Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder of Telegram, was detained by French police at Le Bourget Airport north of Paris. The 39-year-old CEO was arrested under a warrant related to the messaging app's alleged lack of moderation, enabling criminal activities such as drug trafficking, child sexual content, and fraud.
Telegram has faced criticism for its failure to cooperate with law enforcement and its inadequate moderation policies. The app, popular in Russia, Ukraine, and former Soviet Union states, has previously denied having insufficient moderation.
Durov, a dual citizen of the United Arab Emirates and France, founded Telegram in 2013. He has been an outspoken advocate for privacy and free speech, previously refusing to comply with Russian government demands to shut down opposition communities on his social media platform.
The Russian Embassy in France has sought to clarify the reasons for Durov's detention and provide consular access. Russian officials have condemned the arrest, citing double standards on free speech and democracy.
Edward Snowden, American whistleblower and Telegram user, denounced the arrest as an assault on basic human rights. Elon Musk, owner of X, also weighed in on the situation, questioning the motives behind Durov's detention.
Telegram's moderation policies have been scrutinized for allowing the spread of misinformation and extremist content. The app's system is considered weaker than other social media companies and messenger apps, according to cybersecurity experts.
The arrest of Pavel Durov raises concerns about the balance between privacy, free speech, and moderation on social media platforms.
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