Binance Square
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Share a photo, meme, or story on Binance Square about your Binance journey. Make sure that your post is at least 100 characters long, and it includes the #HaveYouBinanced hashtag. Top 10 posts with the most likes will stand to receive an exclusive set of Christmas-themed Binance merchandise.
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Binance Announcement
#HaveYouBinanced:参与社交媒体和社区活动,瓜分13,000美元等值BNB奖励和独家币安周边!这是一般性公告,此处提及的产品和服务可能不适用于您所在的地区。 亲爱的用户: 币安将通过社交媒体和社区推出 #HaveYouBinanced 活动,用户可分享总计13,000美元等值BNB代币券奖励和独家币安周边,邀您参与。 活动时间:2024年11月11日20:00至2024年11月25日19:59(东八区时间) 社交媒体活动 活动期间,完成活动贴文所有社交媒体任务;活动期间,完成所有上述任务并在此链接提交最具创意照片的100位合格用户,每人将获得100美元等值BNB代币券。 社区活动 加入Binance Telegram或Binance Discord社群;在以上社区渠道观看#HaveYouBinanced视频;在上述任何一个渠道中分享您对视频的看法以及您如何「币安」化,并在贴文中使用 #HaveYouBinanced标签;币安将从两个渠道中选出在活动期间回答最有洞察力的前十名用户,每位平分1,000 美元等值的BNB代币券。所有其他符合参与条件的用户将平分2,000美元等值的BNB代币券。 广场活动 在币安广场上分享有关您币安之旅的照片、meme或故事。确保您的帖文至少包含100 个字符,并且使用“ #HaveYouBinanced” 话题标签;活动期间,前10 名获得最多点赞数的合格帖文,其创作者每人将获得一套限量圣诞主题币安周边礼品。 迎新奖励: 活动期间通过「HVUBINANCED」推荐码或此链接成功注册币安账户的新用户,可立即参与「币安」活动。符合条件的新用户每人可在完成KYC后获得9折现货交易手续费优惠;新用户还可以在完成注册后的14天内在奖励中心领取任务以获得更多新手奖励。 请持续关注 X、Telegram、Discord、币安广场渠道,了解更多有关#HaveYouBinanced活动的更新。 条款和条件: 报名或参与本次活动(“活动”)即表明您同意接受本条款(“活动条款”)的约束。币安有奖活动条款和条件适用于本活动。此外,所有参与者均同意授予币安使用其参赛作品进行活动和营销目的;#HaveYouBinanced社交媒体和社区活动:请用户遵循活动公告或X、Telegram、Discord提及有关此限时活动贴文中的活动机制,以获取奖励;本次活动奖励与X、Telegram或Discord平台无关;完成身份认证的用户,才有资格参加此活动;虽然用户可在社交媒体活动中提交多张照片,也可在社区活动提交多个贴文,每位用户在每个活动中最多可获得一份奖励。每张照片或贴文须为用户原创,且不得侵犯任何第三方的权利。剽窃或抄袭作品将被取消参赛资格;参与社交媒体活动的用户需在公布获奖用户前,将其社交媒体账户设置为为公开状态;币安将在社交媒体活动结束后四周内通过币安 X 账户给获奖者发信息。用户应在规定的时间内完成相关任务,以成功获得BNB奖励;社区活动中有资格瓜分1,000美元BNB代币券奖励池的十名用户,将在其活动结束后四周内通过币安Telegram和/或Discord渠道公布; BNB奖励将在活动结束后四周内以代币券形式发放,可在账户 - 奖励中心查看并领取;由于市场波动,用户实际获得的奖励价值可能会发生变化;币安将在发放BNB代币券奖励时依照CoinMarketCap官网的实时BNB/USD汇率进行换算;获奖用户须于奖励发放后14天内激活代币券。了解币安代币券及兑换方式简介。广场活动:只有在币安广场手动发布内容且该内容不少于 100 个字符的帖文(包括短讯、长文、投票和视频)才有资格获得参与活动;将取消试图通过红包、抽奖或赠品等方式来增加点赞的帖文获奖资格;币安广场团队将根据主题相关性、格式、研究质量、事实来源和原创性对提交的内容进行评估。所有帖文须符合币安广场社区管理细则;周边奖励的获胜者将在活动结束后的 14 个工作日内通过创作者中心> “广场小秘书”推送收到通知;用户须在推送通知上规定的时间内完成所需指示,方可成功获得周边奖励。请注意,获奖者应提供有效的送货地址;周边奖励将不予退换或被兑换成等值现金奖励。迎新奖励:非币安用户点击此处注册币安帐户,可在完成身份认证后获得现货交易9折手续费优惠。现货交易9折手续费优惠的时效性取决于币安现货返佣的时效性;用户可在完成注册后的14天内在奖励中心领取任务以获得更多新手奖励。如参与者有任何欺诈行为,例如恶意刷量、批量注册小号、自买自卖或相互对敲等市场操纵行为,币安保留取消用户获得奖励资格的权利;对于任何篡改币安程序代码或使用其它软件干扰币安程序代码运行的参与者,币安保留取消其参与资格的权利;币安保留随时自行决定和/或修改或更改这些条款和条件的权利,不再另行通知,包括但不限于取消、延长、终止或暂停此活动,资格条款和标准,获奖者的选择和数量以及采取任何行动的时间,所有参与者应受这些修订条款的约束;英文原版公告与翻译版本可能存在差异。若有任何差异,请参照英文原版以获取最新或最准确的信息。 感谢您对币安的支持! 币安团队 2024年11月11日


