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JUST IN: 35,000 #Bitcoin have been withdrawn from Bitmex this week, leaving them with only 19,000. That's 65% of their #Bitcoin.
JUST IN: 35,000 #Bitcoin have been withdrawn from Bitmex this week, leaving them with only 19,000. That's 65% of their #Bitcoin.
BITCOIN & FIATA currency to break free from the traditional system This is the promise of Bitcoin. Faced with “fiat” currencies such as the Euro or the Dollar, Bitcoin aims to be a currency that preserves its value in the face of inflation. An increasingly digital currency Money has been digitized throughout history. From barter to electronics before a real revolution, cryptocurrency with #Bitcoin. Bitcoin and euro what difference By its decentralized nature, Bitcoin is very different from the Euro. New Bitcoins are created by #mining new blocks of transactions, with a total supply set at 21 Million. Conversely, the monetary creation of the Euro is under the control of the European Central Bank. The quantity of Euro is therefore unlimited, the currency is subject to inflation. Bitcoin was designed to facilitate peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries (including banks). An international transfer takes only 10 minutes on Bitcoin compared to 4 working days for a transfer in Euro. Bitcoin A featherweight All Bitcoins currently in circulation represent 440 billion Euros. A drop of water compared to the 11,300 billion Euros in circulation in 2023. For you, is Bitcoin really a currency like fiat currencies? remains much more than a #currency, it is an asset perceived as an investment. #crypto2023 #Binance


A currency to break free from the traditional system

This is the promise of Bitcoin. Faced with “fiat” currencies such as the Euro or the Dollar, Bitcoin aims to be a currency that preserves its value in the face of inflation.

An increasingly digital currency

Money has been digitized throughout history. From barter to electronics before a real revolution, cryptocurrency with #Bitcoin.

Bitcoin and euro what difference

By its decentralized nature, Bitcoin is very different from the Euro. New Bitcoins are created by #mining new blocks of transactions, with a total supply set at 21 Million. Conversely, the monetary creation of the Euro is under the control of the European Central Bank. The quantity of Euro is therefore unlimited, the currency is subject to inflation. Bitcoin was designed to facilitate peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries (including banks). An international transfer takes only 10 minutes on Bitcoin compared to 4 working days for a transfer in Euro. Bitcoin

A featherweight

All Bitcoins currently in circulation represent 440 billion Euros. A drop of water compared to the 11,300 billion Euros in circulation in 2023. For you, is Bitcoin really

a currency like fiat currencies?

remains much more than a #currency, it is an asset perceived as an investment.

#crypto2023 #Binance
Кэти Вуд: благодаря ETF инвесторы переключились с золота на биткоин Биткоин вытесняет золото в качестве актива для сохранения капитала, подобная ситуация сохранится и впредь благодаря появлению ETF. Об этом заявила CEO ARK Invest Кэти Вуд. В подтверждение своих слов специалистка представила график соотношения биткоина к золоту. По словам CEO ARK Invest, биржевой фонд является простым и беспрепятственным способом приобрести первую криптовалюту. Вуд отметила, что цифровое золото выступает как актив-убежище для инвесторов, которые стремятся к «качеству» во времена экономической неопределенности. «В прошлом году, во время банковского кризиса в США, биткоин подскочил на 40% […]. В настоящий момент [на фоне проблем у NYCB] мы видим, что он снова набирает обороты», — подчеркнула она. #Bitcoin. #BitcoinWorld #Bitcoin-BTC #BTC🔥🔥 #BTCUSD $BTC
Кэти Вуд: благодаря ETF инвесторы переключились с золота на биткоин

Биткоин вытесняет золото в качестве актива для сохранения капитала, подобная ситуация сохранится и впредь благодаря появлению ETF. Об этом заявила CEO ARK Invest Кэти Вуд.

В подтверждение своих слов специалистка представила график соотношения биткоина к золоту.

По словам CEO ARK Invest, биржевой фонд является простым и беспрепятственным способом приобрести первую криптовалюту.

