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OpenSea:关于代币空投猜测你需要知道的一切三年前,NFT 热潮达到顶峰,月交易量达到数十亿美元,Bored Ape 游艇俱乐部也登上了《今夜秀》节目,如今,收藏类代币再次风靡一时,流行的 NFT 市场 OpenSea 也是如此。  NFT 交易量最近创下了三个月以来的新高,在市场竞争对手 Magic Eden 完成自己的 ME 空投后,有关潜在的 OpenSea 代币的猜测正在升温。  市场可能会也可能不会对此进行调侃,最近它向 X(以前的 Twitter)粉丝询问“您使用 OpenSea 多长时间了?”许多交易员认为这是对用户忠诚度的一种俏皮表示,这通常是平台确定代币空投分配的关键指标。 该公司最大的竞争对手 Blur 和 Magic Eden 都已向各自的用户完成了空投,后者在一周前向用户空投了超过 7 亿美元,OpenSea 曾在 2022 年以 133 亿美元的估值筹集资金后引领 NFT 世界,但此后随着新挑战者的到来而急剧下滑。 以下是我们所了解的有关 OpenSea 代币的可能性以及围绕该事件的猜测。 OpenSea 基金会成立 关于 OpenSea 代币空投的最大猜测来自最近在开曼群岛提交的 “OpenSea 基金会”申请。  该文件立即引起了加密货币参与者的兴趣,其中最引人注目的是来自化名加密货币名人 Wale.Swoosh 的一篇帖子,该帖子在 X 上获得了超过 140 万次的点击量。 加密组织通常会创建一个基金会,作为其更成熟、面向消费者的品牌的独立实体,从历史上看,这些基金会随后成为沟通和促进代币空投的组织机构。  虽然注册基金会并不能保证代币会随之而来,但最近向用户提供空投代币的其他组织都是通过各自的基金会这样做的。 最近的例子包括 Magic Eden 的 ME 基金会或以太坊第 2 层网络运动的 Movement Network 基金会。 OpenSea 的一位发言人向 Decrypt 证实该基金会确实是一个注册实体,但没有进一步评论与 OpenSea 的任何关联。 12 月 20 日,一个使用 OpenSea Foundation 名称的 X 帐户发布了 “ocean 进入聊天”的帖子,可能暗示 OCEAN 代币即将问世,这种关联变得更加清晰。 该账户于 2024 年 5 月创建,在平台上仅关注一个账户 - OpenSea,OpenSea 及其首席执行官 Devin Finzer 都通过各自的账户与该帖子进行了互动。 尽管细节仍然很少,但 OpenSea 基金会的一位发言人告诉 Decrypt:“更多信息即将公布。” OpenSea 2.0 预告 尽管许多 NFT 交易者在过去几年中一直敦促 OpenSea 推出代币,但围绕潜在代币的猜测在 11 月达到高潮。  当时,OpenSea 为一个完全重新构想的市场(名为 OpenSea 2.0)开放了一份候补名单,此前这家曾经的顶级 NFT 平台缩减了团队规模,以变得更加灵活并重新思考其模式。 OpenSea 首席执行官兼联合创始人 Devin Finzer 在 X 上发文称:“我们一直在 OpenSea 默默耕耘,要想真正创新,有时你必须退后一步,重新想象一切。”  等候名单开放后不久,OpenSea 2.0 的早期测试版用户就开始分享新功能的片段,这只会引发代币猜测。 在一个获得超过 360,000 次浏览量的帖子中,一位名为 john.weth 的匿名 beta 测试员展示了排行榜和积分耕作活动,暗示追溯奖励即将到来 - 尽管“如何以及采取何种措施”仍有待确定。 OpenSea 2.0 之前预计将于 12 月某个时候推出,但目前尚未提供任何更新,到目前为止,其候补名单已经收集了超过一百万个钱包。 交易员下注 尽管有关代币发行的细节尚不清楚,但根据 Polymarket 上的预测市场,加密货币投注者认为 OpenSea 空投的可能性正在增加。 例如,OpenSea 代币在 2024 年之前发布的几率现在已升至近 60%,上周上涨了 40%,12 月 20 日上午,这一几率曾一度跌至 20%,但在 OpenSea 基金会账户在 X 上发布消息后,这一几率急剧上升。 Polymarket 上其他可用的预测市场的空投赔率也随之上升。 一个允许用户押注 2025 年 4 月之前 OpenSea 代币空投的市场目前交易率为 82%,到目前为止,市场上的押注金额只有 50,000 美元。 至于该代币能否成功?Polymarket 市场上已有超过 200 万美元的赌注,用于预测 OpenSea 代币在推出一周后能否以超过 10 亿美元的全面摊薄估值进行交易。 上周,市场对代币发行的预期下降了 5%,交易员认为发行代币的概率为 56%,如果代币在 12 月 31 日前无法发行,那么市场对代币发行的预期将为 50-50,而这种情况似乎越来越不可能出现。 #OpenSea #Polymarket #空投 你关心的 OpenSea 内容 探索 | 收集 | 销售 | 购买 收藏关注 OpenSea 币安频道 掌握最新资讯


