرارات استثمارية. وابقَ على اطلاع من خلال التحقق من أحدث الأسعار والاتجاهات في السوق ومتابعتي على السوشل ميديا، واعتبر استغلال الظروف الحالية للسوق لتعزيز محفظتك من العملات الرقمية.

كتبه: الدكتور محمد الحميري @AlhemairyM
#دوج #BinanceBlockchainWeek #rugpull
😟 CAUTION: #ArbiSwap developers accused of rug pulling their users by transferring the smart contract to a new address with a malicious function. Whistleblowers advise the community to avoid interacting with the website. #rugpull #crypto2023 #dyor #hack
😟 CAUTION: #ArbiSwap developers accused of rug pulling their users by transferring the smart contract to a new address with a malicious function. Whistleblowers advise the community to avoid interacting with the website.
#rugpull #crypto2023 #dyor #hack
Các quỹ ETF Bitcoin có trụ sở tại Hoa Kỳ đã ghi nhận một lượng giao dịch kỷ lục lên đến 10 tỷ đô la vào ngày 5 tháng 3, vượt qua kỷ lục 7,7 tỷ đô la tuần trước. Các quỹ này bao gồm iShares #BitcoinETF💰💰💰  (IBIT) của BlackRock, Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) và Quỹ Bitcoin Origin của Fidelity Wise (FBTC). IBIT có khối lượng lớn nhất đạt 3,7 tỷ đô la. Mặc dù Bitcoin đã đạt mức giá cao nhất mọi thời đại là 69.200 đô la vào ngày 5 tháng 3, nhưng sau đó giảm khoảng 12% xuống mức thấp nhất là 60.860 đô la. Tuy nhiên, sự hồi phục một phần đã đưa giá lên 63.350 đô la. Các quỹ ETF Bitcoin cũng đã ghi nhận giảm giá tương tự, giảm khoảng 8,6% trong ngày. Các nhà phân tích nhấn mạnh rằng sự thay đổi giá đột ngột là một phần của "nghi thức hàng tháng trong thị trường tăng giá" và chỉ trích những người mới sử dụng Bitcoin thông qua các quỹ ETF. #rugpull #Write2Earn‬
Các quỹ ETF Bitcoin có trụ sở tại Hoa Kỳ đã ghi nhận một lượng giao dịch kỷ lục lên đến 10 tỷ đô la vào ngày 5 tháng 3, vượt qua kỷ lục 7,7 tỷ đô la tuần trước. Các quỹ này bao gồm iShares #BitcoinETF💰💰💰  (IBIT) của BlackRock, Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) và Quỹ Bitcoin Origin của Fidelity Wise (FBTC). IBIT có khối lượng lớn nhất đạt 3,7 tỷ đô la. Mặc dù Bitcoin đã đạt mức giá cao nhất mọi thời đại là 69.200 đô la vào ngày 5 tháng 3, nhưng sau đó giảm khoảng 12% xuống mức thấp nhất là 60.860 đô la. Tuy nhiên, sự hồi phục một phần đã đưa giá lên 63.350 đô la. Các quỹ ETF Bitcoin cũng đã ghi nhận giảm giá tương tự, giảm khoảng 8,6% trong ngày. Các nhà phân tích nhấn mạnh rằng sự thay đổi giá đột ngột là một phần của "nghi thức hàng tháng trong thị trường tăng giá" và chỉ trích những người mới sử dụng Bitcoin thông qua các quỹ ETF.