Вуд отметила, что цифровое золото выступает как актив-убежище для инвесторов, которые стремятся к «качеству» во времена экономической неопределенности.

«В прошлом году, во время банковского кризиса в США, биткоин подскочил на 40% […]. В настоящий момент [на фоне проблем у NYCB] мы видим, что он снова набирает обороты», — подчеркнула она.
#Bitcoin. #BitcoinWorld #Bitcoin-BTC #BTC🔥🔥 #BTCUSD
My strategy is as follows, Save every excess wealth in #Bitcoin. [Claim Reward 💰💰]( Do this daily, regardless of the price. Once the total reaches a certain number, transfer it to a new cold storage. Continue until Bitcoin has at least a 10T market cap. The plan will remain unchanged until it reaches a 10T market cap. At that point, I will re-evaluate every thesis available and make a new decision. Until then, we are in the accumulation phase. With zero doubts and 100% conviction, I am here to help everyone either escape zero exposure or significantly increase their exposure. Gameplan for this decade, 1. AI for the creation of companies in every sector, 2. #Bitcoin for monetization (Real Money), 3. Social media for distribution (DTC). 4. Old School muscle building and hard work in the gym, with at least 8 hours of Zone 2 cardio weekly. #HotTrends #sol #DOGE #WIF
My strategy is as follows,
Save every excess wealth in #Bitcoin.

Claim Reward 💰💰

Do this daily, regardless of the price.
Once the total reaches a certain number, transfer it to a new cold storage.
Continue until Bitcoin has at least a 10T market cap.

The plan will remain unchanged until it reaches a 10T market cap.

At that point, I will re-evaluate every thesis available and make a new decision.

Until then, we are in the accumulation phase.
With zero doubts and 100% conviction,
I am here to help everyone either escape zero exposure or significantly increase their exposure.

Gameplan for this decade,
1. AI for the creation of companies in every sector,

2. #Bitcoin for monetization (Real Money),

3. Social media for distribution (DTC).

4. Old School muscle building and hard work in the gym, with at least 8 hours of Zone 2 cardio weekly.
#HotTrends #sol #DOGE #WIF
There is no easy money in trade. Most people and probably you too, will lose everything. There is no paid group, twitter influencer or guru that will help you. Most of them will try to take your money. Only you can do it. Study a lot, at least 6 months. When confident use a insignificant amount to trade and test you skill. Be prepared to give up, if you feel it is not for you. Most ppl will lose everything, better to give up if you feel you don't have the emotional control or if you are trading out of despair, in hurry to make money and be happy. First you must be happy, otherwise your emotions will crash your trades. Or you just save X% of your income everymonth in #Bitcoin. Even the unlucky ones who started investing monthly at 69k already have +50% profit if they sell today. But they are not selling. It is for long term. No headache.
There is no easy money in trade. Most people and probably you too, will lose everything.

There is no paid group, twitter influencer or guru that will help you. Most of them will try to take your money.

Only you can do it. Study a lot, at least 6 months. When confident use a insignificant amount to trade and test you skill.

Be prepared to give up, if you feel it is not for you. Most ppl will lose everything, better to give up if you feel you don't have the emotional control or if you are trading out of despair, in hurry to make money and be happy.

First you must be happy, otherwise your emotions will crash your trades.

Or you just save X% of your income everymonth in #Bitcoin. Even the unlucky ones who started investing monthly at 69k already have +50% profit if they sell today.

But they are not selling. It is for long term.

No headache.
Артур Хэйес предсказал падение биткоина ниже $40 000 Первая криптовалюта провалит уровень $40 000, падение продолжится до 31 января — анонса Казначейством США ежеквартального плана по заимствованиям. Такой прогноз дал экс-CEO BitMEX Артур Хэйес. «Биткоин выглядит безумно тяжелым», — прокомментировал он. #btc- #Bitcoin. #bitcoincash #BTCUSD #BitcoinWorld $BTC
Артур Хэйес предсказал падение биткоина ниже $40 000

Первая криптовалюта провалит уровень $40 000, падение продолжится до 31 января — анонса Казначейством США ежеквартального плана по заимствованиям. Такой прогноз дал экс-CEO BitMEX Артур Хэйес.