三年前,NFT 热潮达到顶峰,月交易量达到数十亿美元,Bored Ape 游艇俱乐部也登上了《今夜秀》节目,如今,收藏类代币再次风靡一时,流行的 NFT 市场 OpenSea 也是如此。 
NFT 交易量最近创下了三个月以来的新高,在市场竞争对手 Magic Eden 完成自己的 ME 空投后,有关潜在的 OpenSea 代币的猜测正在升温。 
市场可能会也可能不会对此进行调侃,最近它向 X(以前的 Twitter)粉丝询问“您使用 OpenSea 多长时间了?”许多交易员认为这是对用户忠诚度的一种俏皮表示,这通常是平台确定代币空投分配的关键指标。

该公司最大的竞争对手 Blur 和 Magic Eden 都已向各自的用户完成了空投,后者在一周前向用户空投了超过 7 亿美元,OpenSea 曾在 2022 年以 133 亿美元的估值筹集资金后引领 NFT 世界,但此后随着新挑战者的到来而急剧下滑。
以下是我们所了解的有关 OpenSea 代币的可能性以及围绕该事件的猜测。
OpenSea 基金会成立
关于 OpenSea 代币空投的最大猜测来自最近在开曼群岛提交的 “OpenSea 基金会”申请。 
该文件立即引起了加密货币参与者的兴趣,其中最引人注目的是来自化名加密货币名人 Wale.Swoosh 的一篇帖子,该帖子在 X 上获得了超过 140 万次的点击量。

最近的例子包括 Magic Eden 的 ME 基金会或以太坊第 2 层网络运动的 Movement Network 基金会。
OpenSea 的一位发言人向 Decrypt 证实该基金会确实是一个注册实体,但没有进一步评论与 OpenSea 的任何关联。
12 月 20 日,一个使用 OpenSea Foundation 名称的 X 帐户发布了 “ocean 进入聊天”的帖子,可能暗示 OCEAN 代币即将问世,这种关联变得更加清晰。

该账户于 2024 年 5 月创建,在平台上仅关注一个账户 - OpenSea,OpenSea 及其首席执行官 Devin Finzer 都通过各自的账户与该帖子进行了互动。
尽管细节仍然很少,但 OpenSea 基金会的一位发言人告诉 Decrypt:“更多信息即将公布。”
OpenSea 2.0 预告
尽管许多 NFT 交易者在过去几年中一直敦促 OpenSea 推出代币,但围绕潜在代币的猜测在 11 月达到高潮。 
当时,OpenSea 为一个完全重新构想的市场(名为 OpenSea 2.0)开放了一份候补名单,此前这家曾经的顶级 NFT 平台缩减了团队规模,以变得更加灵活并重新思考其模式。
OpenSea 首席执行官兼联合创始人 Devin Finzer 在 X 上发文称:“我们一直在 OpenSea 默默耕耘,要想真正创新,有时你必须退后一步,重新想象一切。” 
等候名单开放后不久,OpenSea 2.0 的早期测试版用户就开始分享新功能的片段,这只会引发代币猜测。

