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💥💥💥 #Arbitrum ($ARB ) Breaks Above Resistance, Price Targets Monthly High Arbitrum (ARB) has surged above a crucial resistance level amidst the broader #cryptocurrency market rally observed in the past 24 hours. Currently trading at $1.15, ARB has witnessed a remarkable 17% price surge, echoing the 8% uptick in the global cryptocurrency market capitalization during the same period. Increased Bullish Activity - The heightened activity surrounding ARB is evident in its trading volume, which has surged to $1.04 billion, marking its highest single-day level since March 21. This surge in trading volume alongside price appreciation is typically interpreted as a bullish signal, indicating growing interest from traders. - Moreover, ARB's futures open interest has surged by 19% to $243 million, reflecting increased market participation as more traders open new positions. Price Prediction: Sustaining Bullish Momentum - Surpassing the resistance at $1.13, ARB's price now stands above its 20-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) and its 50-day Simple Moving Average (SMA). This bullish crossover suggests positive short-term and medium-term price movements, signaling upward momentum. - With ARB's Relative Strength Index (RSI) at 57.12, indicating an uptrend and a preference for accumulation over distribution, the altcoin's price may potentially reach $1.17 if the current accumulation momentum persists. - However, exhaustion among buyers could lead to bearish pressure, pushing ARB's price back below resistance and potentially down to $1.09. As the market dynamics unfold, maintaining bullish momentum will be critical for ARB's price trajectory. Source - #CryptoTrends2024 #BinanceSquareAnalysis
💥💥💥 #Arbitrum ($ARB ) Breaks Above Resistance, Price Targets Monthly High

Arbitrum (ARB) has surged above a crucial resistance level amidst the broader #cryptocurrency market rally observed in the past 24 hours.

Currently trading at $1.15, ARB has witnessed a remarkable 17% price surge, echoing the 8% uptick in the global cryptocurrency market capitalization during the same period.

Increased Bullish Activity

- The heightened activity surrounding ARB is evident in its trading volume, which has surged to $1.04 billion, marking its highest single-day level since March 21. This surge in trading volume alongside price appreciation is typically interpreted as a bullish signal, indicating growing interest from traders.

- Moreover, ARB's futures open interest has surged by 19% to $243 million, reflecting increased market participation as more traders open new positions.

Price Prediction: Sustaining Bullish Momentum

- Surpassing the resistance at $1.13, ARB's price now stands above its 20-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) and its 50-day Simple Moving Average (SMA). This bullish crossover suggests positive short-term and medium-term price movements, signaling upward momentum.

- With ARB's Relative Strength Index (RSI) at 57.12, indicating an uptrend and a preference for accumulation over distribution, the altcoin's price may potentially reach $1.17 if the current accumulation momentum persists.

- However, exhaustion among buyers could lead to bearish pressure, pushing ARB's price back below resistance and potentially down to $1.09. As the market dynamics unfold, maintaining bullish momentum will be critical for ARB's price trajectory.