币安将通过社交媒体和社区推出 #HaveYouBinanced 活动,用户可分享总计13,000美元等值BNB代币券奖励和独家币安周边,邀您参与。
加入Binance Telegram或Binance Discord社群;在以上社区渠道观看#HaveYouBinanced视频;在上述任何一个渠道中分享您对视频的看法以及您如何「币安」化,并在贴文中使用 #HaveYouBinanced标签;币安将从两个渠道中选出在活动期间回答最有洞察力的前十名用户,每位平分1,000 美元等值的BNB代币券。所有其他符合参与条件的用户将平分2,000美元等值的BNB代币券。
在币安广场上分享有关您币安之旅的照片、meme或故事。确保您的帖文至少包含100 个字符,并且使用“ #HaveYouBinanced” 话题标签;活动期间,前10 名获得最多点赞数的合格帖文,其创作者每人将获得一套限量圣诞主题币安周边礼品。
请持续关注 X、Telegram、Discord、币安广场渠道,了解更多有关#HaveYouBinanced活动的更新。
报名或参与本次活动(“活动”)即表明您同意接受本条款(“活动条款”)的约束。币安有奖活动条款和条件适用于本活动。此外,所有参与者均同意授予币安使用其参赛作品进行活动和营销目的;#HaveYouBinanced社交媒体和社区活动:请用户遵循活动公告或X、Telegram、Discord提及有关此限时活动贴文中的活动机制,以获取奖励;本次活动奖励与X、Telegram或Discord平台无关;完成身份认证的用户,才有资格参加此活动;虽然用户可在社交媒体活动中提交多张照片,也可在社区活动提交多个贴文,每位用户在每个活动中最多可获得一份奖励。每张照片或贴文须为用户原创,且不得侵犯任何第三方的权利。剽窃或抄袭作品将被取消参赛资格;参与社交媒体活动的用户需在公布获奖用户前,将其社交媒体账户设置为为公开状态;币安将在社交媒体活动结束后四周内通过币安 X 账户给获奖者发信息。用户应在规定的时间内完成相关任务,以成功获得BNB奖励;社区活动中有资格瓜分1,000美元BNB代币券奖励池的十名用户,将在其活动结束后四周内通过币安Telegram和/或Discord渠道公布; BNB奖励将在活动结束后四周内以代币券形式发放,可在账户 - 奖励中心查看并领取;由于市场波动,用户实际获得的奖励价值可能会发生变化;币安将在发放BNB代币券奖励时依照CoinMarketCap官网的实时BNB/USD汇率进行换算;获奖用户须于奖励发放后14天内激活代币券。了解币安代币券及兑换方式简介。广场活动:只有在币安广场手动发布内容且该内容不少于 100 个字符的帖文(包括短讯、长文、投票和视频)才有资格获得参与活动;将取消试图通过红包、抽奖或赠品等方式来增加点赞的帖文获奖资格;币安广场团队将根据主题相关性、格式、研究质量、事实来源和原创性对提交的内容进行评估。所有帖文须符合币安广场社区管理细则;周边奖励的获胜者将在活动结束后的 14 个工作日内通过创作者中心> “广场小秘书”推送收到通知;用户须在推送通知上规定的时间内完成所需指示,方可成功获得周边奖励。请注意,获奖者应提供有效的送货地址;周边奖励将不予退换或被兑换成等值现金奖励。迎新奖励:非币安用户点击此处注册币安帐户,可在完成身份认证后获得现货交易9折手续费优惠。现货交易9折手续费优惠的时效性取决于币安现货返佣的时效性;用户可在完成注册后的14天内在奖励中心领取任务以获得更多新手奖励。如参与者有任何欺诈行为,例如恶意刷量、批量注册小号、自买自卖或相互对敲等市场操纵行为,币安保留取消用户获得奖励资格的权利;对于任何篡改币安程序代码或使用其它软件干扰币安程序代码运行的参与者,币安保留取消其参与资格的权利;币安保留随时自行决定和/或修改或更改这些条款和条件的权利,不再另行通知,包括但不限于取消、延长、终止或暂停此活动,资格条款和标准,获奖者的选择和数量以及采取任何行动的时间,所有参与者应受这些修订条款的约束;英文原版公告与翻译版本可能存在差异。若有任何差异,请参照英文原版以获取最新或最准确的信息。
User-f407b mohan:
Have been in this journey for3 years now and have never seen a platform like this where you can share your opinions and earn, refer a friend and earn, stake your little token and earn. Still aspiring higher and higher till.. #HaveYouBinanced
Have been in this journey for3 years now and have never seen a platform like this where you can share your opinions and earn, refer a friend and earn, stake your little token and earn. Still aspiring higher and higher till..
Ngalito pynchez :
Go to like and view my content don't forget to like
JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Senator Cynthia Lummis says, "We can get to a 1 million #Bitcoin reserve." She adds, "President-elect Trump is with us on this." Is the U.S. gearing up for a $BTC-driven future? 🚀 #Bitcoin #Crypto #BTC #HaveYouBinanced
JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Senator Cynthia Lummis says, "We can get to a 1 million #Bitcoin reserve."