"Multichain Drain/Rugpull: Concerns Arise as Multiple Bridges Drained in Suspicious Activity"In a surprising turn of events, the Multichain platform has witnessed a sudden halt in activity, sparking suspicions of a potential hack or rugpull rather than a planned migration. Alarming reports have emerged of multiple bridges being drained, indicating a possible breach in the system's security. However, there is a silver lining as it seems that there is no immediate need to revoke approvals. The timeline of events paints a concerning picture: 4:21 PM UTC - First Suspicious Transaction: A transaction is sent, raising eyebrows regarding its nature and intent. Link to transaction 6:33 PM UTC - Draining of 30MM WBTC from Multichain Bridge: Disturbingly, a significant amount of Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) and other assets are withdrawn from the Multichain bridge. Link to transaction 7:06 PM UTC - PeckShield's Warning: Renowned blockchain security firm, PeckShield, tweets about the situation, further fueling concerns among the crypto community. Link to tweet 7:35 PM UTC - LayerZero Denies Involvement: LayerZero, a prominent blockchain infrastructure provider, confirms that they are not directly involved in the suspicious activities, adding another layer of uncertainty to the situation. 7:46 PM UTC - Drainage of Moonriver Bridge: The draining spree expands as the Multichain Moonriver bridge falls victim to the mysterious transactions. Link to transaction 8:05 PM UTC - Draining of Dogechain Bridge: The Multichain Dogechain bridge becomes the next target of the ongoing drainage, deepening concerns about the extent of the breach. Link to transaction The series of events has left the cryptocurrency community on edge as they await further information about the motives behind these suspicious activities. The draining of multiple bridges suggests a coordinated effort to siphon funds from the Multichain ecosystem. Despite the gravity of the situation, there is some relief in the fact that approvals do not require immediate revocation. However, it is crucial for users and stakeholders to exercise caution and closely monitor developments surrounding Multichain to safeguard their assets. As investigations unfold, the Multichain team must work swiftly to identify the root cause of these incidents, enhance security measures, and provide transparent updates to regain the trust of their users and the wider cryptocurrency community. #hackers #rugpull #multichain #MULTI $MULTI

"Multichain Drain/Rugpull: Concerns Arise as Multiple Bridges Drained in Suspicious Activity"

In a surprising turn of events, the Multichain platform has witnessed a sudden halt in activity, sparking suspicions of a potential hack or rugpull rather than a planned migration. Alarming reports have emerged of multiple bridges being drained, indicating a possible breach in the system's security. However, there is a silver lining as it seems that there is no immediate need to revoke approvals.

The timeline of events paints a concerning picture:

4:21 PM UTC - First Suspicious Transaction: A transaction is sent, raising eyebrows regarding its nature and intent. Link to transaction

6:33 PM UTC - Draining of 30MM WBTC from Multichain Bridge: Disturbingly, a significant amount of Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) and other assets are withdrawn from the Multichain bridge. Link to transaction

7:06 PM UTC - PeckShield's Warning: Renowned blockchain security firm, PeckShield, tweets about the situation, further fueling concerns among the crypto community. Link to tweet

7:35 PM UTC - LayerZero Denies Involvement: LayerZero, a prominent blockchain infrastructure provider, confirms that they are not directly involved in the suspicious activities, adding another layer of uncertainty to the situation.

7:46 PM UTC - Drainage of Moonriver Bridge: The draining spree expands as the Multichain Moonriver bridge falls victim to the mysterious transactions. Link to transaction

8:05 PM UTC - Draining of Dogechain Bridge: The Multichain Dogechain bridge becomes the next target of the ongoing drainage, deepening concerns about the extent of the breach. Link to transaction

The series of events has left the cryptocurrency community on edge as they await further information about the motives behind these suspicious activities. The draining of multiple bridges suggests a coordinated effort to siphon funds from the Multichain ecosystem.

Despite the gravity of the situation, there is some relief in the fact that approvals do not require immediate revocation. However, it is crucial for users and stakeholders to exercise caution and closely monitor developments surrounding Multichain to safeguard their assets.

As investigations unfold, the Multichain team must work swiftly to identify the root cause of these incidents, enhance security measures, and provide transparent updates to regain the trust of their users and the wider cryptocurrency community.

