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Most of Ripple's Metaco executives and marketing team members have leftAccording to insiders, since being acquired by Ripple for $250 million last year, most of Metaco's executives and marketing team members have resigned. They have lost their Chief Technology Officer Angel Nunez, Sales Director Craig Perrin, Product Marketing Director Mei Li Powell, as well as Marketing Officer Gene Peterson and Rahul Mudgal. (CoinDesk) #BTC大饼减半,

Most of Ripple's Metaco executives and marketing team members have left

According to insiders, since being acquired by Ripple for $250 million last year, most of Metaco's executives and marketing team members have resigned. They have lost their Chief Technology Officer Angel Nunez, Sales Director Craig Perrin, Product Marketing Director Mei Li Powell, as well as Marketing Officer Gene Peterson and Rahul Mudgal. (CoinDesk)
$BTC Running Fast Doesn't Mean You Can Avoid Fall when you fall It's gonna Hard to get up Again. GO Slow Take minimal Losses and Get Most Profits. Foucs on Your goal to become Balanced Trader. Not every body luck is With them there are only 1 % in crypto World. We are 99 % losses club. We accept That first Then we can trade Make profit more losses less. 2012 to 2017 I trade Forex first year I lost my All money. Then I stated Again with positive thinking And Stay making money Again. I have Many members With me online offline. They want Advice for trade. I give them Signal Witch most of the time Work Because I only work on daily time frame. 1 mint 5 mint 15 mint 30 mint 1 hour these time frame for scalping. ONLY 4 hour 1 day and weekly Are the Right time frames for trade. #write2earn🌐💹 #BullorBear #BTC、 #BTCHalvingApril2024 #BTC大饼减半,
$BTC Running Fast Doesn't Mean You Can Avoid Fall when you fall It's gonna Hard to get up Again. GO Slow Take minimal Losses and Get Most Profits. Foucs on Your goal to become Balanced Trader. Not every body luck is With them there are only 1 % in crypto World. We are 99 % losses club. We accept That first Then we can trade Make profit more losses less. 2012 to 2017 I trade Forex first year I lost my All money. Then I stated Again with positive thinking And Stay making money Again. I have Many members With me online offline. They want Advice for trade. I give them Signal Witch most of the time Work Because I only work on daily time frame. 1 mint 5 mint 15 mint 30 mint 1 hour these time frame for scalping. ONLY 4 hour 1 day and weekly Are the Right time frames for trade. #write2earn🌐💹

#BullorBear #BTC、 #BTCHalvingApril2024 #BTC大饼减半,
根据CoinMetrics数据,比特币矿工的持币数量在4月10日降至179.4万枚,创下自去年11月以来的最低水平。数据显示,自去年11月以来,矿工持币余额已减少27,000枚。这表明,在比特币减半之前的几个月里,矿工一直在持续抛售比特币。Wintermute表示,比特币价格的上涨使得矿商能够以更高的价格获利,并为设备升级提供了资金,为减半事件做好了准备。 #BTC大饼减半, #BTC、 $BTC
#BTC大饼减半, #BTC、 $BTC
Bitcoin's Declining Price: A Continued Trend Bitcoin (BTC), the pioneer cryptocurrency, has been experiencing a prolonged period of price decline, causing concern among investors and enthusiasts alike. Over the past several days, BTC has been on a downward trajectory, facing significant sell-offs and market pressure. This sustained decline has led to speculation and analysis regarding the factors contributing to this trend. One prominent factor contributing to Bitcoin's declining price is market sentiment, influenced by various external factors such as regulatory uncertainties, geopolitical tensions, and economic indicators. Negative news events, including regulatory crackdowns in certain jurisdictions or security breaches, have often triggered sell-offs and amplified price declines. Furthermore, fluctuations in investor sentiment, exacerbated by fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD), have played a role in Bitcoin's recent downturn. The cryptocurrency market is highly speculative and sensitive to sentiment shifts, with fear-driven selling often leading to cascading price declines. Technical factors, including trading volume, market liquidity, and price support levels, also influence Bitcoin's price movements. A lack of significant buying pressure coupled with increased selling activity can result in a sustained downtrend, as observed in recent days. Despite the downward pressure, it's essential to note that Bitcoin's price history is characterized by periods of volatility and price corrections, followed by periods of recovery and growth. Long-term investors often view price declines as opportunities to accumulate BTC at discounted prices, anticipating future appreciation. it's crucial for investors to exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and assess risk factors before making investment decisions. Additionally, staying informed about market developments and maintaining a long-term perspective can help navigate the inherent volatility of the cryptocurrency market. #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #BTCHalvingApril2024 #BTC大饼减半,
Bitcoin's Declining Price: A Continued Trend

Bitcoin (BTC), the pioneer cryptocurrency, has been experiencing a prolonged period of price decline, causing concern among investors and enthusiasts alike. Over the past several days, BTC has been on a downward trajectory, facing significant sell-offs and market pressure. This sustained decline has led to speculation and analysis regarding the factors contributing to this trend.