«Биткоин выглядит безумно тяжелым», — прокомментировал он.

#btc- #Bitcoin. #bitcoincash #BTCUSD #BitcoinWorld
Qu'est-ce qu'un événement Cygne Blanc ?Un événement White Swan sur le marché financier fait référence à un événement hautement prévisible et attendu. Contrairement aux événements Black Swan qui sont rares et imprévisibles, les événements White Swan sont des événements que les acteurs du marché anticipent généralement en raison de leur régularité ou de leur précédent historique. Exemple d’un événement cygne blanc sur le marché financier : Rapports sur les résultats trimestriels : Les rapports sur les résultats trimestriels publiés par les sociétés cotées en bourse sont un exemple classique d'un événement White Swan sur le marché financier. Ces rapports sont programmés, anticipés et fournissent des informations détaillées sur les performances financières d'une entreprise, notamment les revenus, les bénéfices et les orientations futures. Les investisseurs et les analystes attendent généralement ces rapports et planifient leurs stratégies d'investissement en fonction de ceux-ci. Par exemple, si l’on sait qu’une entreprise publie son rapport sur les résultats à une date précise, les investisseurs se prépareront aux mouvements potentiels du marché en fonction des résultats. Des bénéfices positifs peuvent entraîner une hausse du cours de l'action de l'entreprise, tandis que des résultats décevants peuvent entraîner une baisse. Étant donné que le calendrier et le contenu des rapports sur les résultats sont connus à l’avance, ils sont considérés comme des événements du Cygne Blanc sur le marché financier. Les investisseurs intègrent activement ces événements dans leurs processus décisionnels et le marché s’adapte généralement en conséquence. Un exemple bien connu d’événement White Swan pourrait être la réduction de moitié programmée et anticipée du #Bitcoin. La réduction de moitié du Bitcoin est un événement préprogrammé qui se produit environ tous les quatre ans, réduisant de moitié le taux de génération de nouveaux bitcoins. Les réductions de moitié du Bitcoin sont bien connues et attendues par la communauté des cryptomonnaies car elles font partie du protocole Bitcoin. Les mineurs et les investisseurs anticipent l’impact de cet événement sur la dynamique de l’offre et de la demande de Bitcoin, ce qui en fait un événement White Swan dans l’espace crypto. #BTC #Bitcoin.

Qu'est-ce qu'un événement Cygne Blanc ?

Un événement White Swan sur le marché financier fait référence à un événement hautement prévisible et attendu. Contrairement aux événements Black Swan qui sont rares et imprévisibles, les événements White Swan sont des événements que les acteurs du marché anticipent généralement en raison de leur régularité ou de leur précédent historique.

Exemple d’un événement cygne blanc sur le marché financier :

Rapports sur les résultats trimestriels :
Les rapports sur les résultats trimestriels publiés par les sociétés cotées en bourse sont un exemple classique d'un événement White Swan sur le marché financier. Ces rapports sont programmés, anticipés et fournissent des informations détaillées sur les performances financières d'une entreprise, notamment les revenus, les bénéfices et les orientations futures. Les investisseurs et les analystes attendent généralement ces rapports et planifient leurs stratégies d'investissement en fonction de ceux-ci.

Par exemple, si l’on sait qu’une entreprise publie son rapport sur les résultats à une date précise, les investisseurs se prépareront aux mouvements potentiels du marché en fonction des résultats. Des bénéfices positifs peuvent entraîner une hausse du cours de l'action de l'entreprise, tandis que des résultats décevants peuvent entraîner une baisse. Étant donné que le calendrier et le contenu des rapports sur les résultats sont connus à l’avance, ils sont considérés comme des événements du Cygne Blanc sur le marché financier. Les investisseurs intègrent activement ces événements dans leurs processus décisionnels et le marché s’adapte généralement en conséquence.