#hackers #rugpull #multichain #MULTI $MULTI
hahaha have you seen the magic #BTC #rugpull #correction I knew it it was gonna happen , the movement was un-natural the chart , the calculation all were against btc charts and whales contribution both equally matters but this is whale's shit whales only motive is increasing price and take profit and leave the market in bleeding now let's wait my instinct says it will go just a little up for the last time then it will fall more I have suggested some coins earlier pick those in spot when another correction hits correction will be early #dyor happy investing not trading

have you seen the magic

#rugpull #correction

I knew it it was gonna happen , the movement was un-natural

the chart , the calculation all were against btc

charts and whales contribution both equally matters

but this is whale's shit

whales only motive is increasing price and take profit and leave the market in bleeding

now let's wait

my instinct says it will go just a little up for the last time then it will fall more

I have suggested some coins earlier
pick those in spot when another correction hits

correction will be early

happy investing
not trading
A study has revealed that in the third quarter of 2023, there were a total of 117 hacks, resulting in the theft of $720 million. These attacks included access control breaches, reentrancy #exploits , and rug pulls. Notably, while the losses stemming from rug-pull incidents amounted to $49.80 million, they were considerably lower than the $449 million lost due to access control breaches and reentrancy attacks. However, the study data indicates that #rugpull incidents were the most common type of #cyberattack during this period.
A study has revealed that in the third quarter of 2023, there were a total of 117 hacks, resulting in the theft of $720 million. These attacks included access control breaches, reentrancy #exploits , and rug pulls. Notably, while the losses stemming from rug-pull incidents amounted to $49.80 million, they were considerably lower than the $449 million lost due to access control breaches and reentrancy attacks. However, the study data indicates that #rugpull incidents were the most common type of #cyberattack during this period.
$PDA what have i told you guys? Developers are dumping their bags. The last 2 days more than 80 millions PDA were deposited from Upbit wallet or dev wallet to Binance, and PDA suffered a heavy dump. #rugpull #ScamDump #stopthescam Look at the figures, don’t invest with your emotion.
$PDA what have i told you guys? Developers are dumping their bags. The last 2 days more than 80 millions PDA were deposited from Upbit wallet or dev wallet to Binance, and PDA suffered a heavy dump.
Look at the figures, don’t invest with your emotion.
Rugpulled 'AI-Based' Harvest Keeper dApp Drains $1M From Users MoneyThe #HarvestKeeper #Dapps has shown to be a scam, with the crew stealing approximately $1 million from consumers. The project claimed to employ #ai to provide investors with large profits. There are reports that the AI-powered dApp Harvest Keeper is a rug pull scam. Numerous #cryptocurrency security firms, including CertiK, have stated that the initiative has yanked the rug from under their feet, stealing roughly $1 million. Individuals are asked not to contact with any of the project's URLs, based on the firms. CertiK claims that, The Harvest Keeper contract was drained by a privileged getAmount function that transmitted over $700,000 in USDT to an address. It also indicated that users' assets were stolen through ice phishing transactions on BSC, Ethereum, and Polygon. In this manner, around $219,000 was stolen. Ice phishing is a web3 attack that tricks users into manually signing and authorizing permissions. Fi's division also requested that customers revoke smart contract permissions as soon as feasible. The #rugpull is yet another fraud to strike the market, which has seen its reputation tarnished as a result of similar instances. To some extent, AI-mania has taken over the crypto industry, with several associated projects experiencing rapid development. Harvest Keeper appears to have taken advantage of this. What Exactly Is Harvest Keeper? Harvest Keeper claimed to use artificial intelligence, portraying itself as "an new initiative based on artificial intelligence that fully eliminates the human aspect from trade, offering the chance to produce money 24 hours a day." The project promised participants daily payouts of 4.81%, with the investment increasing to 101% in three weeks. Harvest Keeper, in particular, stated that consumers might benefit from a high-efficiency automated trading system. The idea promoted itself as a platform that could assist consumers in volatile market conditions. People Are Eager To Recover Their Money The crypto community is understandably outraged, with some pleading with Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao for assistance. Others have been urged not to open any links that Harvest Keeper claims will assist them. There has been no indication of the attacker's identity. But, because the theft occurred so recently, this could change. In any case, users will have to struggle to get their money returned, which is a recurring theme running across the market as it experiences numerous unfavorable instances.

