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An investor or team member, 0xddb, deposited 50,000 ENS (worth $1.91M) to Binance 9 hours ago, marking a return to activity after seven months of dormancy. This wallet has a notable history, having received 339,068 ENS from the "ENS: Cold Wallet" in two major transfers on September 8, 2022, and April 18, 2023, at an average acquisition price of $14.38 (totaling $4.88M). Since December 26, 2023, the wallet has strategically deposited 250,001 ENS to Binance during price surges, averaging $22.98 per token (equating to $5.74M). Currently, the wallet retains a balance of 89,066.76 ENS, valued at approximately $3.34M. Address: 0xddbbdb0a6385c5de8bba9dca5f5acd802f8ceabe $ENS #ENS {spot}(ENSUSDT) {future}(ENSUSDT)
An investor or team member, 0xddb, deposited 50,000 ENS (worth $1.91M) to Binance 9 hours ago, marking a return to activity after seven months of dormancy.
This wallet has a notable history, having received 339,068 ENS from the "ENS: Cold Wallet" in two major transfers on September 8, 2022, and April 18, 2023, at an average acquisition price of $14.38 (totaling $4.88M). Since December 26, 2023, the wallet has strategically deposited 250,001 ENS to Binance during price surges, averaging $22.98 per token (equating to $5.74M).