在一个获得超过 360,000 次浏览量的帖子中,一位名为 john.weth 的匿名 beta 测试员展示了排行榜和积分耕作活动,暗示追溯奖励即将到来 - 尽管“如何以及采取何种措施”仍有待确定。
OpenSea 2.0 之前预计将于 12 月某个时候推出,但目前尚未提供任何更新,到目前为止,其候补名单已经收集了超过一百万个钱包。
尽管有关代币发行的细节尚不清楚,但根据 Polymarket 上的预测市场,加密货币投注者认为 OpenSea 空投的可能性正在增加。
例如,OpenSea 代币在 2024 年之前发布的几率现在已升至近 60%,上周上涨了 40%,12 月 20 日上午,这一几率曾一度跌至 20%,但在 OpenSea 基金会账户在 X 上发布消息后,这一几率急剧上升。
Polymarket 上其他可用的预测市场的空投赔率也随之上升。

一个允许用户押注 2025 年 4 月之前 OpenSea 代币空投的市场目前交易率为 82%,到目前为止,市场上的押注金额只有 50,000 美元。
至于该代币能否成功?Polymarket 市场上已有超过 200 万美元的赌注,用于预测 OpenSea 代币在推出一周后能否以超过 10 亿美元的全面摊薄估值进行交易。
上周,市场对代币发行的预期下降了 5%,交易员认为发行代币的概率为 56%,如果代币在 12 月 31 日前无法发行,那么市场对代币发行的预期将为 50-50,而这种情况似乎越来越不可能出现。

#OpenSea #Polymarket #空投

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Midday News Update #Web3 📈 Ethereum Spot ETF records $47.59M net inflows yesterday 📊 ProShares files for 3 hedged ETFs tracking indices, gold, and Bitcoin with SEC 💹 Volatility Shares applies for leveraged ETF based on Solana futures 💰 US election boosts net worth of Ripple CEO and a16z co-founder 🔔 OpenSea Foundation spokesperson responds to token launch rumors: More information coming soon #Ethereum #ETF #ProShares #Solana #Ripple #OpenSea #Crypto #Web3
Midday News Update #Web3

📈 Ethereum Spot ETF records $47.59M net inflows yesterday

📊 ProShares files for 3 hedged ETFs tracking indices, gold, and Bitcoin with SEC

💹 Volatility Shares applies for leveraged ETF based on Solana futures

💰 US election boosts net worth of Ripple CEO and a16z co-founder

🔔 OpenSea Foundation spokesperson responds to token launch rumors: More information coming soon

#Ethereum #ETF #ProShares #Solana #Ripple #OpenSea #Crypto #Web3
OPENSEA BỊ TỐ “SHILL BẨN” CHO DỰ ÁN NFT FATZUKI ĐÃ DỪNG HOẠT ĐỘNG Cộng đồng đầu tư NFT trên X đã chia sẻ một bài đăng, cho thấy tài khoản chính thức của OpenSea đăng rồi lại xóa một bài viết đề cập đến FATZUKI - Một bộ sưu tập NFT ăn theo Azuki nhưng đã không có cập nhật gì từ cuối tháng 07/2023. Cộng đồng cáo buộc sàn đang cố tình sử dụng sức ảnh hưởng của mình để “thổi giá” lại cho bộ sưu tập NFT, từ đó làm thanh khoản để người khác "thoát hàng". Người dùng cũng phát hiện giao dịch bán FATZUKI ồ ạt sau khi dự án được OpenSea quảng bá. Theo CoinGecko, giá sàn của FATZUKI sau bài đăng của OpenSea đã tăng vọt lên gấp 6 lần. Sau bài đăng của OpenSea, tài khoản X của FATZUKI cũng đăng tải bài viết đầu tiên kể từ ngày 24/07, tuyên bố trong suốt thời gian qua chỉ đang “nghỉ ngơi”. Trong quá khứ, OpenSea cũng đã vướng phải cáo buộc giao dịch nội gián khi cựu giám đốc Nate Chastain đã sử dụng thông tin nội bộ để mua các NFT trước khi nó được niêm yết. Sau đó đã bị giới chức Mỹ bắt giữ và khởi tố, ông phải chịu 3 tháng tù. _____ #bitcoin #ethereum #crypto2023 #opensea

Cộng đồng đầu tư NFT trên X đã chia sẻ một bài đăng, cho thấy tài khoản chính thức của OpenSea đăng rồi lại xóa một bài viết đề cập đến FATZUKI - Một bộ sưu tập NFT ăn theo Azuki nhưng đã không có cập nhật gì từ cuối tháng 07/2023.