One prominent factor contributing to Bitcoin's declining price is market sentiment, influenced by various external factors such as regulatory uncertainties, geopolitical tensions, and economic indicators. Negative news events, including regulatory crackdowns in certain jurisdictions or security breaches, have often triggered sell-offs and amplified price declines.

Furthermore, fluctuations in investor sentiment, exacerbated by fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD), have played a role in Bitcoin's recent downturn. The cryptocurrency market is highly speculative and sensitive to sentiment shifts, with fear-driven selling often leading to cascading price declines.

Technical factors, including trading volume, market liquidity, and price support levels, also influence Bitcoin's price movements. A lack of significant buying pressure coupled with increased selling activity can result in a sustained downtrend, as observed in recent days.

Despite the downward pressure, it's essential to note that Bitcoin's price history is characterized by periods of volatility and price corrections, followed by periods of recovery and growth. Long-term investors often view price declines as opportunities to accumulate BTC at discounted prices, anticipating future appreciation.

it's crucial for investors to exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and assess risk factors before making investment decisions. Additionally, staying informed about market developments and maintaining a long-term perspective can help navigate the inherent volatility of the cryptocurrency market.

#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #BTCHalvingApril2024
🌟最近大火的CKB 与RGB++是什么🤔 🚩可视化一页纸报告之——#CKB 的新叙事-#RGB++ 是什么 ✍️“RGB++ 是比特币一层资产发行协议,其资产可以在BTC CKB间transfer。” “RGB++ 的愿景是帮助 BTC 成为最好的资产发行平台。” 📷报告大纲 1.RGB++是什么? 2.解决什么问题? 3.其优势与安全性? 4.其团队战略#CKB #btc #BTC大饼减半,
🌟最近大火的CKB 与RGB++是什么🤔
🚩可视化一页纸报告之——#CKB 的新叙事-#RGB++ 是什么
✍️“RGB++ 是比特币一层资产发行协议,其资产可以在BTC CKB间transfer。” “RGB++ 的愿景是帮助 BTC 成为最好的资产发行平台。”

4.其团队战略#CKB #btc #BTC大饼减半,
NFT liquidity solution Eesee has completed the first phase of airdrop snapshots and will conduct TGEThe NFT liquidity solution Eesee has completed the first phase of airdrop snapshot and will conduct two phases of airdrops - TGE and Post-TGE. Users with more than 1,000 points can receive tokens in the first phase, and the points of users with less than 1,000 points will be transferred to the second phase. The airdrop will be distributed to more than 55,000 users to ensure that everyone can enjoy the TGE multiplier. All points converted to ESE are now visible. The distribution of ESE tokens in the first phase will be airdropped on the TGE date, April 11, on the Blast network. #BTC大饼减半,

NFT liquidity solution Eesee has completed the first phase of airdrop snapshots and will conduct TGE

The NFT liquidity solution Eesee has completed the first phase of airdrop snapshot and will conduct two phases of airdrops - TGE and Post-TGE. Users with more than 1,000 points can receive tokens in the first phase, and the points of users with less than 1,000 points will be transferred to the second phase. The airdrop will be distributed to more than 55,000 users to ensure that everyone can enjoy the TGE multiplier. All points converted to ESE are now visible. The distribution of ESE tokens in the first phase will be airdropped on the TGE date, April 11, on the Blast network.
#BTC大饼减半, 宏观研究员 Adam 在 X 平台发布了本周(4/15-4/21)的重要事件和市场走势展望。本周最引人注目的事件是预计在周六完成的比特币减半,这将导致挖矿产出从每块 6.25 枚 BTC 减半至每块 3.125 枚 BTC。比特币减半作为比特币的一个重要时刻,具有历史意义,可能引发市场波动,值得密切关注。 另一个本周的焦点是中东地区的冲突,预计本周将有大量相关事件和声明,这可能导致投机市场大幅波动。 本周的重要事件包括: 4/15 周一:美国公布 3 月零售销售数据,香港证监会公布首批现货比特币 ETF 名单。 4/18 周四:美联储发布经济状况褐皮书,公布美国初请失业金人数,TOKEN2049 将在迪拜举行。 4/19 周五:Coinbase 就美国 SEC 诉讼案提起中间上诉。 4/20 周六:预计比特币将完成减半。 加密货币市场展望:比特币和整个加密货币市场在过去一周经历了大幅回调,大部分山寨币接近“减半”状态,但以比特币为首的加密货币今天迎来了整体反弹,Dvol(波动率)也回升至 71%。 #热门话题 #BTC大饼减半, #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #美联储利率决议 $BTC 宏观研究员 Adam 在 X 平台发布了本周(4/15-4/21)的重要事件和市场走势展望。本周最引人注目的事件是预计在周六完成的比特币减半,这将导致挖矿产出从每块 6.25 枚 BTC 减半至每块 3.125 枚 BTC。比特币减半作为比特币的一个重要时刻,具有历史意义,可能引发市场波动,值得密切关注。