Currently, the wallet retains a balance of 89,066.76 ENS, valued at approximately $3.34M.
Address: 0xddbbdb0a6385c5de8bba9dca5f5acd802f8ceabe
多头飙涨,空头巨鲸深陷泥潭!浮亏536万,清算价直指4891刀! 一位不信邪的巨鲸在ETH强势拉升时,毅然将500万USDC存入Hyperliquid,疯狂加码空头仓位!结果呢?现在直接浮亏536万美元,清算价还高挂4891.59美元,距离“爆仓惨案”只差一步之遥! ETH这波强势表现,像是在给空头上课:敢赌空?那就得有被打脸的觉悟!随着多头继续推进,巨鲸能否全身而退,或者会迎来一场“大爆炸”?吃瓜群众已经搬好小板凳,盯紧这个大戏了! 兄弟们,你们怎么看?评论区聊聊!记得关注钱叔,行情内幕一网打尽! #比特币诞生16周年 #USDC #ETH #ENS #zen $USDC $XRP $SOL
#比特币诞生16周年 #USDC #ETH #ENS #zen $USDC $XRP $SOL
Toshiko Greaux pZ3p:
“ENA、HYPE剑指千亿市值,这波能不上车吗?” 顶级交易员Eugene Ng Ah Sio放话:“ENA和HYPE的市值将在本周期稳定冲破100亿美元!”背后原因?数据硬撑!ENA凭借路线图炸场,HYPE则靠社区信仰暴走,这俩王炸有望直接进阶“千亿俱乐部”。 市场节奏太快,犹豫就是错过。不管是潜伏ENA还是梭哈HYPE,这一波势头背后有逻辑、有资本,更有强势主力盯盘。机会面前,选择决定未来——是当观众,还是一起狂飙? 洞察市场节奏,才是掌控财富的开始!跟紧老谭,提前布局,让下一个巅峰,属于你的账户!关注老谭,绝不让机会溜走! #ENA #hype #加密市场反弹 #ENS #ETH
顶级交易员Eugene Ng Ah Sio放话:“ENA和HYPE的市值将在本周期稳定冲破100亿美元!”背后原因?数据硬撑!ENA凭借路线图炸场,HYPE则靠社区信仰暴走,这俩王炸有望直接进阶“千亿俱乐部”。
#ENA #hype #加密市场反弹 #ENS #ETH
Raoul Pal 支持 XRP 作为常态友好型加密货币选择XRP,作为 Ripple Labs 推出的加密货币,一直以来在加密市场中都扮演着举足轻重的角色。尽管面临监管挑战,特别是与美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的长期法律纠纷,XRP 依然稳居市值前十大加密货币之列,受到散户投资者的持续关注。 Raoul Pal,Real Vision 的首席执行官,最近在他的 X 账户 上表示,XRP 的表现与大多数其他加密货币有所不同,这也是为什么它继续吸引普通市场参与者的原因。Pal 强调,XRP 不仅是技术上的选择,也因为其独特的优势和用途,成为了投资者的常态友好型加密货币。 XRP 的零售吸引力: Pal 提到,XRP 能够保持散户投资者的兴趣,主要归因于以下几个因素: 较低的交易费用: XRP 的交易费用相比其他加密货币更为低廉,这使得它成为持有少量加密货币投资者的理想选择,尤其是在散户用户中非常受欢迎。简洁性: 对于许多新手投资者来说,加密货币世界的复杂性可能成为他们的主要障碍。然而,XRP 的简单性降低了投资者的入门门槛,让他们能够更轻松地参与其中。与 Ripple 的关系: XRP 与 Ripple Labs 之间的紧密联系,尤其是 Ripple 在国际支付领域的领导地位,为 XRP 增添了强大的信誉。Ripple 被认为是全球跨境支付的创新者之一,这为 XRP 的广泛应用提供了现实基础。忠实社区: XRP 拥有一个极具热情和忠诚度的社区,Pal 形容这个社区“类似邪教”,强调了 XRP 作为加密资产的非凡影响力。正是这种强大的社区支撑,令 XRP 在市场中具有更为显著的存在感。 XRP 的回归与机构影响: 令人意外的是,Pal 对 XRP 的看法似乎发生了变化。在 2024 年 8 月,Pal 曾在视频中批评 XRP,甚至认为它“无关紧要”,并建议投资者寻找新的投资标的。然而,XRP 在 2024 年 11 月至 12 月间的爆发式增长让他不得不重新审视这个观点。XRP 价格在这一时期上涨了 475%,远远超过了大盘的表现。 这一波涨势的关键因素之一是 唐纳德·特朗普 在 2024 年大选中的胜利。许多投资者对新一届政府将为长期困扰 XRP 的监管问题带来明确性寄予厚望,这为 XRP 的价格上涨提供了动力。 XRP 的独特地位: Pal 还提到,XRP 能够在市场动荡中保持相关性,证明了它在加密生态系统中的独特位置。与一些依靠炒作维持市场热度的加密货币不同,XRP 的价值并非单纯依赖于市场情绪和投机,而是基于其在 支付系统 中的实际用途和作用。 Pal 批评了当前 人工智能驱动的区块链代理 趋势,认为这只是短期的热潮,难以为普通投资者提供足够的实用性。相比之下,XRP 作为一个能够保护普通投资者利益的资产,显得更加持久和可靠。 XRP 的未来前景: Raoul Pal 对 XRP 的重新看法,也许意味着它有着不容忽视的潜力。无论是在与 SEC 的法律斗争中取得有利结果,还是在全球支付领域的实际应用中,XRP 都展示了其作为加密货币的独特价值。随着监管明朗化、机构的参与和市场对 Ripple 解决方案的需求增加,XRP 的未来或许会更加光明。 XRP 已经从一个饱受争议的加密货币转变为市场的重要组成部分,其强大的社区基础和实际用途使得它在加密货币市场中占据了一席之地。Raoul Pal 对 XRP 的支持,以及它在市场中的持续吸引力,表明 XRP 可能会继续作为零售投资者的常态友好型选择,尤其是在监管和技术环境日益成熟的背景下。 你对 XRP 的未来发展有什么看法?是否认为它会继续走强?欢迎分享你的观点! #XRP重返市值前三 #AIAgent热潮 #xrp #ENS #sui $ADA $ETH $SOL