Cộng đồng cáo buộc sàn đang cố tình sử dụng sức ảnh hưởng của mình để “thổi giá” lại cho bộ sưu tập NFT, từ đó làm thanh khoản để người khác "thoát hàng". Người dùng cũng phát hiện giao dịch bán FATZUKI ồ ạt sau khi dự án được OpenSea quảng bá.

Theo CoinGecko, giá sàn của FATZUKI sau bài đăng của OpenSea đã tăng vọt lên gấp 6 lần. Sau bài đăng của OpenSea, tài khoản X của FATZUKI cũng đăng tải bài viết đầu tiên kể từ ngày 24/07, tuyên bố trong suốt thời gian qua chỉ đang “nghỉ ngơi”.

Trong quá khứ, OpenSea cũng đã vướng phải cáo buộc giao dịch nội gián khi cựu giám đốc Nate Chastain đã sử dụng thông tin nội bộ để mua các NFT trước khi nó được niêm yết. Sau đó đã bị giới chức Mỹ bắt giữ và khởi tố, ông phải chịu 3 tháng tù.
#bitcoin #ethereum #crypto2023 #opensea
Признанный виновным в инсайдерской торговле экс-менеджер OpenSea подал апелляцию о пересмотре приговора Бывший менеджер NFT-маркетплейса OpenSea Натаниэль Честейн, признанный виновным в инсайдерской торговле, подал апелляцию для отмены обвинительного приговора либо проведения повторного судебного разбирательства. По мнению адвокатов, он имел право на оправдательный приговор, поскольку власти США не смогли доказать, что связанная с токенами информация торговой площадки имеет коммерческую ценность и является охраняемой собственностью. Материал Cointelegraph #opensea #NFTnews
Признанный виновным в инсайдерской торговле экс-менеджер OpenSea подал апелляцию о пересмотре приговора

Бывший менеджер NFT-маркетплейса OpenSea Натаниэль Честейн, признанный виновным в инсайдерской торговле, подал апелляцию для отмены обвинительного приговора либо проведения повторного судебного разбирательства. По мнению адвокатов, он имел право на оправдательный приговор, поскольку власти США не смогли доказать, что связанная с токенами информация торговой площадки имеет коммерческую ценность и является охраняемой собственностью.

Материал Cointelegraph
#opensea #NFTnews
OpenSea CEO announces new platform built from scratchProminent NFT trading platform #opensea is looking to reinvent itself as trading volumes of non-replaceable tokens have dropped to their lowest level in more than three years. On Monday, OpenSea CEO Devin Finzer posted a post to X talking about the new platform. “We've been slowly working on OpenSea,” he said. - To truly innovate, sometimes you have to take a step back and rethink everything. That's why we built the new OpenSea from the ground up.” OpenSea also announced the new platform on its X account, saying it will launch in December. The marketplace also has a link to sign up for the waitlist. The announcement of the new platform follows almost exactly a year after OpenSea laid off half of its staff before Finzer said the company had begun work on “OpenSea 2.0.” After being the dominant marketplace for NFTs for years, including during bull markets when tokens from popular collections like Bored Apes Yacht Club sometimes sold for millions of dollars, OpenSea was supplanted by newcomer Blur at the end of 2022. As the two sites fought for market dominance, overall trading volumes declined. OpenSea has recently managed to regain some of its market share, but according to The Block Data Dashboard, total trading volumes are at their lowest level in more than three years. One trend that Blur's success over OpenSea seems to have demonstrated is that #NFT​ traders are increasingly interested in using platforms that offer more than just basic buying and selling functionality. Blur's success also suggests that traders want more sophisticated trading tools, while the platform attracts new users with rewards in the form of tokens. OpenSea's redesign comes at a time when there appears to be little hope for NFT's growth. In January of this year, monthly NFT trading volume based on Ethereum's non-interchangeable tokens reached $868 million, before dropping to $300 million in June and $136 million last month, according to The Block Data Dashboard. #SOLFutureRise

OpenSea CEO announces new platform built from scratch

Prominent NFT trading platform #opensea is looking to reinvent itself as trading volumes of non-replaceable tokens have dropped to their lowest level in more than three years.