Un exemple bien connu d’événement White Swan pourrait être la réduction de moitié programmée et anticipée du #Bitcoin. La réduction de moitié du Bitcoin est un événement préprogrammé qui se produit environ tous les quatre ans, réduisant de moitié le taux de génération de nouveaux bitcoins. Les réductions de moitié du Bitcoin sont bien connues et attendues par la communauté des cryptomonnaies car elles font partie du protocole Bitcoin. Les mineurs et les investisseurs anticipent l’impact de cet événement sur la dynamique de l’offre et de la demande de Bitcoin, ce qui en fait un événement White Swan dans l’espace crypto.

#BTC #Bitcoin.
Джек Дорси: биткоин будет способствовать миру во всём мире и изобилию энергии Генеральный директор платёжной компании Block Джек Дорси и разработчик Bitcoin Core Люк Дашджр поделились своим мнением о текущем состоянии и будущей траектории сети биткоина, а также рассказали об инновационных усилиях Ocean Mining по борьбе с централизацией майнинговых пулов. Дашджр считает, что за последние годы биткоин превратился из «игрушечного проекта» в серьёзное начинание. Дорси поддержал это мнение, заявив, что биткоин стал более устойчивым и совершенным в своей работе и тестировании. Он высоко оценил способность сообщества сознательно и продуманно выявлять и устранять новые угрозы. Более того, Дорси приписывает биткоину влияние на всё человечество, так как он может способствовать «миру во всём мире» и «энергетическому изобилию». Затем разговор перешёл к текущему состоянию майнинга биткоинов. #Bitcoin #Bitcoin. #BTCUSD $BTC
Джек Дорси: биткоин будет способствовать миру во всём мире и изобилию энергии

Генеральный директор платёжной компании Block Джек Дорси и разработчик Bitcoin Core Люк Дашджр поделились своим мнением о текущем состоянии и будущей траектории сети биткоина, а также рассказали об инновационных усилиях Ocean Mining по борьбе с централизацией майнинговых пулов.

Дашджр считает, что за последние годы биткоин превратился из «игрушечного проекта» в серьёзное начинание. Дорси поддержал это мнение, заявив, что биткоин стал более устойчивым и совершенным в своей работе и тестировании. Он высоко оценил способность сообщества сознательно и продуманно выявлять и устранять новые угрозы.

Более того, Дорси приписывает биткоину влияние на всё человечество, так как он может способствовать «миру во всём мире» и «энергетическому изобилию». Затем разговор перешёл к текущему состоянию майнинга биткоинов.
#Bitcoin #Bitcoin. #BTCUSD
What Are The Prominent Cryptocurrencies Of The Day? 9 November 2023 In the light of #Bitcoin. (BTC) exceeding 36 thousand dollars with a strong rise, which were the noteworthy cryptocurrencies of the day? The cryptocurrency market experienced a sensational rise just as bearish rumors increased. Bitcoin (BTC) started the new day by exceeding the 35 thousand resistance. This rise also carried altcoins up. Many altcoins made their mark on the day. The cryptocurrency market experienced a sensational rise just as bearish rumors increased. Bitcoin (BTC ) started the new day by exceeding the 35 thousand resistance. This rise also carried altcoins up. Many altcoins achieved significant increases that marked the day Expectations for Bitcoin spot ETFs began to increase day by day. The buzz is that ETFs could be approved at any time. This expectation pushed the BTC price close to $40,000. There is a spring atmosphere in the crypto market in November. After all these processes, in the middle of the week, which cryptocurrencies came to the fore among altcoins? What were today's winners and losers in the crypto market? In the list of the most rising coins, Mina (MINA), which increased by 22.38 percent in the last 24 hours, was at the top. With an increase of 15.75 percent, Neo (NEO) is in second place, with an increase of 14.49 percent, Pepe (PEPE) is in third place, with an increase of 13.13 percent, Sui (SUI) is in fourth place and finally with an increase of 10.88 percent. with the increase, Gala (GALA) ranked fifth. Trust Wallet Token (TWT) was at the top of the list of coins that fell the most. TWT fell 10.48 percent in the last 24 hours and reached the top. Then came the Injective (INJ). INJ lost 1.34 percent in value in the last 24 hours. With the recent rise in the crypto market, declining coins are quite rare. Tether Gold (XAUt), PAX Gold (PAXG) and Tether USDt (USDT), which are among the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market value, were included in the losers list. $BTC $XRP
What Are The Prominent Cryptocurrencies Of The Day? 9 November 2023