Raoul Pal 支持 XRP 作为常态友好型加密货币选择

XRP,作为 Ripple Labs 推出的加密货币,一直以来在加密市场中都扮演着举足轻重的角色。尽管面临监管挑战,特别是与美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的长期法律纠纷,XRP 依然稳居市值前十大加密货币之列,受到散户投资者的持续关注。
Raoul Pal,Real Vision 的首席执行官,最近在他的 X 账户 上表示,XRP 的表现与大多数其他加密货币有所不同,这也是为什么它继续吸引普通市场参与者的原因。Pal 强调,XRP 不仅是技术上的选择,也因为其独特的优势和用途,成为了投资者的常态友好型加密货币。
XRP 的零售吸引力:
Pal 提到,XRP 能够保持散户投资者的兴趣,主要归因于以下几个因素:
XRP 的交易费用相比其他加密货币更为低廉,这使得它成为持有少量加密货币投资者的理想选择,尤其是在散户用户中非常受欢迎。简洁性:
对于许多新手投资者来说,加密货币世界的复杂性可能成为他们的主要障碍。然而,XRP 的简单性降低了投资者的入门门槛,让他们能够更轻松地参与其中。与 Ripple 的关系:
XRP 与 Ripple Labs 之间的紧密联系,尤其是 Ripple 在国际支付领域的领导地位,为 XRP 增添了强大的信誉。Ripple 被认为是全球跨境支付的创新者之一,这为 XRP 的广泛应用提供了现实基础。忠实社区:
XRP 拥有一个极具热情和忠诚度的社区,Pal 形容这个社区“类似邪教”,强调了 XRP 作为加密资产的非凡影响力。正是这种强大的社区支撑,令 XRP 在市场中具有更为显著的存在感。
XRP 的回归与机构影响:
令人意外的是,Pal 对 XRP 的看法似乎发生了变化。在 2024 年 8 月,Pal 曾在视频中批评 XRP,甚至认为它“无关紧要”,并建议投资者寻找新的投资标的。然而,XRP 在 2024 年 11 月至 12 月间的爆发式增长让他不得不重新审视这个观点。XRP 价格在这一时期上涨了 475%,远远超过了大盘的表现。
这一波涨势的关键因素之一是 唐纳德·特朗普 在 2024 年大选中的胜利。许多投资者对新一届政府将为长期困扰 XRP 的监管问题带来明确性寄予厚望,这为 XRP 的价格上涨提供了动力。
XRP 的独特地位:
Pal 还提到,XRP 能够在市场动荡中保持相关性,证明了它在加密生态系统中的独特位置。与一些依靠炒作维持市场热度的加密货币不同,XRP 的价值并非单纯依赖于市场情绪和投机,而是基于其在 支付系统 中的实际用途和作用。
Pal 批评了当前 人工智能驱动的区块链代理 趋势,认为这只是短期的热潮,难以为普通投资者提供足够的实用性。相比之下,XRP 作为一个能够保护普通投资者利益的资产,显得更加持久和可靠。
XRP 的未来前景:
Raoul Pal 对 XRP 的重新看法,也许意味着它有着不容忽视的潜力。无论是在与 SEC 的法律斗争中取得有利结果,还是在全球支付领域的实际应用中,XRP 都展示了其作为加密货币的独特价值。随着监管明朗化、机构的参与和市场对 Ripple 解决方案的需求增加,XRP 的未来或许会更加光明。
XRP 已经从一个饱受争议的加密货币转变为市场的重要组成部分,其强大的社区基础和实际用途使得它在加密货币市场中占据了一席之地。Raoul Pal 对 XRP 的支持,以及它在市场中的持续吸引力,表明 XRP 可能会继续作为零售投资者的常态友好型选择,尤其是在监管和技术环境日益成熟的背景下。
你对 XRP 的未来发展有什么看法?是否认为它会继续走强?欢迎分享你的观点!
#XRP重返市值前三 #AIAgent热潮 #xrp #ENS #sui $ADA $ETH $SOL
ENA暴力拉盘进行时!看涨情绪爆棚,目标直指3美元! 2024年才刚刚闪耀登场的Ethena (ENA),正在成为下一个“打板神话”的代名词!随着2025路线图的发布,代币价格瞬间飙升16%,交易量暴涨68%,市场热度直接拉满!技术面看,高于50和200EMA的价格早已脱离盘整,当前正瞄准1.37美元阻力位,一旦突破,上涨空间将彻底打开,直奔3美元甚至3.33美元的高地! 不仅如此,路线图中的多项重磅更新,如iUSDe上线、Telegram支付应用开发及新合作伙伴的加入,直接把ENA的基本面推向新高度。机构资金的逐步进场和散户的疯狂追捧,这一波看起来就是下一周的王者代币! 洞察市场节奏,才是掌控财富的开始!跟紧老谭,提前布局,让下一个巅峰,属于你的账户!关注老谭,绝不让机会溜走! #加密市场反弹 #ENA #ENS #ETH #xrp $ENA $ETH $XRP
2024年才刚刚闪耀登场的Ethena (ENA),正在成为下一个“打板神话”的代名词!随着2025路线图的发布,代币价格瞬间飙升16%,交易量暴涨68%,市场热度直接拉满!技术面看,高于50和200EMA的价格早已脱离盘整,当前正瞄准1.37美元阻力位,一旦突破,上涨空间将彻底打开,直奔3美元甚至3.33美元的高地!
#加密市场反弹 #ENA #ENS #ETH #xrp $ENA $ETH $XRP
【2025-1-4 财富密码:ENS】 不知道大家休息了没,还没休息的粉丝可以看下最近的强势品种:ENS,最近这个品种准备启动日线级别的多单,虽然我截图的价格这位置有点高了,但是上方的利润还是很大的,这个是日线级别的启动,周期很大但是会磨人。 目标位①:38.915 目标位②:40.930 目标位③:43.948 目标位④:49.422 当前截图价格:38.037 这个品种是日线启动的多单,大家做一定要有耐心,而且仓位不要太重,我们是要稳定盈利不是要暴富,比特币牛市的第二轮已经启动了大家可以找一些强势品种布局点现货或者长线的单子。 想看更多财富密码,关注我,每天分享精准点位,带你牛市布局第一桶金,小白也可以掌握财富密码!#ENS # $ENS
【2025-1-4 财富密码:ENS】



