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Huaxia Virtual Asset ETF's AUM exceeds HK$1 billion, while Bosera and Harvest AUM both exceed HK$500According to the latest virtual asset ETF asset management scale data from HKEX as of May 3rd:1. Huaxia Ether ETF has an asset management scale of HKD 146.16 million, and Huaxia Bitcoin ETF has reached HKD 880.25 million, with a total amount exceeding HKD 1 billion, reaching HKD 1.02641 billion;2. Bosera HashKey Ether ETF has an asset management scale of HKD 96.59 million, and Bosera HashKey Bitcoin ETF has reached HKD 478.09 million, with a total of HKD 574.58 million;3. Harvest Ether ETF has an asset management scale of HKD 89.97 million, and the encrypted Bitcoin ETF has reached HKD 449.39 million, with a total of HKD 539.36 million. #BTC下跌分析

Huaxia Virtual Asset ETF's AUM exceeds HK$1 billion, while Bosera and Harvest AUM both exceed HK$500

According to the latest virtual asset ETF asset management scale data from HKEX as of May 3rd:1. Huaxia Ether ETF has an asset management scale of HKD 146.16 million, and Huaxia Bitcoin ETF has reached HKD 880.25 million, with a total amount exceeding HKD 1 billion, reaching HKD 1.02641 billion;2. Bosera HashKey Ether ETF has an asset management scale of HKD 96.59 million, and Bosera HashKey Bitcoin ETF has reached HKD 478.09 million, with a total of HKD 574.58 million;3. Harvest Ether ETF has an asset management scale of HKD 89.97 million, and the encrypted Bitcoin ETF has reached HKD 449.39 million, with a total of HKD 539.36 million.
Cardano Foundation and Dubai Blockchain Center Partner to Create Blockchain Training and CertificatiAccording to COINOTAG on X platform, the Cardano Foundation is partnering with the Dubai Blockchain Center to create a specialized Cardano blockchain training and certification system. #BTC下跌分析

Cardano Foundation and Dubai Blockchain Center Partner to Create Blockchain Training and Certificati

According to COINOTAG on X platform, the Cardano Foundation is partnering with the Dubai Blockchain Center to create a specialized Cardano blockchain training and certification system.
#bitcoin $BTC BTC Currently, Bitcoin is hovering around 59,200 There was no movement in the US market last night The probability of entering the market today is 50% each for long and short positions The odds of winning are not high, so it is not recommended to operate! BTC at 59,200 can be attacked or defended🏇🏇🏇 $BTC $ETH #美联储何时降息? #5月市场关键事件 #比特币现货ETF持续淨流出 #Megadrop #BTC下跌分析
#bitcoin $BTC BTC
Currently, Bitcoin is hovering around 59,200
There was no movement in the US market last night
The probability of entering the market today is 50% each for long and short positions
The odds of winning are not high, so it is not recommended to operate!
BTC at 59,200 can be attacked or defended🏇🏇🏇
$BTC $ETH #美联储何时降息? #5月市场关键事件 #比特币现货ETF持续淨流出 #Megadrop #BTC下跌分析
CEX's total spot trading volume in April reached $1.6 trillion, down 35.7% from the previous monthThe Block data shows that CEX's total spot trading volume in April was 1.6 trillion US dollars, a decrease of 35.7% from the previous month's 2.48 trillion US dollars. In addition, Binance's spot trading volume in April was 699.25 billion US dollars, with a market share of 43.7%. #BTC下跌分析

CEX's total spot trading volume in April reached $1.6 trillion, down 35.7% from the previous month

The Block data shows that CEX's total spot trading volume in April was 1.6 trillion US dollars, a decrease of 35.7% from the previous month's 2.48 trillion US dollars. In addition, Binance's spot trading volume in April was 699.25 billion US dollars, with a market share of 43.7%.
In April, Binance’s spot market share reached 78.7%, rising for three consecutive monthsAccording to TheBlockPro data, in April, in the ranking of spot market share of major centralized cryptocurrency exchanges, Binance ranked first with a share of 78.7%, followed by Coinbase with 10.1%, Kraken with 3.7%, and LMAX Digital with 2.2%. Historical data shows that Binance's spot market share has been rising for three consecutive months, with the indicator value being 71% in January, 75.7% in February, and reaching 78.5% in March this year. #BTC下跌分析

In April, Binance’s spot market share reached 78.7%, rising for three consecutive months