Rugpulled 'AI-Based' Harvest Keeper dApp Drains $1M From Users Money

The #HarvestKeeper #Dapps has shown to be a scam, with the crew stealing approximately $1 million from consumers. The project claimed to employ #ai to provide investors with large profits.

There are reports that the AI-powered dApp Harvest Keeper is a rug pull scam. Numerous #cryptocurrency security firms, including CertiK, have stated that the initiative has yanked the rug from under their feet, stealing roughly $1 million. Individuals are asked not to contact with any of the project's URLs, based on the firms.

CertiK claims that, The Harvest Keeper contract was drained by a privileged getAmount function that transmitted over $700,000 in USDT to an address. It also indicated that users' assets were stolen through ice phishing transactions on BSC, Ethereum, and Polygon. In this manner, around $219,000 was stolen.

Ice phishing is a web3 attack that tricks users into manually signing and authorizing permissions. Fi's division also requested that customers revoke smart contract permissions as soon as feasible.

The #rugpull is yet another fraud to strike the market, which has seen its reputation tarnished as a result of similar instances. To some extent, AI-mania has taken over the crypto industry, with several associated projects experiencing rapid development. Harvest Keeper appears to have taken advantage of this.

What Exactly Is Harvest Keeper?

Harvest Keeper claimed to use artificial intelligence, portraying itself as "an new initiative based on artificial intelligence that fully eliminates the human aspect from trade, offering the chance to produce money 24 hours a day."

The project promised participants daily payouts of 4.81%, with the investment increasing to 101% in three weeks.

Harvest Keeper, in particular, stated that consumers might benefit from a high-efficiency automated trading system. The idea promoted itself as a platform that could assist consumers in volatile market conditions.

People Are Eager To Recover Their Money

The crypto community is understandably outraged, with some pleading with Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao for assistance. Others have been urged not to open any links that Harvest Keeper claims will assist them.

There has been no indication of the attacker's identity. But, because the theft occurred so recently, this could change. In any case, users will have to struggle to get their money returned, which is a recurring theme running across the market as it experiences numerous unfavorable instances.
Kokomo Finance Suffers Additional $1.5M Loss In Latest Rug Pull, Bringing Total To $5.5MIn the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), rug pulls have become an all too common occurrence, leaving investors with significant losses. The latest victim is Kokomo Finance (KOKO), a DeFi platform that has lost an additional $1.5 million due to a rug pull. According to a tweet by blockchain security firm Beosin, the malicious developers behind the project exploited the implementation contract to execute this fraudulent activity. This move has left investors in the lurch and added to the already staggering total rug amount of $5.5 million. @azcoinnews The incident occurred on March 31, when the developers modified the implementation contract and managed to rug $1.5 million. As per Beosin’s tweet, a total of 28 BTC were bridged to the 0xf650 address on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and 22 BTC were transferred to the 0xf650 address on Arbitrum. This means that the funds have been siphoned off to these addresses and are no longer accessible to the investors. The rug pull has left investors in a state of shock and dismay, as they were hoping for a positive outcome from their investment in the project. With the total rug amount now standing at $5.5 million, it is clear that the developers behind Kokomo Finance had no intention of honoring their commitments. The incident highlights the need for increased security measures in the DeFi space and the importance of conducting due diligence before investing in any project. While the decentralized nature of DeFi allows for greater freedom and flexibility, it also opens up the platform to malicious actors who exploit vulnerabilities in the system. As investors in Kokomo Finance come to terms with their losses, it is a stark reminder of the risks involved in investing in DeFi projects. The onus is on developers to ensure the security and integrity of their projects, and investors must exercise caution and vigilance before making any investments. #Kokomofinance #KOKO #scams #rugpull #azcoinnews This article was republished from

Kokomo Finance Suffers Additional $1.5M Loss In Latest Rug Pull, Bringing Total To $5.5M

In the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), rug pulls have become an all too common occurrence, leaving investors with significant losses. The latest victim is Kokomo Finance (KOKO), a DeFi platform that has lost an additional $1.5 million due to a rug pull.