In the light of #Bitcoin. (BTC) exceeding 36 thousand dollars with a strong rise, which were the noteworthy cryptocurrencies of the day?

The cryptocurrency market experienced a sensational rise just as bearish rumors increased. Bitcoin (BTC) started the new day by exceeding the 35 thousand resistance. This rise also carried altcoins up. Many altcoins made their mark on the day.

The cryptocurrency market experienced a sensational rise just as bearish rumors increased. Bitcoin (BTC ) started the new day by exceeding the 35 thousand resistance. This rise also carried altcoins up. Many altcoins achieved significant increases that marked the day

Expectations for Bitcoin spot ETFs began to increase day by day. The buzz is that ETFs could be approved at any time. This expectation pushed the BTC price close to $40,000. There is a spring atmosphere in the crypto market in November.

After all these processes, in the middle of the week, which cryptocurrencies came to the fore among altcoins? What were today's winners and losers in the crypto market?

In the list of the most rising coins, Mina (MINA), which increased by 22.38 percent in the last 24 hours, was at the top. With an increase of 15.75 percent, Neo (NEO) is in second place, with an increase of 14.49 percent, Pepe (PEPE) is in third place, with an increase of 13.13 percent, Sui (SUI) is in fourth place and finally with an increase of 10.88 percent. with the increase, Gala (GALA) ranked fifth.

Trust Wallet Token (TWT) was at the top of the list of coins that fell the most. TWT fell 10.48 percent in the last 24 hours and reached the top. Then came the Injective (INJ). INJ lost 1.34 percent in value in the last 24 hours. With the recent rise in the crypto market, declining coins are quite rare. Tether Gold (XAUt), PAX Gold (PAXG) and Tether USDt (USDT), which are among the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market value, were included in the losers list.
🚨🚨In the last 24 hours, whales accumulated almost $3 billion worth of #Bitcoin.
🚨🚨In the last 24 hours, whales accumulated almost $3 billion worth of #Bitcoin.
Dernière arnaque : 🏮 Vous pouvez perdre toutes vos pièces (argent) en quelques secondes Avant de continuer, veuillez-nous suivre @Crypto123king pour plus d´information. Les escroqueries dans le domaine de la cryptographie ont évolué et sont devenues plus sophistiquées au fil du temps en raison de divers facteurs, notamment la popularité croissante des crypto-monnaies, l'anonymat relatif des transactions, le marché haussier tant attendu et le manque de surveillance réglementaire dans certaines juridictions. Les fraudeurs peuvent désormais accéder à votre téléphone lorsque vous cliquez sur un lien sans méfiance sur les plateformes de réseaux sociaux. 📢 La dernière arnaque est "Cryptoshuffler". Ce cheval de Troie vole des pièces sous votre nez en remplaçant l'adresse de votre portefeuille copiée dans votre presse-papiers. Habituellement, lorsque vous copiez et collez une adresse de portefeuille, vous n'avez rien à craindre jusqu'à ce que le cryptoshuffler entre en jeu. 🏮 Désormais, votre adresse de portefeuille copiée peut être remplacée par l'adresse d'un fraudeur sans que vous vous en rendiez compte. Restez en sécurité, les gars. PS : Vos généreux conseils ❤️ nous aideront à rechercher davantage d’opportunités financières. #Bitcoin. #BTC #BitcoinPrice2024
Dernière arnaque : 🏮 Vous pouvez perdre toutes vos pièces (argent) en quelques secondes

Avant de continuer, veuillez-nous suivre @CryptoMaestroking pour plus d´information.