想看更多财富密码,关注我,每天分享精准点位,带你牛市布局第一桶金,小白也可以掌握财富密码!#ENS #
昨日早间思路芷莹了!!“成功布局这波SOL开多 日线级别RSI超卖反弹信号明确,同时短期均线形成金叉,直接表明多头已经悄然发力!**再加上市场整体情绪转暖,资金回流迹象明显。 期待与各位兄弟共同探讨和交流,分享更多的成功经验和交易技巧。 #sol #ADA #sui #BIO #ENS $XRP $ETH $BNB
#sol #ADA #sui #BIO #ENS $XRP $ETH $BNB
$ENS Short Liquidation Alert! $7.6588K in shorts just got obliterated at $35.957, and the bulls are making a bold statement! This move has sent shockwaves through the market, signaling strength and renewed momentum for $ENS . What’s Happening? Bullish Domination: The liquidation highlights intense buying pressure, forcing shorts to cover and amplifying the upward surge. 🔥 Short Squeeze Potential: This could trigger a chain reaction of liquidations, propelling prices even higher. Key Levels to Watch: 🔼 Resistance Zone: $36.50 is the next hurdle for bulls. Breaking it could signal a larger breakout. 🛡️ Support Zone: Holding above $35.50 will be critical to sustain the rally and build confidence. For Traders: Bulls: This is a golden opportunity to capitalize on momentum. Watch for pullbacks as entry points. Bears: Tread cautiously—fighting the trend could lead to more losses in this environment. $ENS is on Fire! This thrilling action showcases the energy of the crypto markets. Will the rally continue, or will the market shift gears? Buckle up—it’s going to be an exciting ride! {spot}(ENSUSDT) #BTCRebounds95K #Crypto #ENS #ShortLiquidation #BullishMomentum
$ENS Short Liquidation Alert!

$7.6588K in shorts just got obliterated at $35.957, and the bulls are making a bold statement!

This move has sent shockwaves through the market, signaling strength and renewed momentum for $ENS .

What’s Happening?

Bullish Domination: The liquidation highlights intense buying pressure, forcing shorts to cover and amplifying the upward surge.

🔥 Short Squeeze Potential: This could trigger a chain reaction of liquidations, propelling prices even higher.

Key Levels to Watch:

🔼 Resistance Zone: $36.50 is the next hurdle for bulls. Breaking it could signal a larger breakout.

🛡️ Support Zone: Holding above $35.50 will be critical to sustain the rally and build confidence.

For Traders:

Bulls: This is a golden opportunity to capitalize on momentum. Watch for pullbacks as entry points.