4/15 周一:美国公布 3 月零售销售数据,香港证监会公布首批现货比特币 ETF 名单。
4/18 周四:美联储发布经济状况褐皮书,公布美国初请失业金人数,TOKEN2049 将在迪拜举行。
4/19 周五:Coinbase 就美国 SEC 诉讼案提起中间上诉。
4/20 周六:预计比特币将完成减半。

加密货币市场展望:比特币和整个加密货币市场在过去一周经历了大幅回调,大部分山寨币接近“减半”状态,但以比特币为首的加密货币今天迎来了整体反弹,Dvol(波动率)也回升至 71%。
#热门话题 #BTC大饼减半, #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #美联储利率决议 $BTC
The cross-chain bridge between Polkadot and Kusama is now liveIt was announced that the cross-chain bridge between Polkadot and Kusama has gone live. The GRANDPA light client running on BridgeHub for both Polkadot and Kusama has been initialized, and is currently being synchronised in real-time by an unlicensed relay operated by Parity. The consensus proof logic (light client), parallel chain header proof logic, and message proof logic all run on the in-chain when BridgeHub is running, and are exclusively controlled by Polkadot/Kusama governance. #BTC大饼减半,

The cross-chain bridge between Polkadot and Kusama is now live

It was announced that the cross-chain bridge between Polkadot and Kusama has gone live. The GRANDPA light client running on BridgeHub for both Polkadot and Kusama has been initialized, and is currently being synchronised in real-time by an unlicensed relay operated by Parity. The consensus proof logic (light client), parallel chain header proof logic, and message proof logic all run on the in-chain when BridgeHub is running, and are exclusively controlled by Polkadot/Kusama governance.
BTC simplified breakdown: What: Bitcoin is a type of digital currency. How: It works through a technology called blockchain. Blockchain: A decentralized ledger that records all transactions. Transactions: Verified by network participants called miners. Miners: Solve complex mathematical problems to confirm transactions. Security: Each transaction is secure and irreversible. Ownership: Users have digital wallets to store and transfer bitcoins. Limited Supply: There will only ever be 21 million bitcoins. Value: Like any currency, its value fluctuates based on demand. Accessibility: Can be bought, sold, and used globally, online or offline. #BTCHalvingApril2024 #BTCDumpingByUS #BTCMarketTrends #BTC大饼减半, #BTC趋势预估
BTC simplified breakdown:

What: Bitcoin is a type of digital currency.
How: It works through a technology called blockchain.
Blockchain: A decentralized ledger that records all transactions.
Transactions: Verified by network participants called miners.
Miners: Solve complex mathematical problems to confirm transactions.
Security: Each transaction is secure and irreversible.
Ownership: Users have digital wallets to store and transfer bitcoins.
Limited Supply: There will only ever be 21 million bitcoins.
Value: Like any currency, its value fluctuates based on demand.
Accessibility: Can be bought, sold, and used globally, online or offline.