Source -

#CryptoTrends2024 #BinanceSquareAnalysis
Macam Buah-buahan dan Sayuran untuk Kesehatan Matasehari hari kita menggunakan mata, namun kerja mata lebih berat ketika selalu melihat layar, maka dari itu kesehatan mata sangatlah penting, mengingat indra penglihatan sangat berperan dan berguna dalam menjalankan kehidupan sehari-hari. Ada banyak cara untuk melindungi mata, terutama mengistirahatkannya dari berbagai kegiatan yang melibatkan alat elektronik. Langkah lain adalah memilih buah dan sayuran yang dapat melindungi mata termasuk dari penyakit seperti katarak dan rabun. Berikut beberapa jenis sayuran dan buah yang dapat melindungi kesehatan mata. Rasanya lezat, manfaatnya luar biasa.WortelWortel sudah kondang disebut sebagai sayuran penjaga kesehatan mata. Kandungan Beta karoten, vitamin B6 dan C, kalsium, kalium, fosfor, dan serat yang terdapat dalam wortel akan diubah oleh tubuh menjadi Vitamin A yang berperan penting dalam manjaga kesehatan mata kita. Wortel juga berguna melepaskan radikal bebas yang berada dalam tubuh kita.BrokoliBrokoli adalah salah satu jenis sayuran yang baik untuk menjaga dan merawat kesehatan mata, brokoli mengandung nutrisi Zeaxanthin dan Lutein yang fungsinya adalah melindungi mata dari pancaran sinar UV. Risiko terkena katarak juga bisa dikurangi dengan mengonsumsi brokoli.BayamBukan hanya baik dikonsumsi untuk menambah energi, bayam juga mengandung banyak Zeaxanthin dan Lutein. Di dalam bayam juga terkandung vitamin B6, C dan K, asam folat, zat besi, kalsium, sulfur dan klorofil, Vitamin C yang berguna mencegah penyakit glaukoma. Tomat Tomat kaya akan vitamin A, C dan lycopene, ketiga jenis nutrisi tersebut sangat penting untuk menjaga kesehatan mata kita. Tomat bisa dikonsumsi langsung maupun dibuat jus agar terasa lebih nikmat.AvokadJenis buah ini mengandung Lutein paling banyak dibandingkan dengan buah lainnya. Fungsi dari Lutein adalah untuk mencegah degenerasi mata katarak dan macular. Avokad juga berperan untuk menyerap nutrisi penting seperti alfa dan beta-karoten yang membentuk Vitamin A agar bisa diserap tubuh dengan baik.PisangSelain kandungan karbohidrat tinggi yang dapat mengenyangkan saat dikonsumsi, namun pisang juga memiliki peran penting bagi kesehatan mata. Pisang adalah buah yang kaya akan Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, dan C, yang mana Vitamin A dapat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan mata.Buah manggaBuah mangga mengandung vitamin yang sangat tinggi di antaranya: Vitamin A, B1, C dan E. Vitamin A yang lumayan bagus dalam buah mangga ini sangat berguna untuk menjaga kesehatan mata kita.Makan Ubi Jalar Yuk!Ubi jalar merupakan salah satu sumber pangan yang mengandung vitamin A dan vitamin C yang seringkali diabaikan oleh banyak orang. padahal untuk mendapatkan ubi jalar sangatlah mudah. Semangkuk ubi jalar sehari, dapat memenuhi kebutuhan harian vitamin A yang baik untuk menjaga kesehatan mata kita.. Sumber data dari googl* #BinanceTournament #BTC #ETH #BinanceSquareAnalysis #binance $BTC $ETH $BNB

Macam Buah-buahan dan Sayuran untuk Kesehatan Mata

sehari hari kita menggunakan mata, namun kerja mata lebih berat ketika selalu melihat layar, maka dari itu kesehatan mata sangatlah penting, mengingat indra penglihatan sangat berperan dan berguna dalam menjalankan kehidupan sehari-hari. Ada banyak cara untuk melindungi mata, terutama mengistirahatkannya dari berbagai kegiatan yang melibatkan alat elektronik. Langkah lain adalah memilih buah dan sayuran yang dapat melindungi mata termasuk dari penyakit seperti katarak dan rabun. Berikut beberapa jenis sayuran dan buah yang dapat melindungi kesehatan mata. Rasanya lezat, manfaatnya luar biasa.WortelWortel sudah kondang disebut sebagai sayuran penjaga kesehatan mata. Kandungan Beta karoten, vitamin B6 dan C, kalsium, kalium, fosfor, dan serat yang terdapat dalam wortel akan diubah oleh tubuh menjadi Vitamin A yang berperan penting dalam manjaga kesehatan mata kita. Wortel juga berguna melepaskan radikal bebas yang berada dalam tubuh kita.BrokoliBrokoli adalah salah satu jenis sayuran yang baik untuk menjaga dan merawat kesehatan mata, brokoli mengandung nutrisi Zeaxanthin dan Lutein yang fungsinya adalah melindungi mata dari pancaran sinar UV. Risiko terkena katarak juga bisa dikurangi dengan mengonsumsi brokoli.BayamBukan hanya baik dikonsumsi untuk menambah energi, bayam juga mengandung banyak Zeaxanthin dan Lutein. Di dalam bayam juga terkandung vitamin B6, C dan K, asam folat, zat besi, kalsium, sulfur dan klorofil, Vitamin C yang berguna mencegah penyakit glaukoma. Tomat Tomat kaya akan vitamin A, C dan lycopene, ketiga jenis nutrisi tersebut sangat penting untuk menjaga kesehatan mata kita. Tomat bisa dikonsumsi langsung maupun dibuat jus agar terasa lebih nikmat.AvokadJenis buah ini mengandung Lutein paling banyak dibandingkan dengan buah lainnya. Fungsi dari Lutein adalah untuk mencegah degenerasi mata katarak dan macular. Avokad juga berperan untuk menyerap nutrisi penting seperti alfa dan beta-karoten yang membentuk Vitamin A agar bisa diserap tubuh dengan baik.PisangSelain kandungan karbohidrat tinggi yang dapat mengenyangkan saat dikonsumsi, namun pisang juga memiliki peran penting bagi kesehatan mata. Pisang adalah buah yang kaya akan Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, dan C, yang mana Vitamin A dapat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan mata.Buah manggaBuah mangga mengandung vitamin yang sangat tinggi di antaranya: Vitamin A, B1, C dan E. Vitamin A yang lumayan bagus dalam buah mangga ini sangat berguna untuk menjaga kesehatan mata kita.Makan Ubi Jalar Yuk!Ubi jalar merupakan salah satu sumber pangan yang mengandung vitamin A dan vitamin C yang seringkali diabaikan oleh banyak orang. padahal untuk mendapatkan ubi jalar sangatlah mudah. Semangkuk ubi jalar sehari, dapat memenuhi kebutuhan harian vitamin A yang baik untuk menjaga kesehatan mata kita.. Sumber data dari googl* #BinanceTournament #BTC #ETH #BinanceSquareAnalysis #binance $BTC $ETH $BNB
🛑🛑🛑ETH urgent urgent mise à jour très urgente Attention aux passionnés d’Ethereum ! De grands développements se préparent dans l’écosystème des ETH, notamment en ce qui concerne ses perspectives d’ETF. 👉 Comme beaucoup d'entre vous le savent peut-être déjà, BlackRock a soumis une demande pour un ETF spot Ethereum, dont la date limite d'approbation approche à grands pas en avril/mai 2024. 👉 Semblable au rallye monumental observé avec l’approbation des ETF Bitcoin, Ethereum est sur le point de connaître une augmentation significative. 👉 Rappelez-vous simplement la frénésie entourant les approbations des ETF Bitcoin, faisant passer les prix de 30 000 $ à 52 000 $. Aujourd’hui, l’anticipation entourant l’approbation de l’ETH ETF alimente une activité d’achat substantielle. 👉 Cette augmentation de la demande devrait amener les prix de l’Ethereum à atteindre 4 000 $ avant l’approbation de l’ETF. L’enthousiasme suscité par l’ETF est palpable, avec une dynamique haussière qui se renforce quotidiennement. Restez à l’écoute pour plus de mises à jour au fur et à mesure que la saga ETH ETF se déroule ! 📈🚀 ❤️ Si vous avez trouvé cela utile, pensez à me donner un pourboire via la fonctionnalité Binance Tipping. Votre générosité m'aidera à continuer à fournir des contenus de haute qualité. 🙏🏿 #Write2Earn #Ethereum2024 #TrendingTopic #Binance  #BinanceSquareAnalysis $BTC  $ETH
🛑🛑🛑ETH urgent urgent mise à jour très urgente