Les escroqueries dans le domaine de la cryptographie ont évolué et sont devenues plus sophistiquées au fil du temps en raison de divers facteurs, notamment la popularité croissante des crypto-monnaies, l'anonymat relatif des transactions, le marché haussier tant attendu et le manque de surveillance réglementaire dans certaines juridictions.

Les fraudeurs peuvent désormais accéder à votre téléphone lorsque vous cliquez sur un lien sans méfiance sur les plateformes de réseaux sociaux.

📢 La dernière arnaque est "Cryptoshuffler". Ce cheval de Troie vole des pièces sous votre nez en remplaçant l'adresse de votre portefeuille copiée dans votre presse-papiers.

Habituellement, lorsque vous copiez et collez une adresse de portefeuille, vous n'avez rien à craindre jusqu'à ce que le cryptoshuffler entre en jeu.

🏮 Désormais, votre adresse de portefeuille copiée peut être remplacée par l'adresse d'un fraudeur sans que vous vous en rendiez compte. Restez en sécurité, les gars.

PS : Vos généreux conseils ❤️ nous aideront à rechercher davantage d’opportunités financières.

#Bitcoin. #BTC #BitcoinPrice2024
Компания MicroStrategy приобрела ещё 14 620 биткоинов за $615 млн За последний месяц компания под председательством хорошо известного в криптосообществе Майкла Сэйлора MicroStrategy приобрела ещё 14 620 биткоинов. Согласно данным формы 8-K, опубликованным на сайте организации, фирма потратила $615,7 млн на очередную покупку биткоинов по средней цене $42 110 за монету. Покупки были совершены в период с 30 ноября по 26 декабря. Теперь MicroStrategy владеет 189 150 биткоинами, которые она приобрела по средней цене $31 168. Компания потратила $5,89 млрд на BTC-активы, которые в настоящее время оцениваются в $8,1 млрд. #Bitcoin. $BTC
Компания MicroStrategy приобрела ещё 14 620 биткоинов за $615 млн

За последний месяц компания под председательством хорошо известного в криптосообществе Майкла Сэйлора MicroStrategy приобрела ещё 14 620 биткоинов.

Согласно данным формы 8-K, опубликованным на сайте организации, фирма потратила $615,7 млн на очередную покупку биткоинов по средней цене $42 110 за монету. Покупки были совершены в период с 30 ноября по 26 декабря.

