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ما وراء البيتكوين: الإيثريوم مقابل البيتكوين. كاردانو ضد. سولانا – السباق نحو القمة؟ سيطر البيتكوين على مشهد العملات المشفرة لسنوات، لكن ظهرت العديد من المنصات الجديدة التي تنافس على الهيمنة. في هذه المقالة، سنقوم بمقارنة بين ثلاث من أهم المنصات: الإيثريوم: منصة رائدة في مجال العقود الذكية، وتوفر إمكانية إنشاء تطبيقات لامركزية (dApps).كاردانو: منصة تركز على قابلية التوسع والأمان، وتستخدم نموذج إثبات الحصة (PoS) لتأمين الشبكة.سولانا: منصة تركز على السرعة والرسوم المنخفضة، وتستخدم تقنية جديدة تسمى "Sealevel" لتحقيق قابلية توسع عالية. المقارنة: المنصةالمميزاتالعيوبالإيثريوم:- أكبر قاعدة مستخدمين - أكبر مجموعة من التطبيقات اللامركزية (dApps) - بيئة تطوير قوية- رسوم عالية - قابلية توسع محدودةكاردانو:- نموذج إثبات الحصة (PoS) أكثر كفاءة من حيث الطاقة - قابلية توسع عالية - تركيز على الأمان- بيئة تطوير أقل نضجًا - عدد أقل من التطبيقات اللامركزية (dApps)سولانا:- سرعة عالية - رسوم منخفضة - قابلية توسع عالية- بيئة تطوير جديدة - عدد أقل من التطبيقات اللامركزية (dApps) - مخاوف أمنية #Cryptocurrency #ETHFI⁩ #Ethereum✅ #Solana #dapps السباق نحو القمة: لا يوجد منصة واحدة تفوز بكل شيء. فلكل منصة مزاياها وعيوبها. سيعتمد مستقبل كل منصة على قدرتها على تحسين نقاط ضعفها وتطوير ميزات جديدة. الخلاصة: يُعد مشهد العملات المشفرة سريع التغير، ولا يمكن التنبؤ بمنصة ستصبح المسيطرة في المستقبل. فمن المهم أن يقوم المستثمرون بإجراء أبحاثهم الخاصة وتقييم كل منصة بعناية قبل اتخاذ قرار الاستثمار. ملاحظات: هذه مجرد نظرة عامة سريعة على المنصات الثلاث.هناك العديد من العوامل الأخرى التي يجب مراعاتها عند اختيار منصة للاستثمار فيها.من المهم أن تقوم بإجراء أبحاثك الخاصة قبل اتخاذ أي قرارات استثمارية.

ما وراء البيتكوين: الإيثريوم مقابل البيتكوين. كاردانو ضد. سولانا – السباق نحو القمة؟