According to TheBlockPro data, in April, in the ranking of spot market share of major centralized cryptocurrency exchanges, Binance ranked first with a share of 78.7%, followed by Coinbase with 10.1%, Kraken with 3.7%, and LMAX Digital with 2.2%. Historical data shows that Binance's spot market share has been rising for three consecutive months, with the indicator value being 71% in January, 75.7% in February, and reaching 78.5% in March this year.
前期炒币一直亏!还好这些年经验足了慢慢赚了回来!这些年摸爬滚打我总结了7条铁律,都是实打实的干货,你要是觉得没道理,你来骂我! 1️⃣ 炒币智慧,学会顺势而为。不必急于求成,让时间证明价值。关注84日均线,它的上扬或许预示着主升浪的来临。 2️⃣ 资金管理,炒币之根本。切莫孤注一掷,合理分配你的资金,每次只投入一部分,这样即使失败,损失也在可控范围内。 3️⃣ MACD助力,洞察市场先机。当DIF和DEA在0轴上方形成金叉,或许正是你入场的良机;反之,若两线向下穿越,则需谨慎减仓。 4️⃣ 趋势为王,炒币之精髓。选择那些持续上涨的币种,跟随趋势,让你的收益稳步上升。而短期的暴涨暴跌,往往伴随着高风险。 5️⃣ 补仓需谨慎,盈利再加仓。当市场回调时,不要轻易补仓,以免陷入更深的泥潭。而当你盈利时,适当加仓,或许能进一步扩大收益。 6️⃣ 量价指标,炒币之利器。关注成交量与价格的关系,低位放量突破时果断买入,高位放量滞涨时及时卖出。 7️⃣ 复盘是习惯,赚钱有保障。每周定期复盘,检查自己的投资策略是否有效,及时调整方向,确保你的炒币之路越走越宽广。 币圈的风险与机会并存,如果你还没有找到合适的团队和领路人,不妨通过主页来联系财神,免费的干货和福利与你分享,记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #BTC下跌分析 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH

1️⃣ 炒币智慧,学会顺势而为。不必急于求成,让时间证明价值。关注84日均线,它的上扬或许预示着主升浪的来临。

2️⃣ 资金管理,炒币之根本。切莫孤注一掷,合理分配你的资金,每次只投入一部分,这样即使失败,损失也在可控范围内。

3️⃣ MACD助力,洞察市场先机。当DIF和DEA在0轴上方形成金叉,或许正是你入场的良机;反之,若两线向下穿越,则需谨慎减仓。

4️⃣ 趋势为王,炒币之精髓。选择那些持续上涨的币种,跟随趋势,让你的收益稳步上升。而短期的暴涨暴跌,往往伴随着高风险。

5️⃣ 补仓需谨慎,盈利再加仓。当市场回调时,不要轻易补仓,以免陷入更深的泥潭。而当你盈利时,适当加仓,或许能进一步扩大收益。

6️⃣ 量价指标,炒币之利器。关注成交量与价格的关系,低位放量突破时果断买入,高位放量滞涨时及时卖出。

7️⃣ 复盘是习惯,赚钱有保障。每周定期复盘,检查自己的投资策略是否有效,及时调整方向,确保你的炒币之路越走越宽广。

#BTC下跌分析 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH
MicroStrategy 宣布推出基于比特币的身份验证协议 🔬MicroStrategy推出了Orange去中心化身份,这是一种基于比特币的新身份验证协议🍊。 ⌨️ 该系统使用比特币区块链上未花费的交易输出(未花费的交易输出(UTXO))来存储用户信息。 🪪 通过利用隔离见证技术,它允许创建和更新文档,对大小和内容只有很小的限制。 #BTC下跌分析 #5月市场关键事件
MicroStrategy 宣布推出基于比特币的身份验证协议


⌨️ 该系统使用比特币区块链上未花费的交易输出(未花费的交易输出(UTXO))来存储用户信息。

🪪 通过利用隔离见证技术,它允许创建和更新文档,对大小和内容只有很小的限制。

#BTC下跌分析 #5月市场关键事件
2024.5.2 前瞻一下基本面:从本周各种就业数据来看,终于显示出部分衰退因素;接下来可以关注失业率上升到什么程度,经济衰退到什么程度,会不会发生黑天鹅,什么时候降息;降息落地前注意风险!第四季度美国大选前找暴跌机会满仓是最好的策略! #BTC下跌分析


#BTC下跌分析 在未来的几天,你可以经常看到涨幅超过100%的币种,请不要问我为什么,速进电报:ANTleague 即将关门

在未来的几天,你可以经常看到涨幅超过100%的币种,请不要问我为什么,速进电报:ANTleague 即将关门
💫比特币(BTC)月线结束七连涨,接下来会跌破55000美金吗?币圈牛市还在吗?🌻 🔻比特币月线收线,经历了七个月的长期上涨后回调,看跌吞没形态出现,牛市结束了吗? 🔻虽然月线没有破新高,但回调是空头量能缩量的,说明空军较为弱势。比特币目前处于牛市中期,回踩上波牛市形成的密集成交区所形成的重要支撑位置。 🔻在牛市趋势的大背景下,多头指标会被强化,空头指标会被弱化。因此,回调可能会有,但幅度应该不会很大。尤其是降息预期和比特币、以太坊现货ETF的落地,让我们不必过于担心。 🔻这波牛市与之前不同,万币其涨的概率正在减小,要想在接下来的行情中赚钱,我们需要对牛市赛道和热点有详细的了解和研究,并能够通过盘面正确分析判断什么是相对低点进场抄底和相对高点及时逃顶套现。 币圈的风险与机会并存,如果你还没有找到合适的团队和领路人,不妨通过主页来联系财神,免费的干货和福利与你分享,记住,机会总是留给有准备的人。 #Megadrop #BTC下跌分析 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥





#Megadrop #BTC下跌分析 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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