She adds, "President-elect Trump is with us on this."

Is the U.S. gearing up for a $BTC-driven future? 🚀
#Bitcoin #Crypto #BTC

JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Grayscale confirms options trading for its spot #Bitcoin ETF starts tomorrow! 👀 A new milestone in crypto investment is here. 🚀 #Crypto #BTC #BitcoinETF #HaveYouBinanced
JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Grayscale confirms options trading for its spot #Bitcoin ETF starts tomorrow! 👀

A new milestone in crypto investment is here. 🚀
#Crypto #BTC #BitcoinETF

Let's talk about my binance journey I started from 10$ from which I was doing copy trading only and then afterwards I suddenly got some profit in my copy trading and was at 25$. I quit copy trading and then started analysis on my own which I have learned from YouTube then after some little loss I finally started getting that the patience is the key in the crypto game so then I started doing patience in my losses and finally I am now achieving goals and enough income from binance. Thank you Binance #HaveYouBinanced
Let's talk about my binance journey I started from 10$ from which I was doing copy trading only and then afterwards I suddenly got some profit in my copy trading and was at 25$. I quit copy trading and then started analysis on my own which I have learned from YouTube then after some little loss I finally started getting that the patience is the key in the crypto game so then I started doing patience in my losses and finally I am now achieving goals and enough income from binance. Thank you Binance
🔥 BULLISH: BlackRock's Robbie Mitchnick: “There is a misconception that #Bitcoin is a risk-on asset. It is a hedge against inflation and monetary debasement.” Institutional confidence is growing! 🚀 #BTC #Crypto #BitcoinAdoption #HaveYouBinanced
🔥 BULLISH: BlackRock's Robbie Mitchnick: “There is a misconception that #Bitcoin is a risk-on asset. It is a hedge against inflation and monetary debasement.”