سيطر البيتكوين على مشهد العملات المشفرة لسنوات، لكن ظهرت العديد من المنصات الجديدة التي تنافس على الهيمنة.
في هذه المقالة، سنقوم بمقارنة بين ثلاث من أهم المنصات:
الإيثريوم: منصة رائدة في مجال العقود الذكية، وتوفر إمكانية إنشاء تطبيقات لامركزية (dApps).كاردانو: منصة تركز على قابلية التوسع والأمان، وتستخدم نموذج إثبات الحصة (PoS) لتأمين الشبكة.سولانا: منصة تركز على السرعة والرسوم المنخفضة، وتستخدم تقنية جديدة تسمى "Sealevel" لتحقيق قابلية توسع عالية.
المنصةالمميزاتالعيوبالإيثريوم:- أكبر قاعدة مستخدمين - أكبر مجموعة من التطبيقات اللامركزية (dApps) - بيئة تطوير قوية- رسوم عالية - قابلية توسع محدودةكاردانو:- نموذج إثبات الحصة (PoS) أكثر كفاءة من حيث الطاقة - قابلية توسع عالية - تركيز على الأمان- بيئة تطوير أقل نضجًا - عدد أقل من التطبيقات اللامركزية (dApps)سولانا:- سرعة عالية - رسوم منخفضة - قابلية توسع عالية- بيئة تطوير جديدة - عدد أقل من التطبيقات اللامركزية (dApps) - مخاوف أمنية
#Cryptocurrency #ETHFI⁩ #Ethereum✅ #Solana #dapps
السباق نحو القمة:
لا يوجد منصة واحدة تفوز بكل شيء.
فلكل منصة مزاياها وعيوبها.
سيعتمد مستقبل كل منصة على قدرتها على تحسين نقاط ضعفها وتطوير ميزات جديدة.
يُعد مشهد العملات المشفرة سريع التغير، ولا يمكن التنبؤ بمنصة ستصبح المسيطرة في المستقبل.
فمن المهم أن يقوم المستثمرون بإجراء أبحاثهم الخاصة وتقييم كل منصة بعناية قبل اتخاذ قرار الاستثمار.
هذه مجرد نظرة عامة سريعة على المنصات الثلاث.هناك العديد من العوامل الأخرى التي يجب مراعاتها عند اختيار منصة للاستثمار فيها.من المهم أن تقوم بإجراء أبحاثك الخاصة قبل اتخاذ أي قرارات استثمارية.
Evolving Trends in the dApp Landscape: Q2 Insights RevealedIntroduction: The Web3 ecosystem is experiencing continuous growth and innovation, with decentralized applications (dApps) playing a vital role. These disruptive software programs, running on blockchains and free from centralized control, aim to address privacy and censorship concerns prevalent in Web2 applications. As the dApp landscape evolves, industry analysts closely monitor its progress and impact on Web3 adoption. Recently, DappRadar, a global dApps tracking platform, published a report shedding light on the state of dApps in Q2 2023. Growing Engagement and Market Shifts: The report highlighted a significant development in the form of an almost 8% increase in daily Unique Active wallets (dUAW) compared to the previous quarter. The rise in engagement signified the resilience and recovery of the market, which had faced regulatory challenges throughout Q2. While gaming retained its dominance in the dApp industry, accounting for 36% of the market share, decentralized finance (DeFi) witnessed substantial growth, capturing 32% of the market. This shift was attributed to the memecoin frenzy and increased activity by AirDrop hunters during April-May. Challenges in the DeFi Landscape: However, the DeFi sector faced headwinds during the quarter. The total value locked (TVL) in DeFi smart contracts experienced a 7% decline from the previous quarter. After a remarkable recovery in Q1, this drop raised concerns. Regulatory clampdowns by U.S.-based agencies could be one reason behind the decline, as indicated by the 19% TVL drop in the BNB Chain due to the lawsuit against parent company Binance. Additionally, extended periods of low market volatility deterred users from engaging in lending and borrowing activities, impacting DeFi volumes across decentralized exchanges (DEX). NFT Market Downturn: The NFT market also felt the impact of the market downturn, with a 38% drop in total trading volume, amounting to $2.9 billion in Q2. However, the decrease in sales was relatively mild, indicating sustained interest in NFTs among individual traders despite a decline in large-volume trades. The report highlighted the growth of Ordinals, the protocol facilitating the minting of fungible and non-fungible tokens on the Bitcoin network. Ordinals experienced an impressive 2834% increase in trading volume during Q2, driven by growing interest from retail traders and the BRC-20 token mania in May. Conclusion: The Q2 report from DappRadar provides valuable insights into the evolving dApp landscape. The rise in daily Unique Active wallets signifies market resilience, while shifts in dominance from gaming to DeFi highlight the sector's growth. However, challenges such as regulatory pressures and low market volatility affected the DeFi landscape and decentralized exchanges. The NFT market also experienced a downturn in trading volume, although sales remained relatively stable. The remarkable growth of Ordinals demonstrates the growing interest in minting tokens on the Bitcoin network. As the Web3 ecosystem continues to mature, monitoring these trends is crucial to understanding the trajectory of decentralized applications and their impact on the decentralized web. #trending #dapps #nfts #gaming #tvl

Evolving Trends in the dApp Landscape: Q2 Insights Revealed


The Web3 ecosystem is experiencing continuous growth and innovation, with decentralized applications (dApps) playing a vital role. These disruptive software programs, running on blockchains and free from centralized control, aim to address privacy and censorship concerns prevalent in Web2 applications. As the dApp landscape evolves, industry analysts closely monitor its progress and impact on Web3 adoption. Recently, DappRadar, a global dApps tracking platform, published a report shedding light on the state of dApps in Q2 2023.

Growing Engagement and Market Shifts:

The report highlighted a significant development in the form of an almost 8% increase in daily Unique Active wallets (dUAW) compared to the previous quarter. The rise in engagement signified the resilience and recovery of the market, which had faced regulatory challenges throughout Q2. While gaming retained its dominance in the dApp industry, accounting for 36% of the market share, decentralized finance (DeFi) witnessed substantial growth, capturing 32% of the market. This shift was attributed to the memecoin frenzy and increased activity by AirDrop hunters during April-May.

Challenges in the DeFi Landscape:

However, the DeFi sector faced headwinds during the quarter. The total value locked (TVL) in DeFi smart contracts experienced a 7% decline from the previous quarter. After a remarkable recovery in Q1, this drop raised concerns. Regulatory clampdowns by U.S.-based agencies could be one reason behind the decline, as indicated by the 19% TVL drop in the BNB Chain due to the lawsuit against parent company Binance. Additionally, extended periods of low market volatility deterred users from engaging in lending and borrowing activities, impacting DeFi volumes across decentralized exchanges (DEX).

NFT Market Downturn:

The NFT market also felt the impact of the market downturn, with a 38% drop in total trading volume, amounting to $2.9 billion in Q2. However, the decrease in sales was relatively mild, indicating sustained interest in NFTs among individual traders despite a decline in large-volume trades. The report highlighted the growth of Ordinals, the protocol facilitating the minting of fungible and non-fungible tokens on the Bitcoin network. Ordinals experienced an impressive 2834% increase in trading volume during Q2, driven by growing interest from retail traders and the BRC-20 token mania in May.