Attention aux passionnés d’Ethereum ! De grands développements se préparent dans l’écosystème des ETH, notamment en ce qui concerne ses perspectives d’ETF.

👉 Comme beaucoup d'entre vous le savent peut-être déjà, BlackRock a soumis une demande pour un ETF spot Ethereum, dont la date limite d'approbation approche à grands pas en avril/mai 2024.

👉 Semblable au rallye monumental observé avec l’approbation des ETF Bitcoin, Ethereum est sur le point de connaître une augmentation significative.

👉 Rappelez-vous simplement la frénésie entourant les approbations des ETF Bitcoin, faisant passer les prix de 30 000 $ à 52 000 $. Aujourd’hui, l’anticipation entourant l’approbation de l’ETH ETF alimente une activité d’achat substantielle.

👉 Cette augmentation de la demande devrait amener les prix de l’Ethereum à atteindre 4 000 $ avant l’approbation de l’ETF. L’enthousiasme suscité par l’ETF est palpable, avec une dynamique haussière qui se renforce quotidiennement.

Restez à l’écoute pour plus de mises à jour au fur et à mesure que la saga ETH ETF se déroule ! 📈🚀

❤️ Si vous avez trouvé cela utile, pensez à me donner un pourboire via la fonctionnalité Binance Tipping. Votre générosité m'aidera à continuer à fournir des contenus de haute qualité. 🙏🏿

#Write2Earn #Ethereum2024 #TrendingTopic #Binance  #BinanceSquareAnalysis
"How to Know If We Are Entering a Bull Run" Identifying the beginning of a crypto bull run can be challenging, but several indicators and signals can help you assess whether one may be starting. Here are key ways to know if you are entering a bull run: Rising Asset Prices: The most prominent characteristic is a consistent increase in the prices of assets, such as cryptocurrencies, over an extended period. Positive Investor Sentiment: Optimism prevails among investors, and they believe that the market will continue to rise. Increased Trading Volume: Trading activity increases as more investors enter the market to exploit the positive trend. IPOs and New Projects: Initial public offerings (IPOs) of cryptocurrency-related companies and the launch of new projects may increase during a bull market. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Many investors fear missing out on potential gains, leading to increased buying pressure. Market Depth: The depth of the market (the number of buyers and sellers) usually increases as more participants join the market. It's important to remember that cryptocurrency markets can be highly volatile, and not all indicators guarantee a bull run. False signals and market corrections are common. Conduct thorough research, maintain a well-defined strategy, and exercise caution when making investment decisions.. Note : Not financial advice dyor before investing in any projects . Hey friends! 👋 Please follow my Binance Square feed. I've worked hard on creating different types of content, but it seems you're more into following for signals. I'd really appreciate your support in following me and helping me grow! Thanks a bunch! 🙏📈 #BinanceSquareAnalysis #CryptoContentCreator #bullrunBtc #BullishAltcoins #BTC
"How to Know If We Are Entering a Bull Run"