Institutional confidence is growing! 🚀 #BTC #Crypto #BitcoinAdoption

BREAKING: Michael Saylor to present to Microsoft's Board next month on adding #Bitcoin to their corporate treasury. With +$78 BILLION in cash, could this be the next mega #BTC move? 🚀 #Crypto #Microsoft #HaveYouBinanced
BREAKING: Michael Saylor to present to Microsoft's Board next month on adding #Bitcoin to their corporate treasury.

With +$78 BILLION in cash, could this be the next mega #BTC move? 🚀 #Crypto #Microsoft

🚨 BREAKING: BlackRock’s iShares #Bitcoin ETF options officially launch on Nasdaq today! A game-changer for institutional adoption and $BTC access. 🚀 #Bitcoin #ETF #Crypto #BlackRock #HaveYouBinanced
🚨 BREAKING: BlackRock’s iShares #Bitcoin ETF options officially launch on Nasdaq today! A game-changer for institutional adoption and $BTC access. 🚀 #Bitcoin #ETF #Crypto #BlackRock

🔥 BULLISH: Over 60 publicly traded companies now have a #Bitcoin strategy, with thousands of private companies following suit. Corporate adoption is heating up! 🚀 #BTC #Crypto #BitcoinAdoption #HaveYouBinanced
🔥 BULLISH: Over 60 publicly traded companies now have a #Bitcoin strategy, with thousands of private companies following suit.

Corporate adoption is heating up! 🚀 #BTC #Crypto #BitcoinAdoption

Where ever i go, i go with my own style. I like to show all the social that I'm a proud binancian. I wanna show my wining binance stuffs. It made me proud. Im a the one. Among the society im the only one with binance stuff in my city. @binance @ShanikaMarambe #HaveYouBinanced
Where ever i go, i go with my own style. I like to show all the social that I'm a proud binancian. I wanna show my wining binance stuffs. It made me proud.
Im a the one.
Among the society im the only one with binance stuff in my city.

🔥 JUST IN: Binance launches $BFUSD, a yield-bearing stablecoin! 💰 Earn yield while holding 🔗 Use as collateral for trading & borrowing Is this the future of stablecoins? 🚀 #Binance #Crypto #Stablecoin #HaveYouBinanced
🔥 JUST IN: Binance launches $BFUSD, a yield-bearing stablecoin!

💰 Earn yield while holding
🔗 Use as collateral for trading & borrowing

Is this the future of stablecoins? 🚀

#Binance #Crypto #Stablecoin

Mateusz Kasprzak:
Pytanie czy dla użytkowników z UE, u nas jest BNFCR.
⚡️ LATEST: Rumble shares jump 9% as CEO Chris Pavlovski sparks crypto buzz! He asked: "Should Rumble add #Bitcoin to its balance sheet?" — and 29,000 votes said "Yes!" Will Rumble embrace #BTC? #Crypto #StockMarket 🚀 #HaveYouBinanced
⚡️ LATEST: Rumble shares jump 9% as CEO Chris Pavlovski sparks crypto buzz!

He asked: "Should Rumble add #Bitcoin to its balance sheet?" — and 29,000 votes said "Yes!"

Will Rumble embrace #BTC? #Crypto #StockMarket 🚀

#HaveYouBinanced ? Imagine a bridge where all paths meet, A place where cultures and ideas greet. Through Binance, the world feels so small, One platform, one purpose, uniting us all. From east to west, north to south, Every story shared, from word to mouth. It’s not just about gains or financial trends, It’s about connections—strangers turned friends. But every gain begins with a leap, An investment sown, a promise to keep. Yes, risk whispers with a tinge of fear, Yet fortune favours those who persevere. Earning isn't always a straight line, Sometimes the climb needs patience and time. Pain may visit, with lessons to teach, But with each fall, success is within reach. Breaking barriers, lighting the way, One common goal, one shared day. Binance is more than a tool or a place, It's where we all win at our own pace. #HaveYouBinanced ? Where resilience meets connection, face to face.
#HaveYouBinanced ?