Bears: Tread cautiously—fighting the trend could lead to more losses in this environment.

$ENS is on Fire! This thrilling action showcases the energy of the crypto markets.

Will the rally continue, or will the market shift gears?

Buckle up—it’s going to be an exciting ride!

#BTCRebounds95K #Crypto #ENS #ShortLiquidation #BullishMomentum
$ENS Long Liquidation: $9.9537K at $35.689 – A Critical Alert! The recent ENS long liquidation at $9.9537K with a trigger price of $35.689 is a significant event that has set the crypto market on high alert. This liquidation has impacted many traders who had long positions, and it signals the potential for further market volatility. Important Details: 1. Liquidation Price: $35.689 2. Liquidated Position: $9.9537K 3. Impact: The liquidation has triggered a massive shake-up in the $ENS market, with a sharp price decline following the event. Next Move: Watch for price retracements or further declines. This could present an opportunity to enter the market at a lower price. If you're holding positions, consider managing risk carefully by staying alert to further liquidation cascades. Stop Loss Recommendation: Set a stop loss at $32 to minimize potential losses if the price continues to dip. Monitor the market closely and adjust your strategy based on real-time movements. Stay strategic and don’t let emotions guide your trading decisions! #ENS #BitcoinInSwissReserves #XRPBackInTop3 #USStateBuysBTC #BinanceAlphaAlert {future}(ENSUSDT)
$ENS Long Liquidation: $9.9537K at $35.689 – A Critical Alert!

The recent ENS long liquidation at $9.9537K with a trigger price of $35.689 is a significant event that has set the crypto market on high alert.

This liquidation has impacted many traders who had long positions, and it signals the potential for further market volatility.

Important Details:

1. Liquidation Price: $35.689

2. Liquidated Position: $9.9537K

3. Impact: The liquidation has triggered a massive shake-up in the $ENS
market, with a sharp price decline following the event.

Next Move:

Watch for price retracements or further declines. This could present an opportunity to enter the market at a lower price.

If you're holding positions, consider managing risk carefully by staying alert to further liquidation cascades.

Stop Loss Recommendation:

Set a stop loss at $32 to minimize potential losses if the price continues to dip.

Monitor the market closely and adjust your strategy based on real-time movements.

Stay strategic and don’t let emotions guide your trading decisions!

short Liquidation Alert for $ENS A notable short liquidation of $7,658.8 occurred at the critical price of $35.957, spotlighting significant activity in the $ENS market. Key Insights: 1. Short Squeeze Potential: Liquidation of this magnitude suggests that bearish positions are losing strength. Could $ENS be gearing up for an upward rally? 2. Critical Price Level: $35.957 is now a pivotal level. Watch for it to act as a potential support or resistance point. 3. Volume Surge: Such liquidations often accompany a spike in trading volume, signaling heightened interest from both buyers and sellers. What to Do Next? Upside Potential: If momentum continues, ENS might challenge the next resistance zone. Risk Alert: Tight stop-losses are advised as markets could remain volatile. Stay alert and ready to seize any breakout opportunities! Want detailed price targets and market scenarios for $ENS? Let me know! #ENS #XRPBackInTop3 {spot}(ENSUSDT) {spot}(BNBUSDT)
short Liquidation Alert for $ENS

A notable short liquidation of $7,658.8 occurred at the critical price of $35.957, spotlighting significant activity in the $ENS market.

Key Insights:

1. Short Squeeze Potential: Liquidation of this magnitude suggests that bearish positions are losing strength. Could $ENS be gearing up for an upward rally?

2. Critical Price Level: $35.957 is now a pivotal level. Watch for it to act as a potential support or resistance point.

3. Volume Surge: Such liquidations often accompany a spike in trading volume, signaling heightened interest from both buyers and sellers.

What to Do Next?

Upside Potential: If momentum continues, ENS might challenge the next resistance zone.

Risk Alert: Tight stop-losses are advised as markets could remain volatile.