Identifying the beginning of a crypto bull run can be challenging, but several indicators and signals can help you assess whether one may be starting. Here are key ways to know if you are entering a bull run:

Rising Asset Prices: The most prominent characteristic is a consistent increase in the prices of assets, such as cryptocurrencies, over an extended period.

Positive Investor Sentiment: Optimism prevails among investors, and they believe that the market will continue to rise.

Increased Trading Volume: Trading activity increases as more investors enter the market to exploit the positive trend.

IPOs and New Projects: Initial public offerings (IPOs) of cryptocurrency-related companies and the launch of new projects may increase during a bull market.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Many investors fear missing out on potential gains, leading to increased buying pressure.

Market Depth: The depth of the market (the number of buyers and sellers) usually increases as more participants join the market.

It's important to remember that cryptocurrency markets can be highly volatile, and not all indicators guarantee a bull run. False signals and market corrections are common. Conduct thorough research, maintain a well-defined strategy, and exercise caution when making investment decisions..

Note : Not financial advice dyor before investing in any projects .

Hey friends! 👋 Please follow my Binance Square feed. I've worked hard on creating different types of content, but it seems you're more into following for signals. I'd really appreciate your support in following me and helping me grow! Thanks a bunch! 🙏📈

#BinanceSquareAnalysis #CryptoContentCreator
DOGE Achieves 8-Month High Amid Elon Musk's Ambitious $1 Billion X.AI Fundraising - Is a $1 Target for Dogecoin Feasible? Dogecoin (DOGE) has surged to an eight-month high, fueled by Elon Musk's ambitious endeavor to raise a substantial $1 billion for X.AI. This remarkable upswing in DOGE's value prompts speculation about the cryptocurrency's potential to reach the coveted $1 mark. The recent surge in Dogecoin's price aligns with a surge in enthusiasm and investment interest, driven by the announcement of Elon Musk's plans to spearhead a significant fundraising campaign for X.AI. Musk's involvement in the cryptocurrency space, particularly his support for Dogecoin, has consistently impacted its value and market sentiment. As DOGE reaches its highest point in eight months, investors and enthusiasts alike are pondering the possibility of Dogecoin hitting the $1 milestone. This surge comes amid a wave of renewed interest and positive sentiment surrounding the cryptocurrency, largely propelled by the influential figure of Musk and his vision for X.AI. The momentum behind Dogecoin's recent price surge underscores the resilience and potential of this meme-inspired cryptocurrency. However, the speculation regarding DOGE reaching $1 hinges on various factors, including sustained market momentum, continued support from influential figures like Musk, and the broader adoption of Dogecoin within mainstream financial ecosystems. Elon Musk's association with Dogecoin has consistently influenced its price movements, often sparking both rallies and corrections within the crypto market. The announcement of a substantial fundraising effort for X.AI has further fueled optimism among DOGE investors, raising questions about the cryptocurrency's potential trajectory in the near future. #DogecoinUpdate #DogecoinRise #BinanceSquareAnalysis
DOGE Achieves 8-Month High Amid Elon Musk's Ambitious $1 Billion X.AI Fundraising - Is a $1 Target for Dogecoin Feasible?