今日做单思路 #BTC BTC当下: 2/4小时级别为多方 1小时级别回调刚结束,天线新一轮起涨开始,留意:66526.9,这个位置附近,如能上涨不跌这个价位,回调结束,天线站多方,压力位看:72824.2-73859.9这两位置附近。如有下破时,请留意支撑位看:59587.1-59174.1这两个位置附近。兄弟们!合约有风险,做单需谨慎,保本为王,再看利润。 请关注我,找我请看评论找助理,加入我们每周免费提供直播指导,帮助您更好地掌握相关知识和技巧。#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #BTC趋势预估 #BTC大饼减半,
请关注我,找我请看评论找助理,加入我们每周免费提供直播指导,帮助您更好地掌握相关知识和技巧。#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #BTC趋势预估 #BTC大饼减半,
加密分析公司CryptoQuant发布的研究报告指出,比特币减半可能对比特币价格的影响并不像过去那样显著。报告称,尽管减半通常会减少比特币的供应从而推高价格,但在过去几年中,持有比特币的投资者需求已经超过了供应。当前的供需差距比以往任何时候都大,这表明即使减半,也可能不会对比特币价格产生巨大影响。此外,比特币的总发行量已经下降至总供应的仅4%,远低于之前减半前的比例。RektCapital指出,即使比特币价格在减半前出现下跌,也可能会迅速反弹。 #BTC、 $BTC #大盘走势 #BTC大饼减半,
#BTC、 $BTC #大盘走势 #BTC大饼减半,
Former FTX executive Ryan Salame to be sentenced on May 28Ryan Salame, former executive of FTX, will be sentenced in a New York court on May 28th after admitting to criminal charges. Salame's sentencing will begin at 11 am. In September of last year, Salame admitted to conspiring to make illegal political donations and operating an unlicensed money transfer business. Salame's sentencing was originally scheduled for May 1st. #BTC大饼减半,

Former FTX executive Ryan Salame to be sentenced on May 28

Ryan Salame, former executive of FTX, will be sentenced in a New York court on May 28th after admitting to criminal charges. Salame's sentencing will begin at 11 am. In September of last year, Salame admitted to conspiring to make illegal political donations and operating an unlicensed money transfer business. Salame's sentencing was originally scheduled for May 1st.
DWF Ventures在X平台上发表文章,分析了比特币减半对Ordinals和Runes符文生态的影响。分析指出,随着比特币减半和Runes符文协议在4月份推出,Ordinals的交易量有望出现指数级增长。值得关注的是,过去一个月,比特币的交易量几乎与以太坊持平。许多比特币NFT集合持有者也成为各种空投的受益者,其中一些空投具有相当高的价值,为Ordinals和Runes符文生态系统创造了财富效应。 #BTC大饼减半, #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC
DWF Ventures在X平台上发表文章,分析了比特币减半对Ordinals和Runes符文生态的影响。分析指出,随着比特币减半和Runes符文协议在4月份推出,Ordinals的交易量有望出现指数级增长。值得关注的是,过去一个月,比特币的交易量几乎与以太坊持平。许多比特币NFT集合持有者也成为各种空投的受益者,其中一些空投具有相当高的价值,为Ordinals和Runes符文生态系统创造了财富效应。
#BTC大饼减半, #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC
Aevo: Epoch 5 has started, and 1.3 million AEVO will be distributed to active traders and stakers thAevo announced on social media that Epoch 5 has been activated. It is reported that Aevo will distribute 1.1 million AEVO to active AEVO traders and 200,000 AEVO to AEVO stakers this week. Users will be able to claim their AEVO rewards starting from April 12th. #BTC大饼减半,

Aevo: Epoch 5 has started, and 1.3 million AEVO will be distributed to active traders and stakers th

Aevo announced on social media that Epoch 5 has been activated. It is reported that Aevo will distribute 1.1 million AEVO to active AEVO traders and 200,000 AEVO to AEVO stakers this week. Users will be able to claim their AEVO rewards starting from April 12th.
听闻币圈贪婪指数处于高位,当个大学生丢了1w进来试试水下波段做空合约,经历下市场的毒打。虽然说这30天仓位控制和盈利止损操作的还不是很好,一盈利容易卖飞…例如今天的doge在0.155就清完了,没想到还能再跌,不过总体结果还算是满意,感觉差不多可以离场了,祝各位诸事顺利,有缘再见! #比特币减半 #btc #doge #BTC大饼减半, #Doge🚀🚀🚀

#比特币减半 #btc #doge
#BTC大饼减半, #Doge🚀🚀🚀
比特币减半倒计时只剩下10天,预计在2024年4月20日实施。当前每个区块的奖励为6.25 BTC,减半后将减少到3.125 BTC。同时,BSV也将在4天后迎来减半。 #BTC大饼减半, $BTC #BSV
比特币减半倒计时只剩下10天,预计在2024年4月20日实施。当前每个区块的奖励为6.25 BTC,减半后将减少到3.125 BTC。同时,BSV也将在4天后迎来减半。
#BTC大饼减半, $BTC #BSV
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