Imagine a bridge where all paths meet,
A place where cultures and ideas greet.
Through Binance, the world feels so small,
One platform, one purpose, uniting us all.

From east to west, north to south,
Every story shared, from word to mouth.
It’s not just about gains or financial trends,
It’s about connections—strangers turned friends.

But every gain begins with a leap,
An investment sown, a promise to keep.
Yes, risk whispers with a tinge of fear,
Yet fortune favours those who persevere.

Earning isn't always a straight line,
Sometimes the climb needs patience and time.
Pain may visit, with lessons to teach,
But with each fall, success is within reach.

Breaking barriers, lighting the way,
One common goal, one shared day.
Binance is more than a tool or a place,
It's where we all win at our own pace.

#HaveYouBinanced ? Where resilience meets connection, face to face.
NEW: Media marketing company Thumzup is adding #Bitcoin payments for its gig economy workers through its Account Specialist Program. They’ve also adopted a #Bitcoin strategy, investing 💵 $1M in $BTC! 🚀 #Crypto #BTCAdoption #HaveYouBinanced
NEW: Media marketing company Thumzup is adding #Bitcoin payments for its gig economy workers through its Account Specialist Program.

They’ve also adopted a #Bitcoin strategy, investing 💵 $1M in $BTC! 🚀 #Crypto #BTCAdoption

🔥 SAYLOR: "You can't buy #Bitcoin fast enough." (Via Natalie Brunell's Coin Stories podcast) 🚀 The urgency is real in the Bitcoin market! 💥 #Bitcoin #Crypto #Saylor #CoinStories #HaveYouBinanced
🔥 SAYLOR: "You can't buy #Bitcoin fast enough."

(Via Natalie Brunell's Coin Stories podcast) 🚀 The urgency is real in the Bitcoin market! 💥

#Bitcoin #Crypto #Saylor #CoinStories

#HaveYouBinanced ? Join us at the #Binance  party on the moon! Show us how you’ve Binanced to share $13,000 in BNB and Binance merch 🤝
#HaveYouBinanced ?

Join us at the #Binance  party on the moon! Show us how you’ve Binanced to share $13,000 in BNB and Binance merch 🤝
🔥 TODAY: Binance hits a whopping $32.922B in trading volume within 24hr time frame🚀 #Crypto #Binance #Blockchain #CryptoNews #HaveYouBinanced
🔥 TODAY: Binance hits a whopping $32.922B in trading volume within 24hr time frame🚀 #Crypto #Binance #Blockchain #CryptoNews

🇺🇸 LATEST: Judge rejects Kraken's appeal in SEC case. Judge William Orrick ruled the SEC “adequately alleged” that crypto traded on Kraken qualifies as securities under the Howey test. He added, "Only discovery will establish if Kraken's activities truly meet all Howey elements." #CryptoRegulation #Kraken #SEC #HaveYouBinanced
🇺🇸 LATEST: Judge rejects Kraken's appeal in SEC case.

Judge William Orrick ruled the SEC “adequately alleged” that crypto traded on Kraken qualifies as securities under the Howey test. He added, "Only discovery will establish if Kraken's activities truly meet all Howey elements."

#CryptoRegulation #Kraken #SEC

BREAKING: Donald Trump joins Elon Musk in Texas ahead of the highly anticipated Starship launch. Space meets politics—what could this collaboration mean? 🚀 #SpaceX #Starship #Trump #HaveYouBinanced
BREAKING: Donald Trump joins Elon Musk in Texas ahead of the highly anticipated Starship launch.