Dogecoin (DOGE) has surged to an eight-month high, fueled by Elon Musk's ambitious endeavor to raise a substantial $1 billion for X.AI. This remarkable upswing in DOGE's value prompts speculation about the cryptocurrency's potential to reach the coveted $1 mark.
The recent surge in Dogecoin's price aligns with a surge in enthusiasm and investment interest, driven by the announcement of Elon Musk's plans to spearhead a significant fundraising campaign for X.AI. Musk's involvement in the cryptocurrency space, particularly his support for Dogecoin, has consistently impacted its value and market sentiment.
As DOGE reaches its highest point in eight months, investors and enthusiasts alike are pondering the possibility of Dogecoin hitting the $1 milestone. This surge comes amid a wave of renewed interest and positive sentiment surrounding the cryptocurrency, largely propelled by the influential figure of Musk and his vision for X.AI.
The momentum behind Dogecoin's recent price surge underscores the resilience and potential of this meme-inspired cryptocurrency. However, the speculation regarding DOGE reaching $1 hinges on various factors, including sustained market momentum, continued support from influential figures like Musk, and the broader adoption of Dogecoin within mainstream financial ecosystems.
Elon Musk's association with Dogecoin has consistently influenced its price movements, often sparking both rallies and corrections within the crypto market. The announcement of a substantial fundraising effort for X.AI has further fueled optimism among DOGE investors, raising questions about the cryptocurrency's potential trajectory in the near future.
#DogecoinUpdate #DogecoinRise #BinanceSquareAnalysis
🚀 *Binance: Powering Your Crypto Journey with Diversity and Stability* Discover the unparalleled advantages of trading on Binance, a global cryptocurrency exchange that combines a diverse range of offerings with a commitment to stability. 1. *Extensive Cryptocurrency Portfolio* : Binance supports over 500+ cryptocurrencies, providing a vast array of investment opportunities for users. 2. *Efficient Transactions with High Liquidity*: Benefit from Binance's high trading volume, ensuring quick and competitive transactions for buying and selling cryptocurrencies. 3. *Low Fees and Exclusive Discounts*: Enjoy some of the industry's lowest fees (as low as 0.1%) and additional discounts by holding Binance Coin (BNB), including 0% fees on Bitcoin (BTC) trading. 4. *Robust Security Features*: Binance prioritizes user security with advanced measures such as two-factor authentication, anti-phishing protocols, and secure asset storage. 5. *User-Friendly Interface for All*: Navigate with ease on Binance's user-friendly interface designed to cater to both beginners and experienced traders. 🌐 *Binance and Stablecoins: Bridging the Gap to Efficiency* Embrace stability and efficiency in your crypto journey with Binance's support for stablecoins, recognized as an "efficient fiat gateway into crypto." 💡 *Benefits of Stablecoins on Binance:* - *Certainty in Conversion Rates*: Stablecoins eliminate confusion around conversion rates, providing users with the certainty they desire. - *Cost Efficiency*: Transactions involving stablecoins often have minimal to no fees, eliminating costs associated with wire transfers during fiat-to-crypto conversions. - *Mainstream Adoption Catalyst*: Binance sees stablecoins as a key driver for mainstream adoption, addressing concerns about the volatility of other cryptocurrencies. #BinanceTournament #BinanceCEO #BinanceSquareAnalysis #BNB🔥 $BNB $BTC $ETH
🚀 *Binance: Powering Your Crypto Journey with Diversity and Stability*

Discover the unparalleled advantages of trading on Binance, a global cryptocurrency exchange that combines a diverse range of offerings with a commitment to stability.

1. *Extensive Cryptocurrency Portfolio* : Binance supports over 500+ cryptocurrencies, providing a vast array of investment opportunities for users.

2. *Efficient Transactions with High Liquidity*: Benefit from Binance's high trading volume, ensuring quick and competitive transactions for buying and selling cryptocurrencies.

3. *Low Fees and Exclusive Discounts*: Enjoy some of the industry's lowest fees (as low as 0.1%) and additional discounts by holding Binance Coin (BNB), including 0% fees on Bitcoin (BTC) trading.

4. *Robust Security Features*: Binance prioritizes user security with advanced measures such as two-factor authentication, anti-phishing protocols, and secure asset storage.

5. *User-Friendly Interface for All*: Navigate with ease on Binance's user-friendly interface designed to cater to both beginners and experienced traders.

🌐 *Binance and Stablecoins: Bridging the Gap to Efficiency*

Embrace stability and efficiency in your crypto journey with Binance's support for stablecoins, recognized as an "efficient fiat gateway into crypto."

💡 *Benefits of Stablecoins on Binance:*

- *Certainty in Conversion Rates*: Stablecoins eliminate confusion around conversion rates, providing users with the certainty they desire.

- *Cost Efficiency*: Transactions involving stablecoins often have minimal to no fees, eliminating costs associated with wire transfers during fiat-to-crypto conversions.

- *Mainstream Adoption Catalyst*: Binance sees stablecoins as a key driver for mainstream adoption, addressing concerns about the volatility of other cryptocurrencies.
#BinanceTournament #BinanceCEO #BinanceSquareAnalysis #BNB🔥 $BNB $BTC $ETH
Investors are eyeing Solana with anticipation as the cryptocurrency is poised for a significant upswing. Market analysts predict that Solana's value will skyrocket to $70 within the next five days, citing robust technological advancements and growing investor confidence. The blockchain platform's lightning-fast transactions and low fees have garnered widespread acclaim, contributing to its rising popularity. As the crypto market experiences heightened volatility, Solana stands out as a promising asset, attracting both seasoned and novice investors. If the projections hold true, the next week could see Solana making substantial gains, reaching the $70 mark. #SOLPriceAnalysis #BinanceSquareAnalysis #BullishForecast $SOL
Investors are eyeing Solana with anticipation as the cryptocurrency is poised for a significant upswing. Market analysts predict that Solana's value will skyrocket to $70 within the next five days, citing robust technological advancements and growing investor confidence. The blockchain platform's lightning-fast transactions and low fees have garnered widespread acclaim, contributing to its rising popularity. As the crypto market experiences heightened volatility, Solana stands out as a promising asset, attracting both seasoned and novice investors. If the projections hold true, the next week could see Solana making substantial gains, reaching the $70 mark.