Stay alert and ready to seize any breakout opportunities! Want detailed price targets and market scenarios for $ENS ? Let me know!
#ENS #XRPBackInTop3
$ENS Short Liquidation: A Cataclysmic Crypto Shake-Up! Hold on tight—ENS just delivered a catastrophic blow to short traders with a monumental $2.4201K liquidation at $35.279! In an instant, what seemed like a safe bet for short positions turned into a full-blown nightmare. The price surge obliterated positions, leaving traders reeling as $ENS roared to life. This was no ordinary market move—it was a heart-stopping, rapid liquidation that turned the tides on all those who dared bet against the token. The fallout from this $2.4201K liquidation sends shockwaves through the entire market, pushing ENS to new heights and leaving shorts in the dust. The explosive nature of this move proves just how unpredictable and powerful the crypto market can be, especially for tokens like $ENS. Where does ENS go from here? With this liquidation event, the momentum could swing either way—but one thing is certain: $ENS is not to be underestimated. #ENS #BinanceAlphaAlert #BitcoinInSwissReserves #SolvProtocolMegadrop #MicroStrategyStockSale {spot}(ENSUSDT) {spot}(ENAUSDT) {spot}(VETUSDT)
$ENS Short Liquidation: A Cataclysmic Crypto Shake-Up!

Hold on tight—ENS just delivered a catastrophic blow to short traders with a monumental $2.4201K liquidation at $35.279!

In an instant, what seemed like a safe bet for short positions turned into a full-blown nightmare.

The price surge obliterated positions, leaving traders reeling as $ENS roared to life.

This was no ordinary market move—it was a heart-stopping, rapid liquidation that turned the tides on all those who dared bet against the token.

The fallout from this $2.4201K liquidation sends shockwaves through the entire market, pushing ENS to new heights and leaving shorts in the dust.

The explosive nature of this move proves just how unpredictable and powerful the crypto market can be, especially for tokens like $ENS .

Where does ENS go from here? With this liquidation event, the momentum could swing either way—but one thing is certain: $ENS is not to be underestimated.

#ENS 走势分析与操作建议 当前,#ENS 在小级别趋势中逐渐向上运行,整体行情逐步企稳。结合近期市场表现来看,山寨币板块整体回调空间有限,持有现货的投资者可以继续保持耐心。 现价分析: --当前价格约为 35.42美元,短期内已企稳。 --上方小压力位在 36.5美元 附近,一旦调整完成并突破该位置,有望迎来新一波快速上涨。 操作建议: --对当前价格有信心的投资者可考虑轻仓试探性入场,目标看突破36.5美元后的延续拉升行情。 --风险控制方面,建议严格设置止损,保持灵活应对突发波动的能力。 期待#ENS 能在压力位突破后拉出一波强劲反弹,投资者可密切关注市场动向。
#ENS 走势分析与操作建议

当前,#ENS 在小级别趋势中逐渐向上运行,整体行情逐步企稳。结合近期市场表现来看,山寨币板块整体回调空间有限,持有现货的投资者可以继续保持耐心。


--当前价格约为 35.42美元,短期内已企稳。
--上方小压力位在 36.5美元 附近,一旦调整完成并突破该位置,有望迎来新一波快速上涨。



期待#ENS 能在压力位突破后拉出一波强劲反弹,投资者可密切关注市场动向。
ENS Labs introduces ENSv2, reimagining the protocol with a Layer 2 extension for better scalability and efficiency. $ENS #ENS
ENS Labs introduces ENSv2, reimagining the protocol with a Layer 2 extension for better scalability and efficiency.
ens也开始慢慢往上走了,行情基本差不多稳住了,山寨不会有太大的跌幅了,布局的现货可以继续持有。 赚到的腿哥也不会要你们的,就希望给腿哥的帖子多点赞多转发评论就好。或者来支持一下啊腿的vip。#ens

兄弟姐妹们ENS做多 止损位置:34.838 杠杠:1倍 盈利50%减仓50%, 软件已经在多方准确率85%以上, 当前价格:34.838 是上车最好的机会 #ens
Evening News Update #Web3 📈 BIT Mining economist predicts $BTC could peak at $180K-$190K in 2025, with sharp pullbacks potentially dropping it to $80K during market shocks. 🎨 Solana #NFT​ sales hit $102.2M in December, marking the highest since May 2024, with 1.26M sales and 240K unique buyers. ↗ Ethereum ETFs saw record $2.1B net inflow in December, led by BlackRock with $1.43B and Fidelity with $752M. 🌐 #ENS domains saw 19,139 new registrations in December, the highest since September, with active domains reaching 1.77M. 🇯🇵 #metaplanet CEO suggests Trump’s Bitcoin reserve strategy could inspire similar moves by Asian nations.
Evening News Update #Web3

📈 BIT Mining economist predicts $BTC could peak at $180K-$190K in 2025, with sharp pullbacks potentially dropping it to $80K during market shocks.