On Monday, OpenSea CEO Devin Finzer posted a post to X talking about the new platform. “We've been slowly working on OpenSea,” he said. - To truly innovate, sometimes you have to take a step back and rethink everything. That's why we built the new OpenSea from the ground up.”

OpenSea also announced the new platform on its X account, saying it will launch in December. The marketplace also has a link to sign up for the waitlist. The announcement of the new platform follows almost exactly a year after OpenSea laid off half of its staff before Finzer said the company had begun work on “OpenSea 2.0.”

After being the dominant marketplace for NFTs for years, including during bull markets when tokens from popular collections like Bored Apes Yacht Club sometimes sold for millions of dollars, OpenSea was supplanted by newcomer Blur at the end of 2022. As the two sites fought for market dominance, overall trading volumes declined. OpenSea has recently managed to regain some of its market share, but according to The Block Data Dashboard, total trading volumes are at their lowest level in more than three years.

One trend that Blur's success over OpenSea seems to have demonstrated is that #NFT​ traders are increasingly interested in using platforms that offer more than just basic buying and selling functionality. Blur's success also suggests that traders want more sophisticated trading tools, while the platform attracts new users with rewards in the form of tokens.

OpenSea's redesign comes at a time when there appears to be little hope for NFT's growth. In January of this year, monthly NFT trading volume based on Ethereum's non-interchangeable tokens reached $868 million, before dropping to $300 million in June and $136 million last month, according to The Block Data Dashboard.
Art_Blocks Blast Là bộ sưu tập nghệ thuật với 250 tác phẩm trong phiên bản Blast_ETH Được giao dịch trên sàn giao dịch #ok Blast_ETH đang hot nhất về khối lượng giao dịch Chúc anh em sớm thành công cho người đến trước #binance #nft #opensea
Art_Blocks Blast
Là bộ sưu tập nghệ thuật với 250 tác phẩm trong phiên bản Blast_ETH
Được giao dịch trên sàn giao dịch #ok
Blast_ETH đang hot nhất về khối lượng giao dịch
Chúc anh em sớm thành công cho người đến trước
#binance #nft #opensea
OpenSea CEO Devin Finzer said the NFT marketplace has received a Wells Notice from the SEC. "OpenSea has received a Wells notice from the SEC threatening to sue us because they believe NFTs on our platform are securities," said Finzer in a post on X. #OpenSeaMarket #opensea #SEC #TON #CryptoMarketMoves
OpenSea CEO Devin Finzer said the NFT marketplace has received a Wells Notice from the SEC.

"OpenSea has received a Wells notice from the SEC threatening to sue us because they believe NFTs on our platform are securities," said Finzer in a post on X.

#OpenSeaMarket #opensea #SEC #TON #CryptoMarketMoves
🔵 World largest NFT platform #opensea valuation has now fallen 94% to $750 million down from its last valuation of $13 billion. Since then, OpenSea’s monthly revenue has fallen 99.5% from $390 million to just under $2 million. #NFT #ETH #NFTnews #BinanceSquare
🔵 World largest NFT platform #opensea valuation has now fallen 94% to $750 million down from its last valuation of $13 billion.

Since then, OpenSea’s monthly revenue has fallen 99.5% from $390 million to just under $2 million.

#NFT #ETH #NFTnews #BinanceSquare
🚀 Exciting NFT Project Alert! 🚀 🌟 Metamorphic Pepe: Transforming NFTs with Quality and Creativity 🌟 Are you ready for a metamorphic journey into the world of NFTs? Look no further than Metamorphic Pepe, an exclusive collection of 10,000 NFTs that has taken the Ethereum blockchain by storm. Let's dive into what makes this project so special: 1. Quality Craftsmanship: Metamorphic Pepe isn't your run-of-the-mill memecoin. Each green frog in this collection undergoes a magical transformation, turning into various characters that evoke emotions and tell incredible stories. These NFTs are not just virtual art; they're a gateway to a world of privileges. 2. Early Bird Bonanza: Here's the scoop: minting is currently free! Yes, you read that right. As one of the first 300 participants, you have the golden opportunity to nab your very own Metamorphic Pepe without spending a dime. But hurry, because such rare giveaways don't come around often. 3. Team Commitment: The Metamorphic Pepe team is on a mission for success. They've crafted quality projects before, and this one is no exception. With their eyes set on the stars, they're determined to make waves in the NFT universe. So, fellow crypto enthusiasts, seize this moment! Dive into the metamorphic magic of Pepe, mint your NFT, and join the ranks of early adopters. 🐸✨ Explore Metamorphic Pepe: [Metamorphic Pepe]( *Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only. Always do your own research before participating in any project.* 🚀🔍 #HotTrends #PEPE‏ #nft #opensea #ART
🚀 Exciting NFT Project Alert! 🚀