According to a tweet by blockchain security firm Beosin, the malicious developers behind the project exploited the implementation contract to execute this fraudulent activity. This move has left investors in the lurch and added to the already staggering total rug amount of $5.5 million.


The incident occurred on March 31, when the developers modified the implementation contract and managed to rug $1.5 million. As per Beosin’s tweet, a total of 28 BTC were bridged to the 0xf650 address on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and 22 BTC were transferred to the 0xf650 address on Arbitrum. This means that the funds have been siphoned off to these addresses and are no longer accessible to the investors.

The rug pull has left investors in a state of shock and dismay, as they were hoping for a positive outcome from their investment in the project. With the total rug amount now standing at $5.5 million, it is clear that the developers behind Kokomo Finance had no intention of honoring their commitments.

The incident highlights the need for increased security measures in the DeFi space and the importance of conducting due diligence before investing in any project. While the decentralized nature of DeFi allows for greater freedom and flexibility, it also opens up the platform to malicious actors who exploit vulnerabilities in the system.

As investors in Kokomo Finance come to terms with their losses, it is a stark reminder of the risks involved in investing in DeFi projects. The onus is on developers to ensure the security and integrity of their projects, and investors must exercise caution and vigilance before making any investments.

#Kokomofinance #KOKO #scams #rugpull #azcoinnews

This article was republished from

This Cryptocurrency Plunges by 90%: Rug Pull? #cryptonews #crypto2023 Despite the ongoing bullish condition of the cryptocurrency market, some crypto assets are on a downfall. One of them, named CryptoPawCoin (CPRC), leads the pack, being approximately 90% down for the past 24 hours (per CoinGecko’s data). The token, which saw the light of day earlier this month, made the headlines in mid-October when its price exploded by almost 700%. However, some might have doubted its legitimacy due to various reasons, including the fact that CoinMarketCap did not initially add it to its platform. Moreover, the information about CPRC seems to be scarce. According to its official website, the coin is a “revolutionary cryptocurrency project that merges cutting-edge blockchain technology with a fervent commitment to animal welfare.” “By creating a transparent, efficient, and accountable platform, CPRC aims to transform the way we support animal shelters, rescue organizations, and wildlife conservation efforts,” the team added. It remains unclear whether the price crash is a consequence of a rug pull, a type of fraud where the people behind a certain project run with investors’ funds by selling or draining its liquidity #CryptoTalks #scam #rugpull
This Cryptocurrency Plunges by 90%: Rug Pull?
#cryptonews #crypto2023

Despite the ongoing bullish condition of the cryptocurrency market, some crypto assets are on a downfall. One of them, named CryptoPawCoin (CPRC), leads the pack, being approximately 90% down for the past 24 hours (per CoinGecko’s data).

The token, which saw the light of day earlier this month, made the headlines in mid-October when its price exploded by almost 700%. However, some might have doubted its legitimacy due to various reasons, including the fact that CoinMarketCap did not initially add it to its platform.

Moreover, the information about CPRC seems to be scarce. According to its official website, the coin is a “revolutionary cryptocurrency project that merges cutting-edge blockchain technology with a fervent commitment to animal welfare.”

“By creating a transparent, efficient, and accountable platform, CPRC aims to transform the way we support animal shelters, rescue organizations, and wildlife conservation efforts,” the team added.

It remains unclear whether the price crash is a consequence of a rug pull, a type of fraud where the people behind a certain project run with investors’ funds by selling or draining its liquidity
#CryptoTalks #scam #rugpull
$WIF Look at their telegram, a lot of transactions daily, mainly people who believes their $1, 000-$100, 000 will become millions. Now, focus on what will happen to their funds. #rugpullalert #rugpull #warning
$WIF Look at their telegram, a lot of transactions daily, mainly people who believes their $1, 000-$100, 000 will become millions.

Now, focus on what will happen to their funds.