Space meets politics—what could this collaboration mean? 🚀 #SpaceX #Starship #Trump

$BTC where it's heading ? Although BTC hit it's all time high around 19:00 UTC, but it was a lack lustre and dull performance. Lacking the steam, Volume and Momentum ... rather a sluggish outlook. For gaining the healthy rise it must be fueled by volume that can be only achieved through some retracement ... so what's next is to go back towards 70K line on cards. I have already posted hoping for further highs is nothing but a dream .... May start short trade for a good reward. Entry 92000+ Target - 87500 Target - 82000 Target - 77000 Target - 71000 Target - 65000 That's realistic Price ?? #Write2Earn! #HaveYouBinanced
$BTC where it's heading ?
Although BTC hit it's all time high around 19:00 UTC, but it was a lack lustre and dull performance. Lacking the steam, Volume and Momentum ... rather a sluggish outlook. For gaining the healthy rise it must be fueled by volume that can be only achieved through some retracement ... so what's next is to go back towards 70K line on cards.
I have already posted hoping for further highs is nothing but a dream ....

May start short trade for a good reward.
Entry 92000+
Target - 87500
Target - 82000
Target - 77000
Target - 71000
Target - 65000

That's realistic Price ??

Wilfred the grey:
To co sie teraz dzieje nie potrzebuje korekty. To jest strach. 100k to wielki kamień milowy taki jak pierwszy tysiąc i 10 tysięcy. Ludzie muszą się trochę pobać zanim uwierzą
How I Earned $100 on Binance Without Investing a PennyDid you know it’s possible to make money on Binance without investing any of your own? By taking advantage of the platform’s features and promotions, you can start earning without much effort. Here are some easy ways to get started: 1. Earn Through Referrals Binance has a referral program that lets you earn bonuses by inviting friends to join. Share your referral link, and if your friends sign up and trade, you’ll earn rewards. It’s as simple as spreading the word! 2. Learn and Earn Binance runs Learn & Earn campaigns where you can watch short videos about crypto and take quizzes to earn free tokens. It’s a fun way to learn and make money at the same time! 3. Grab Airdrops and Promotions Keep an eye out for Binance promotions and airdrops. These events often reward you with free crypto for completing easy tasks or just holding certain assets. 4. Stake Your Rewards Even with small amounts of crypto (sometimes earned for free through promotions), you can stake them on Binance to earn rewards. It’s a great way to make your tokens work for you. 5. Testnet Tokens Some blockchain projects on Binance Smart Chain give out free tokens for testing their platforms. While these are initially “test” tokens, they can sometimes turn into real ones you can trade. 6. Take Advantage of P2P Trading Binance’s Peer-to-Peer (P2P) marketplace lets users buy and sell crypto directly. Savvy users can make a profit by spotting price differences and trading smartly. With these strategies, you don’t need to start with an initial investment to make money. Give them a try and see where they take you! #HaveYouBinanced #MajorUnlocks {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(TONUSDT)

How I Earned $100 on Binance Without Investing a Penny

Did you know it’s possible to make money on Binance without investing any of your own? By taking advantage of the platform’s features and promotions, you can start earning without much effort. Here are some easy ways to get started:
1. Earn Through Referrals
Binance has a referral program that lets you earn bonuses by inviting friends to join. Share your referral link, and if your friends sign up and trade, you’ll earn rewards. It’s as simple as spreading the word!
2. Learn and Earn
Binance runs Learn & Earn campaigns where you can watch short videos about crypto and take quizzes to earn free tokens. It’s a fun way to learn and make money at the same time!
3. Grab Airdrops and Promotions
Keep an eye out for Binance promotions and airdrops. These events often reward you with free crypto for completing easy tasks or just holding certain assets.
4. Stake Your Rewards
Even with small amounts of crypto (sometimes earned for free through promotions), you can stake them on Binance to earn rewards. It’s a great way to make your tokens work for you.
5. Testnet Tokens
Some blockchain projects on Binance Smart Chain give out free tokens for testing their platforms. While these are initially “test” tokens, they can sometimes turn into real ones you can trade.
6. Take Advantage of P2P Trading
Binance’s Peer-to-Peer (P2P) marketplace lets users buy and sell crypto directly. Savvy users can make a profit by spotting price differences and trading smartly.
With these strategies, you don’t need to start with an initial investment to make money. Give them a try and see where they take you!
#HaveYouBinanced #MajorUnlocks

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