#SOLPriceAnalysis #BinanceSquareAnalysis #BullishForecast $SOL
Bitcoin Bullish Fractal Returns: Analyst Predicts Another Leg-Up With Price Target The recent Bitcoin rally has brought a number of things to the forefront and one of those is a bullish Bitcoin fractal that has not returned in two years. Crypto analyst FieryTrading was the one to point this out in a recent analysis of the leading cryptocurrency as something that could serve as evidence that the rally will continue. The crypto analyst pointed to a previously identified channel in the Bitcoin price that could suggest a bullish continuation. This channel often results after a big pump and given that BTC has added around $15,000 to its price in the space of a month, it doesn’t get bigger than this. FieryTrading identified that the fractal had appeared back in 2019 when the price jumped from around $4,100 to $5,800. After this, the fractal had completed the move, causing the BTC price to rise above the $6,800 level. Where Does This Put BTC’s Price? Following the previous performances of the Bitcoin price whenever this fractal has appeared, it suggests that there is still a lot of runway for the current rally. The crypto analyst used this historical performance to map out a likely path for the crypto’s price, putting the top of the fractal at $48,000. #BRC20 #BinanceSquareAnalysis
Bitcoin Bullish Fractal Returns: Analyst Predicts Another Leg-Up With Price Target

The recent Bitcoin rally has brought a number of things to the forefront and one of those is a bullish Bitcoin fractal that has not returned in two years. Crypto analyst FieryTrading was the one to point this out in a recent analysis of the leading cryptocurrency as something that could serve as evidence that the rally will continue.

The crypto analyst pointed to a previously identified channel in the Bitcoin price that could suggest a bullish continuation. This channel often results after a big pump and given that BTC has added around $15,000 to its price in the space of a month, it doesn’t get bigger than this.

FieryTrading identified that the fractal had appeared back in 2019 when the price jumped from around $4,100 to $5,800. After this, the fractal had completed the move, causing the BTC price to rise above the $6,800 level.

Where Does This Put BTC’s Price?

Following the previous performances of the Bitcoin price whenever this fractal has appeared, it suggests that there is still a lot of runway for the current rally. The crypto analyst used this historical performance to map out a likely path for the crypto’s price, putting the top of the fractal at $48,000.
#BRC20 #BinanceSquareAnalysis
↕️ #ETH USDT 🔴BUY SHORT📉 🔰 LEVERAGE -50X ☀ ENTRY:-2480-2500(Set limit) 🎯TARGET 🎯 1)2450 2)2420 3)2380 4)2350 5)2320              🛑 STOPLOSS:2550 (USE 5% Fund) risk 🚨 High 📊 PUBLISHED BY 🚦 @M_S_K_344 #ETH #BinanceSquareAnalysis #STX #STX
☀ ENTRY:-2480-2500(Set limit)
             🛑 STOPLOSS:2550
(USE 5% Fund) risk 🚨 High
🚦 @M_S_K_344
#ETH #BinanceSquareAnalysis #STX #STX
✔️ BTC at $41,100, ETH at $2,180. Fear and greed index is 65 (greed). The altcoin season index is 55. The market capitalization is $1.511 trillion. 👇 From the news: 🇸🇻 El Salvador's Bitcoin bonds will be issued in the first half of 2024 😳 OKX DEX was hacked to the tune of $2.76 million. OKX promises to compensate for all losses. 👀 Today at 21:00 the Fed will announce its decision on the interest rate. Thoughts on coins: 📉 Applicants for Short: - STORJ - TRB 📈 Applicants for Long: - AVAX - RUNE #BTC #EthereumWhales #MarketDynamics #BinanceSquareAnalysis #Digest
✔️ BTC at $41,100, ETH at $2,180.
Fear and greed index is 65 (greed).
The altcoin season index is 55.
The market capitalization is $1.511 trillion.

👇 From the news:
🇸🇻 El Salvador's Bitcoin bonds will be issued in the first half of 2024

😳 OKX DEX was hacked to the tune of $2.76 million. OKX promises to compensate for all losses.

👀 Today at 21:00 the Fed will announce its decision on the interest rate.