#rugpullalert #rugpull #warning
Scammer steals $743k in fake Linea token rug pull #cryptonews #CryptoTalks A new rug pull scam sees users lose several thousands of dollars to a fake Linea token project. Blockchain security analyst Certik identified a latest rug pull scam, as a fake Linea token project that scammed users out of nearly $743,000. Victims have stated that the scam was potentially conducted by a Russian user named ‘AltLex,’ who was promoting the token on social media. #CertiKSkynetAlert 🚨 We have seen an exit scam on a fake Linea token Eth: 0x00000000fEB6A772307C6aA88AB9D57b209aCb18 ~$743k has been deposited into Tornado Cash Victims report that the token was promoted by an individual with the username AltLex — CertiK Alert (@CertiKAlert) October 25, 2023 The scammer allegedly used a honeypotting technique, luring users away from the legitimate Linea token, which is an Ethereum scaling network. The scammer later deposited the entire amount to crypto mixer Tornado Cash, which has been recently accused of allowing criminals and North Korean hackers to launder millions of dollars worth of stolen crypto. This is a developing story; more details will be added as they are revealed. #scam #rugpull #trending
Scammer steals $743k in fake Linea token rug pull
#cryptonews #CryptoTalks

A new rug pull scam sees users lose several thousands of dollars to a fake Linea token project.

Blockchain security analyst Certik identified a latest rug pull scam, as a fake Linea token project that scammed users out of nearly $743,000. Victims have stated that the scam was potentially conducted by a Russian user named ‘AltLex,’ who was promoting the token on social media.

#CertiKSkynetAlert 🚨

We have seen an exit scam on a fake Linea token

Eth: 0x00000000fEB6A772307C6aA88AB9D57b209aCb18

~$743k has been deposited into Tornado Cash

Victims report that the token was promoted by an individual with the username AltLex

— CertiK Alert (@CertiKAlert) October 25, 2023

The scammer allegedly used a honeypotting technique, luring users away from the legitimate Linea token, which is an Ethereum scaling network. The scammer later deposited the entire amount to crypto mixer Tornado Cash, which has been recently accused of allowing criminals and North Korean hackers to launder millions of dollars worth of stolen crypto.

This is a developing story; more details will be added as they are revealed.
#scam #rugpull #trending
what's new today ? #RiskonBlast project has recently executed a #rugpull raising funds amounting to 500 ETH and then disappearing without a trace. This seems to be the first #scam on the #Blast L2 platform.
what's new today ?

#RiskonBlast project has recently executed a #rugpull raising funds amounting to 500 ETH and then disappearing without a trace. This seems to be the first #scam on the #Blast L2 platform.
How to detect rug pullHow to detect a rug pull There are several ways to detect a rug pull. Some of which will be mentioned here. Like and Share Thread 🧵 Four ways to Detect #rugpull ▪When developers are making money ▪The project arose out of nowhere ▪Developers that choose to remain anonymous ▪Liquidity issues ◾️When developers are making money Although this may not seem to be a fraud in a free market, it qualifies as such if the initiative was developed solely for this goal. malevolent developer, as in the previous two frauds, builds a project with an exaggerated value proposition. The project arose out of nowhere 👀 ◾️Rug pulls seem to appear out of nowhere, while legitimate cryptocurrencies and DeFi initiatives take years to build. These phony enterprises are often backed by a lot of hype, leveraging on currently prevalent cultural memes. Developers that choose to remain anonymous When the dev refuse to show his / her self The project meant be #Rugpull Founder meant be scared not to get catch 🤦🏽‍♂️ And fake his identity they may have excellent legal reasons for doing so, and you should probably avoid that coin. Liquidity issue You can’t check the liquidity of DeFi projects, but you can always do it with a cryptocurrency. Low liquidity suggests that converting the token to cash is difficult, which might be due to the creator having a limited amount of funding to manufacture the token

How to detect rug pull

How to detect a rug pull

There are several ways to detect a rug pull. Some of which will be mentioned here.

Like and Share

Thread 🧵

Four ways to Detect #rugpull

▪When developers are making money

▪The project arose out of nowhere

▪Developers that choose to remain anonymous

▪Liquidity issues

◾️When developers are making money

Although this may not seem to be a fraud in a free market, it qualifies as such if the initiative was developed solely for this goal.

malevolent developer, as in the previous two frauds, builds a project with an exaggerated value proposition.

