‘If I bought
$BTC in 2008, I’d be now on my own island!’ - the most deceptive illusion people say to themselves.
Let’s imagine, you bought bitcoin in 2008. In 2014 you found out there’s trading, and bitcoin now cost ~300$. Were you sure you’d keep it then? No. You’d think ‘wow, I can buy myself something cool’, because now you think the same.
“If I had bought bitcoin then, now I’d had ‘smth very needed here’”. Bitcoin won’t make you rich. In fact, it shouldn’t make you rich. ‘Bitcoin is overpriced, bitcoin is for big whales, bitcoin is just for huge investments’ and other things people say to themselves to excuse their financial literacy.
It’s not the bitcoin high, it’s the ability to manage your finances. Short trades could give an illusion of fast-growing income and huge profit, but if there’s no knowledge how to handle it, everything will just burn out on the simplest trade. And again, the regrets of ‘if I had bought this one earlier, if only I could put the longer term, if only I didn’t sell it’.
First things first - do not be overwhelmed by high numbers. Always divide your budget into 2 parts: the first one must be your nest egg, the second one must be the part you’re ready to trade.