Thoughts on coins:

📉 Applicants for Short:

📈 Applicants for Long:

#BTC #EthereumWhales #MarketDynamics #BinanceSquareAnalysis #Digest
BREAKING : SOMEONE JUST PAID 3 MILLION USD AS FEE TO TRANSFER #BTC. THEY PAID 83.65 #BTC AS FEE EQUIVALENT TO 3 MILLION DOLLARS Pity , the person could have simply used @tectumsocial softnotes to mint and handover the #BTC in any form with 0 fee. $BTC #RichardTeng #MtGox #BinanceSquareAnalysis


Pity , the person could have simply used
softnotes to mint and handover the #BTC in any form with 0 fee.
$BTC #RichardTeng
#MtGox #BinanceSquareAnalysis
📢📢MY PERSONAL DAILY INCOME FROM BINANCE 📢 I consistently generate 200$ of daily income using my unique techniques on #binannce You too can achieve this. 🔥🔥 📢My personal engagements on #Binance extends beyond trading as I leverage various services: 📢📢#My_Methods 🔥Futures Trading 🔥Spot Trading 🔥 binance campaign's i never ever miss them 🔥Referral Commissions 🔥Auto Invest 🔥copy trading 🔥learn and earn🤏 🔥Staking 🔥Free Offers - Airdrops 🔥Options Trade 🔥grid bots (spot+future) 🔥some little and genuine options more 📢#Extra_Tip: Relying on a single income source and putt all your eggs in one bucket isn't wise; diversify your resources. 👉But remember, only follow if you appreciate authenticity. Hit Like and Follow for more Tips and trading . We kindly request your support in form of a Tip💛 📢Your generosity fuels our mission to educate and bring more individuals into the thrilling world of cryptocurrencies. #BinanceTournament #safu #etf #BinanceSquareAnalysis #dyor

I consistently generate 200$ of daily income using my unique techniques on #binannce

You too can achieve this. 🔥🔥

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📢#Extra_Tip: Relying on a single income source and putt all your eggs in one bucket isn't wise; diversify your resources.

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#BinanceTournament #safu #etf #BinanceSquareAnalysis #dyor
If you’re looking for crypto alternatives to get RICH in 2024.. I’ve made the perfect list 🤑 Opportunity to collect coins at Sale-off prices before Q1/2024. Around this time next year, you won't be able to buy coins at this price. You guys just look at BTC.D and collect it. There may be a correction coming to lure the underdogs and shake up their assets, but remember that what we experienced in the 2022 bearish trend was scarier than this much. 👉Top coins with the strongest intrinsic growth this season: - $INJ - $ARB - $TIA - $AVAX - $WLD - $FET 👉Top potential coins according to Rina: - $MAV - $VRTX - $RON - $HFT - $TRADE - $HYPR - $PENDLE - $OP - $WOO - $PYTH - $RDNT - $LINK - $ROSE What’s missing from this list? Add yours 👇 My followers will make millions in this bull run, you will not regret following me. #Crypto #BinanceResignation #BinanceSquareAnalysis
If you’re looking for crypto alternatives to get RICH in 2024.. I’ve made the perfect list 🤑

Opportunity to collect coins at Sale-off prices before Q1/2024.

Around this time next year, you won't be able to buy coins at this price. You guys just look at BTC.D and collect it.

There may be a correction coming to lure the underdogs and shake up their assets, but remember that what we experienced in the 2022 bearish trend was scarier than this much.

👉Top coins with the strongest intrinsic growth this season:

- $INJ
- $ARB
- $TIA
- $WLD
- $FET

👉Top potential coins according to Rina:

- $MAV
- $RON
- $HFT
- $OP
- $WOO

What’s missing from this list?

Add yours 👇

My followers will make millions in this bull run, you will not regret following me. #Crypto

#BinanceResignation #BinanceSquareAnalysis
How to recover loss #BTC #BinanceWish #BinanceSquareAnalysis $BTC Learn from your mistakes. Successful traders need to be able to recognize their strengths and weaknesses—and plan around them. ... Keep a trade log. ... Write it off. ... Slowly start to rebuild. ... Scale up and scale down. ... Use limit and stop orders. ... Get a second opinion.
How to recover loss #BTC #BinanceWish #BinanceSquareAnalysis $BTC

Learn from your mistakes. Successful traders need to be able to recognize their strengths and weaknesses—and plan around them. ...

Keep a trade log. ...

Write it off. ...

Slowly start to rebuild. ...

Scale up and scale down. ...

Use limit and stop orders. ...