The project arose out of nowhere 👀

◾️Rug pulls seem to appear out of nowhere, while legitimate cryptocurrencies and DeFi initiatives take years to build.

These phony enterprises are often backed by a lot of hype, leveraging on currently prevalent cultural memes.

Developers that choose to remain anonymous

When the dev refuse to show his / her self

The project meant be #Rugpull

Founder meant be scared not to get catch 🤦🏽‍♂️

And fake his identity

they may have excellent legal reasons for doing so, and you should probably avoid that coin.

Liquidity issue

You can’t check the liquidity of DeFi projects, but you can always do it with a cryptocurrency. Low liquidity suggests that converting the token to cash is difficult, which might be due to the creator having a limited amount of funding to manufacture the token
Crypto Drama Alert: STIMMY Plunge and Disappearing Act! 🚨💸🔍 STIMMY on #Ethereum has taken a steep nosedive, leaving the community in shock. 😱 On platform X ( Twitter ) @ stimmyerc, the face of the project, has vanished from social platforms, adding to the mystery. 🕵️ In a daring move, address 0xFC74…0832 swapped a whopping 1,112,705,482.7 #STIMMY for approximately ~43.8 $ETH , valued at around $78.8K. 💰💨 Note: Beware! The #rugpull token shares the same name as the legitimate ones. Exercise caution and do your research. 📚💡 💼💰 #CryptoNews 🙏 a small LIKE & FOLLOW , motivates me a LOT ❤️
Crypto Drama Alert: STIMMY Plunge and Disappearing Act! 🚨💸🔍

STIMMY on #Ethereum has taken a steep nosedive, leaving the community in shock. 😱
On platform X ( Twitter ) @ stimmyerc, the face of the project, has vanished from social platforms, adding to the mystery. 🕵️

In a daring move, address 0xFC74…0832 swapped a whopping 1,112,705,482.7 #STIMMY for approximately ~43.8 $ETH , valued at around $78.8K. 💰💨

Note: Beware! The #rugpull token shares the same name as the legitimate ones. Exercise caution and do your research. 📚💡 💼💰


🙏 a small LIKE & FOLLOW , motivates me a LOT ❤️
Safereum's $1.3M Exit: A Cautionary Tale in Crypto 🚨 The Hook Crypto fans, listen up! 📣 A new scandal has erupted in the crypto world, and it's a big one. Safereum, a once-promising project, has left investors high and dry. Let's unpack this mess. The Downfall 📉 Safereum, a crypto project that had recently raised around $600,000, is suspected of a 'rug pull.' The SAFEREUM token's price plummeted by a staggering 94%. What Happened? 🕵️ Here's the timeline: 1-Safereum raises $600,000 2-Token price drops by 94% 3-Official Twitter account deleted Accountability 🎯 Some big-name crypto influencers promoted Safereum. Now, they're facing backlash. Should they be held responsible? Your Two Cents 💡 To what extent should crypto influencers be held responsible for promoting projects that turn out to be scams? Chime in below! 👇 #safereum #rugpull #crypto #scandal #BinanceSquare
Safereum's $1.3M Exit: A Cautionary Tale in Crypto 🚨
The Hook
Crypto fans, listen up! 📣 A new scandal has erupted in the crypto world, and it's a big one. Safereum, a once-promising project, has left investors high and dry. Let's unpack this mess.
The Downfall 📉
Safereum, a crypto project that had recently raised around $600,000, is suspected of a 'rug pull.' The SAFEREUM token's price plummeted by a staggering 94%.
What Happened? 🕵️
Here's the timeline:
1-Safereum raises $600,000
2-Token price drops by 94%
3-Official Twitter account deleted
Accountability 🎯
Some big-name crypto influencers promoted Safereum. Now, they're facing backlash.
Should they be held responsible?
Your Two Cents 💡
To what extent should crypto influencers be held responsible for promoting projects that turn out to be scams? Chime in below! 👇
#safereum #rugpull #crypto #scandal #BinanceSquare
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