🎨 Solana #NFT​ sales hit $102.2M in December, marking the highest since May 2024, with 1.26M sales and 240K unique buyers.

↗ Ethereum ETFs saw record $2.1B net inflow in December, led by BlackRock with $1.43B and Fidelity with $752M.

🌐 #ENS domains saw 19,139 new registrations in December, the highest since September, with active domains reaching 1.77M.

🇯🇵 #metaplanet CEO suggests Trump’s Bitcoin reserve strategy could inspire similar moves by Asian nations.
Edmundo Pia y0jf:
It will go up or down,and maybe up up down down,ebb and flow
"Ethereum domains are the future of decentralized identities—secure yours today!" 🚀 Ethereum Domain Registrations Reach New High in December! 🚀 Ethereum Name Service (ENS) has reached an all-time high in December, with Ethereum domain registrations continuing to surge! 📈 The popularity of decentralized domains is growing fast, with more users embracing the power of blockchain technology for secure and decentralized identities. ENS domains allow for easier transactions, seamless integration with dApps, and the ability to personalize your Web3 presence. As Ethereum domain registrations hit new records, it's clear that the future of decentralized digital assets is bright! 🌐✨ Stay ahead of the curve and secure your own Ethereum domain today! 🔑 #Ethereum #ENS #Web3 #blockchain #crypto #EthereumDomain #DecentralizedIdentity #Binance $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT)
"Ethereum domains are the future of decentralized identities—secure yours today!"

🚀 Ethereum Domain Registrations Reach New High in December! 🚀

Ethereum Name Service (ENS) has reached an all-time high in December, with Ethereum domain registrations continuing to surge! 📈

The popularity of decentralized domains is growing fast, with more users embracing the power of blockchain technology for secure and decentralized identities. ENS domains allow for easier transactions, seamless integration with dApps, and the ability to personalize your Web3 presence.

As Ethereum domain registrations hit new records, it's clear that the future of decentralized digital assets is bright! 🌐✨

Stay ahead of the curve and secure your own Ethereum domain today! 🔑

#Ethereum #ENS #Web3 #blockchain #crypto #EthereumDomain #DecentralizedIdentity #Binance

#FIRO COİNDEN beklentim yüksek Benzer #coin ler #ENS #ZEN gibi coinler ile fiyatını kıyasladığımda çok ucuz kalmış bir coin FIRO beklentim $10 olması normal bana göre
#FIRO COİNDEN beklentim yüksek
Benzer #coin ler #ENS #ZEN gibi coinler ile fiyatını kıyasladığımda çok ucuz kalmış bir coin FIRO
beklentim $10 olması normal bana göre
Üstat manüplasyon yapmasalar zaten olur:)
$ENS {spot}(ENSUSDT) 还有没有兄弟记得我们前面进场的这个ens就是在32附近进场的目前价格还是这个价格,没有进场的兄弟,这个位置依然合一进场,中长线持有第一目标占定40%的涨幅 从这两次大盘的反复拉扯相比兄弟们也都能看到我们近期进场的两个ens和ethfi都是很抗打的选手,就算兄弟们有更好的币种选着 这两个也一定要添加自选名单 #ENS


从这两次大盘的反复拉扯相比兄弟们也都能看到我们近期进场的两个ens和ethfi都是很抗打的选手,就算兄弟们有更好的币种选着 这两个也一定要添加自选名单 #ENS




盘面来看:这个位置无论是从四小时级别还是从日线级别都是属于,自从二次发力以来的起点,也就是我们所讲的筹码聚集区间,目前是在聚集区间的上沿,我们等到在聚集区的下沿不破为的前提下考虑进场 #ens终于启动了
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