The Q2 report from DappRadar provides valuable insights into the evolving dApp landscape. The rise in daily Unique Active wallets signifies market resilience, while shifts in dominance from gaming to DeFi highlight the sector's growth. However, challenges such as regulatory pressures and low market volatility affected the DeFi landscape and decentralized exchanges. The NFT market also experienced a downturn in trading volume, although sales remained relatively stable. The remarkable growth of Ordinals demonstrates the growing interest in minting tokens on the Bitcoin network. As the Web3 ecosystem continues to mature, monitoring these trends is crucial to understanding the trajectory of decentralized applications and their impact on the decentralized web.

#trending #dapps #nfts #gaming #tvl
Could $GRT reach $1 or more by December 2024? Exploring The Graph (GRT): Bridging Blockchain Data with #web3 In the realm of Web3, where #dapps thrive, access to reliable and efficient data collection and indexing is paramount. Enter The Graph (GRT), a protocol harnessing the synergy of blockchain's open-source Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and #AI to fulfill this crucial need. At its core, The Graph leverages GraphQL, a revolutionary technology serving as a global API for data indexing, organization, and querying. This innovative approach not only enhances accessibility to blockchain data but also addresses centralized limitations that hinder scalability and security. In the arena of decentralized data protocols, The Graph emerges as a formidable contender. By focusing on eliminating centralized constraints such as query security, property finality, and chain reorganizations, and querying. The Graph sets itself apart as a robust solution for Web3 developers.With $GRT token currently hovering around $0.26 and experiencing a significant 36% drop in value over the past month, questions arise about its performance and market positioning. As the landscape of Web3 continues to evolve, The Graph remains an intriguing project to watch, navigating the complexities of decentralized data indexing and striving to redefine the future of blockchain-powered applications. Is it the right time to be a whale for $GRT ?
Could $GRT reach $1 or more by December 2024?

Exploring The Graph (GRT): Bridging Blockchain Data with #web3

In the realm of Web3, where #dapps thrive, access to reliable and efficient data collection and indexing is paramount. Enter The Graph (GRT), a protocol harnessing the synergy of blockchain's open-source Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and #AI to fulfill this crucial need.

At its core, The Graph leverages GraphQL, a revolutionary technology serving as a global API for data indexing, organization, and querying. This innovative approach not only enhances accessibility to blockchain data but also addresses centralized limitations that hinder scalability and security.

In the arena of decentralized data protocols, The Graph emerges as a formidable contender. By focusing on eliminating centralized constraints such as query security, property finality, and chain reorganizations, and querying.

The Graph sets itself apart as a robust solution for Web3 developers.With $GRT token currently hovering around $0.26 and experiencing a significant 36% drop in value over the past month, questions arise about its performance and market positioning.

As the landscape of Web3 continues to evolve, The Graph remains an intriguing project to watch, navigating the complexities of decentralized data indexing and striving to redefine the future of blockchain-powered applications.

Is it the right time to be a whale for $GRT ?
Artela, a startup that is building a base-layer blockchain network for large-scale decentralized applications (dApps), has secured over $6 million in a seed funding round led by Shima Capital. #blockchains #dapps #crypto2023
Artela, a startup that is building a base-layer blockchain network for large-scale decentralized applications (dApps), has secured over $6 million in a seed funding round led by Shima Capital.

#blockchains #dapps #crypto2023
UniLend’s V2 Permissionless Lending & Borrowing DApp is now listed on DappRadar! 🎉 🗺 DappRadar is the World’s #dapps store, and the starting point for the discovery of #Decentralized applications ( dapps ) across all blockchains and product categories. 📊Seamlessly track, conduct in-depth analysis, and gain insights into #UniLendV2 permissionless protocol. 📲Track our dApp here: $UFT
UniLend’s V2 Permissionless Lending & Borrowing DApp is now listed on DappRadar! 🎉

🗺 DappRadar is the World’s #dapps store, and the starting point for the discovery of #Decentralized applications ( dapps ) across all blockchains and product categories.

📊Seamlessly track, conduct in-depth analysis, and gain insights into #UniLendV2 permissionless protocol.

📲Track our dApp here:

Ethereum (ETH): Growth of DeFi and dApps: Ethereum will remain the leading platform for decentralized applications (dApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi), driving demand for ETH. Ethereum 2.0 Impact: The transition to Ethereum 2.0, which aims to improve scalability, security, and energy efficiency through proof-of-stake, will attract more developers and users to the network. Price Appreciation: As the network becomes more efficient and user-friendly, ETH is expected to see significant price appreciation over time. $ETH #etherreum #defi #dapps #Ethereum2
Ethereum (ETH):

Growth of DeFi and dApps: Ethereum will remain the leading platform for decentralized applications (dApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi), driving demand for ETH.
Ethereum 2.0 Impact: The transition to Ethereum 2.0, which aims to improve scalability, security, and energy efficiency through proof-of-stake, will attract more developers and users to the network.
Price Appreciation: As the network becomes more efficient and user-friendly, ETH is expected to see significant price appreciation over time.
$ETH #etherreum #defi #dapps #Ethereum2
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