🌟 Metamorphic Pepe: Transforming NFTs with Quality and Creativity 🌟

Are you ready for a metamorphic journey into the world of NFTs? Look no further than Metamorphic Pepe, an exclusive collection of 10,000 NFTs that has taken the Ethereum blockchain by storm. Let's dive into what makes this project so special:

1. Quality Craftsmanship: Metamorphic Pepe isn't your run-of-the-mill memecoin. Each green frog in this collection undergoes a magical transformation, turning into various characters that evoke emotions and tell incredible stories. These NFTs are not just virtual art; they're a gateway to a world of privileges.

2. Early Bird Bonanza: Here's the scoop: minting is currently free! Yes, you read that right. As one of the first 300 participants, you have the golden opportunity to nab your very own Metamorphic Pepe without spending a dime. But hurry, because such rare giveaways don't come around often.

3. Team Commitment: The Metamorphic Pepe team is on a mission for success. They've crafted quality projects before, and this one is no exception. With their eyes set on the stars, they're determined to make waves in the NFT universe.

So, fellow crypto enthusiasts, seize this moment! Dive into the metamorphic magic of Pepe, mint your NFT, and join the ranks of early adopters. 🐸✨

Explore Metamorphic Pepe: [Metamorphic Pepe](

*Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only. Always do your own research before participating in any project.* 🚀🔍

#HotTrends #PEPE‏ #nft #opensea #ART
⚡️Top Blockchain dApps by Total Revenue (30d) In this post, we analyze the data from @Tokenterminal and rank the top blockchain dApps by total revenue in the last 30 days, to understand which dApps are generating the most income and why. $MKR $DYDX $LDO $GMX $SNX $CAKE $VRTX $AAVE $CVX $ENS $CRV $GNS #opensea #FriendTech #Cake #AAVE #opensea
⚡️Top Blockchain dApps by Total Revenue (30d)

In this post, we analyze the data from @Tokenterminal and rank the top blockchain dApps by total revenue in the last 30 days, to understand which dApps are generating the most income and why.

$MKR $DYDX $LDO $GMX $SNX $CAKE $VRTX $AAVE $CVX $ENS $CRV $GNS #opensea #FriendTech #Cake #AAVE #opensea
OpenSea has launched Blast NFT on the L2 network, offering it for sale, purchase, or bidding. Users using WETH will automatically receive Blast points, marking a significant expansion in OpenSea's offerings. #opensea #Blast #BullorBear #nft #layer2
OpenSea has launched Blast NFT on the L2 network, offering it for sale, purchase, or bidding. Users using WETH will automatically receive Blast points, marking a significant expansion in OpenSea's offerings.

#opensea #Blast #BullorBear #nft #layer2
⚡️Top 10 NFT Marketplaces by Volume (30d) An NFT marketplace is a digital platform for buying and selling NFTs. Let's take a look at some of the best-performed NFT marketplaces by volume in the last 30 days, according to the data from DappRadar. $BLUR $OKB #UniSat $IMX $JPG #Blur #IMX #opensea #X2Y2 #CryptoPunks
⚡️Top 10 NFT Marketplaces by Volume (30d)

An NFT marketplace is a digital platform for buying and selling NFTs. Let's take a look at some of the best-performed NFT marketplaces by volume in the last 30 days, according to the data from DappRadar.

$BLUR $OKB #UniSat $IMX $JPG #Blur #IMX #opensea #X2Y2 #CryptoPunks
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