Get a second opinion.
Hello Binancers ! So to illustrate more on my previous post about the top 3 cryptos to explode this week: 2. LUNC: The LUNC community initiated burn mechanism is currently at a 83 billion burned coins which is 0,55% of the total supply, hell, even Binance is burning LUNC now. My logic is simple, with a stable community and the burn mechanism is all but running, with such rate, based on comparisons to previous prices, regardless the change of total supply which increased significantly from 380 million before the crash to 5.8 trillion coins, still, on a long term prospect, with increase in the current community and good investments will definitely help with the burning process. I think it would be fair to say that the possibility of deleting 3 zeros is real. And with such current prices, why not take a risk on a 3 zeros jackpot. #LUNC.USDT #cryptoiskey #BTC #BinanceSquareAnalysis Safe trading. Pull that crypto up ⬆️🙏 That is not financial advice
Hello Binancers !
So to illustrate more on my previous post about the top 3 cryptos to explode this week:

2. LUNC: The LUNC community initiated burn mechanism is currently at a 83 billion burned coins which is 0,55% of the total supply, hell, even Binance is burning LUNC now. My logic is simple, with a stable community and the burn mechanism is all but running, with such rate, based on comparisons to previous prices, regardless the change of total supply which increased significantly from 380 million before the crash to 5.8 trillion coins, still, on a long term prospect, with increase in the current community and good investments will definitely help with the burning process. I think it would be fair to say that the possibility of deleting 3 zeros is real. And with such current prices, why not take a risk on a 3 zeros jackpot. #LUNC.USDT #cryptoiskey #BTC #BinanceSquareAnalysis

Safe trading.
Pull that crypto up ⬆️🙏
That is not financial advice
45% of Binance Users Prefer Crypto Investments to Increase Their Financial Success! 🤝🔶🔎 Cryptocurrency is revolutionizing finance, and Binance's recent survey provides a glimpse into how users are harnessing digital assets for financial freedom and daily transactions. Unveiling Insights: Financial Independence: A striking 45% of Binance users use cryptocurrency to attain additional income, striving for financial independence. Traditional Woes: Traditional banking frustrations, including hefty fees (19%) and sluggish transaction times (14%), drive users towards the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of cryptocurrencies. Diverse Usage: Over a third of respondents engage in weekly crypto transactions, using digital assets for online shopping, international remittances, and even in-store purchases. Fighting Inequality: A whopping 76% believe digital assets can reduce income inequality, attributing it to transparent and secure transactions, improved access for the unbanked, and the elimination of intermediaries in cross-border dealings. User Maturity: While 59% have used cryptocurrency for 1-5 years, indicating a maturing user base, 12% are newcomers within the last 6 months. Survey Snapshot: Participants: 1,172 Binance users across Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Latin America. Challenges and Trends: Regulatory Hurdles: Binance faces regulatory challenges, especially in the US, reflecting the broader regulatory uncertainties in the crypto space. Mainstream Momentum: Cryptocurrency's integration into daily financial activities underscores the need for positive user perceptions to drive mainstream adoption. Closing Thoughts: Cryptocurrency isn't just a passing trend; it's reshaping global finance. As users pursue financial independence and explore diverse applications, addressing challenges and understanding user experiences will be pivotal for the continued growth and acceptance of digital assets. #BinanceCEO #BinanceSquareAnalysis #RichardTeng
45% of Binance Users Prefer Crypto Investments to Increase Their Financial Success! 🤝🔶🔎

Cryptocurrency is revolutionizing finance, and Binance's recent survey provides a glimpse into how users are harnessing digital assets for financial freedom and daily transactions.

Unveiling Insights:

Financial Independence: A striking 45% of Binance users use cryptocurrency to attain additional income, striving for financial independence.

Traditional Woes: Traditional banking frustrations, including hefty fees (19%) and sluggish transaction times (14%), drive users towards the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of cryptocurrencies.

Diverse Usage: Over a third of respondents engage in weekly crypto transactions, using digital assets for online shopping, international remittances, and even in-store purchases.

Fighting Inequality: A whopping 76% believe digital assets can reduce income inequality, attributing it to transparent and secure transactions, improved access for the unbanked, and the elimination of intermediaries in cross-border dealings.

User Maturity: While 59% have used cryptocurrency for 1-5 years, indicating a maturing user base, 12% are newcomers within the last 6 months.

Survey Snapshot:

Participants: 1,172 Binance users across Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Latin America.

Challenges and Trends:

Regulatory Hurdles: Binance faces regulatory challenges, especially in the US, reflecting the broader regulatory uncertainties in the crypto space.

Mainstream Momentum: Cryptocurrency's integration into daily financial activities underscores the need for positive user perceptions to drive mainstream adoption.

Closing Thoughts:

Cryptocurrency isn't just a passing trend; it's reshaping global finance. As users pursue financial independence and explore diverse applications, addressing challenges and understanding user experiences will be pivotal for the continued growth and acceptance of digital assets.

#BinanceCEO #BinanceSquareAnalysis #RichardTeng
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