Теперь MicroStrategy владеет 189 150 биткоинами, которые она приобрела по средней цене $31 168. Компания потратила $5,89 млрд на BTC-активы, которые в настоящее время оцениваются в $8,1 млрд.
In a recent tweet, Blockstream CEO Adam Back highlighted that there's been no indication of a fork (soft or hard) in #Bitcoin. He mentioned that local pool policy is just local and might, in the worst-case scenario, cause delays in transaction types proportional to the pool's hashrate. He further emphasized Bitcoin's censorship-resistant model, where other miners can mine what a particular miner or pool doesn't. Additionally, he mentioned potential improvements with #StratumV2 for more diversity and independent transaction inclusion policies. Adam Back also referenced "committed transactions," an idea from 2013, suggesting that it might be time to implement it. These transactions would keep details out of mining, shifting responsibility to participants and peer-to-peer Bitcoin nodes post-mining through decommitment reveal keys broadcast later. #OrdinalsProtocol
In a recent tweet, Blockstream CEO Adam Back highlighted that there's been no indication of a fork (soft or hard) in #Bitcoin. He mentioned that local pool policy is just local and might, in the worst-case scenario, cause delays in transaction types proportional to the pool's hashrate. He further emphasized Bitcoin's censorship-resistant model, where other miners can mine what a particular miner or pool doesn't. Additionally, he mentioned potential improvements with #StratumV2 for more diversity and independent transaction inclusion policies. Adam Back also referenced "committed transactions," an idea from 2013, suggesting that it might be time to implement it. These transactions would keep details out of mining, shifting responsibility to participants and peer-to-peer Bitcoin nodes post-mining through decommitment reveal keys broadcast later.
Is it possible to turn $100 into $10k by investing in Bitcoin?>>>>>>> Is this theory possible ⁉️ would it make many traders RICH by FOLLOWING simple steps and strategies‼️ What are you First thoughts ? Lets do math together <<<<<< No, it’s not possible to turn 100 dollars to 10K on #Bitcoin. Let’s say you put 100 right now on Bitcoin at 26K and Bitcoin goes to 100K, you would made a gain of 379 dollars. That would not be that much but a gain is a gain. If you put it on the smaller altcoin like #Matic , #XRP , Stellar, you would have a bigger return. So if you put it on Stellar Lumens at 0.078 cents and it goes to 1.50, your gain would be 1917 dollars so it’s more than on Bitcoin. Now let’s think more big gains. Let’s put that 100 dollars on VeChain which is at 0.0148 cents right now. If it went to 1 dollar, your gain is 6,734 dollars. Bitcoin doesn’t have that much of a high return on investment (ROI) since it’s already at a higher price. The only way for you to make massive gains is by investing 10K or higher on Bitcoin. That’s how you make money on Bitcoin. If you had bought Bitcoin back in 09 when it was less than 10 cents, you would have had millions of dollars. So in the end, look at the small altcoins and you will have a more higher ROI than Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Is it possible to turn $100 into $10k by investing in Bitcoin?

>>>>>>> Is this theory possible ⁉️ would it make many traders RICH by FOLLOWING simple steps and strategies‼️ What are you First thoughts ?

Lets do math together <<<<<<

No, it’s not possible to turn 100 dollars to 10K on #Bitcoin.

Let’s say you put 100 right now on Bitcoin at 26K and Bitcoin goes to 100K, you would made a gain of 379 dollars. That would not be that much but a gain is a gain.

If you put it on the smaller altcoin like #Matic , #XRP , Stellar, you would have a bigger return.

So if you put it on Stellar Lumens at 0.078 cents and it goes to 1.50, your gain would be 1917 dollars so it’s more than on Bitcoin.

Now let’s think more big gains. Let’s put that 100 dollars on VeChain which is at 0.0148 cents right now. If it went to 1 dollar, your gain is 6,734 dollars.

Bitcoin doesn’t have that much of a high return on investment (ROI) since it’s already at a higher price. The only way for you to make massive gains is by investing 10K or higher on Bitcoin. That’s how you make money on Bitcoin.

If you had bought Bitcoin back in 09 when it was less than 10 cents, you would have had millions of dollars.

So in the end, look at the small altcoins and you will have a more higher ROI than Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Market Update - by #REXBOX The Monday range formed... and this was pretty much the same as the weekend range! ($25.8k - $26.3k.) Still no 4hr close yesterday above the Q2 VAL at $26,160. A close above this and the Monday High ($26.3k) an we can see the price start to fill some of the imbalance above. There is a chance that we get the delayed Grayscale Vs SEC lawsuit decision today by 4pm EST. If we get a clear decision then we likely see a break from this range on #Bitcoin. $BTC
Market Update - by #REXBOX

The Monday range formed... and this was pretty much the same as the weekend range! ($25.8k - $26.3k.) Still no 4hr close yesterday above the Q2 VAL at $26,160. A close above this and the Monday High ($26.3k) an we can see the price start to fill some of the imbalance above.

There is a chance that we get the delayed Grayscale Vs SEC lawsuit decision today by 4pm EST. If we get a clear decision then we likely see a break from this range on #Bitcoin.

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