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Hi, It is becoming increasingly difficult to profit from cryptocurrencies with each cycle, and it's also challenging to preserve the earned money. Most retail investors will lose interest, and in 5-10 years, it will be just us against bots and insiders. This cycle is probably the last one when ordinary people can make and save money. This doesn't mean that people can't join this space and work hard, putting in time and effort. But it does mean that the bar for entry, in terms of knowledge, understanding, and the ability to make informed decisions, is now higher than ever. Expect the cost of "market education" to rise, as well as the time needed to become profitable. #binance #BTC #Ethereum #LEDGER

It is becoming increasingly difficult to profit from cryptocurrencies with each cycle, and it's also challenging to preserve the earned money.

Most retail investors will lose interest, and in 5-10 years, it will be just us against bots and insiders.

This cycle is probably the last one when ordinary people can make and save money.

This doesn't mean that people can't join this space and work hard, putting in time and effort.

But it does mean that the bar for entry, in terms of knowledge, understanding, and the ability to make informed decisions, is now higher than ever.

Expect the cost of "market education" to rise, as well as the time needed to become profitable.

#binance #BTC #Ethereum #LEDGER
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Was ist Kryptowährung?## Einführung in die Welt der Kryptowährungen Kryptowährung ist eine digitale oder virtuelle Währung, die zur Sicherheit Kryptografie verwendet. Im Gegensatz zu traditionellen Währungen wie dem Dollar oder dem Euro hat Kryptowährung keine physische Form und existiert ausschließlich in digitaler Form. ### Entstehungsgeschichte Die erste und bekannteste Kryptowährung, Bitcoin, wurde 2009 von einem anonymen Entwickler (oder einer Gruppe von Entwicklern) unter dem Pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto geschaffen. Die Idee war, eine dezentrale Währung zu schaffen, die nicht von Zentralbanken und Regierungen kontrolliert wird.

Was ist Kryptowährung?

## Einführung in die Welt der Kryptowährungen

Kryptowährung ist eine digitale oder virtuelle Währung, die zur Sicherheit Kryptografie verwendet. Im Gegensatz zu traditionellen Währungen wie dem Dollar oder dem Euro hat Kryptowährung keine physische Form und existiert ausschließlich in digitaler Form.
### Entstehungsgeschichte
Die erste und bekannteste Kryptowährung, Bitcoin, wurde 2009 von einem anonymen Entwickler (oder einer Gruppe von Entwicklern) unter dem Pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto geschaffen. Die Idee war, eine dezentrale Währung zu schaffen, die nicht von Zentralbanken und Regierungen kontrolliert wird.
Original ansehen
Die größten Herausforderungen beim Trading sind: 1. Geduldig auf das perfekte Setup warten 2. Den Trade selbstbewusst ausführen 3. Die Ergebnisse Ihres Setups gelassen akzeptieren. #BTC #binance #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Web3
Die größten Herausforderungen beim Trading sind:

1. Geduldig auf das perfekte Setup warten
2. Den Trade selbstbewusst ausführen
3. Die Ergebnisse Ihres Setups gelassen akzeptieren.

#BTC #binance #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Web3
Original ansehen
Hier ist eine brutale Übung, die den Lauf Ihres Lebens verändern kann. Öffnen Sie die Kamera Ihres Telefons. Schalten Sie den Selfie-Modus ein. Halten Sie es vor sich. Schauen Sie eine Minute lang auf den Bildschirm. Fragen Sie sich: „Bin ich wirklich glücklich, dieses Spiegelbild zu sein?“ Ist es gesund? Ist es glücklich? Strebt es nach Freiheit? Wie sieht diese Person aus? Wer möchte diese Person sein? Sieht sie müde und kaputt aus, weil sie 16 Stunden am Tag in der Arbeit eingesperrt ist, dann ziellos durch Feeds scrollt, traurig ist und schlafen geht? Ist das wirklich das, was Sie wollten? Die meisten Leute werden das nicht tun, weil es ihnen schon verdammt schwerfällt, sich selbst anzusehen. Aber wenn Sie ein bisschen Mut haben, werden Sie es tun. Und Sie werden sehen, dass Sie noch nicht in der Nähe des Zustands sind, in dem Sie sein möchten. Aber Sie werden ein Funkeln in Ihren Augen sehen. Ein Funkeln, das mit einer hellen Flamme brennt, um die beste Version Ihrer selbst zu werden. Ein besserer Elternteil. Sich um seine Gesundheit kümmern. Eine wohlhabende Person, reich an Geist und Gesellschaft. Jemand, der anderen hilft, bevor er sich selbst hilft. Jemand, der frei lebt, außerhalb des Systems. Selbstverachtung ist eine höllische Droge. Es ist Zeit für ein Upgrade. #BTC #binance #Ethereum #DeFi #Web3
Hier ist eine brutale Übung, die den Lauf Ihres Lebens verändern kann.

Öffnen Sie die Kamera Ihres Telefons.
Schalten Sie den Selfie-Modus ein.
Halten Sie es vor sich.
Schauen Sie eine Minute lang auf den Bildschirm.
Fragen Sie sich:

„Bin ich wirklich glücklich, dieses Spiegelbild zu sein?“

Ist es gesund?

Ist es glücklich?

Strebt es nach Freiheit?

Wie sieht diese Person aus?

Wer möchte diese Person sein?

Sieht sie müde und kaputt aus, weil sie 16 Stunden am Tag in der Arbeit eingesperrt ist, dann ziellos durch Feeds scrollt, traurig ist und schlafen geht?

Ist das wirklich das, was Sie wollten?

Die meisten Leute werden das nicht tun, weil es ihnen schon verdammt schwerfällt, sich selbst anzusehen.

Aber wenn Sie ein bisschen Mut haben, werden Sie es tun.

Und Sie werden sehen, dass Sie noch nicht in der Nähe des Zustands sind, in dem Sie sein möchten.

Aber Sie werden ein Funkeln in Ihren Augen sehen.

Ein Funkeln, das mit einer hellen Flamme brennt, um die beste Version Ihrer selbst zu werden.

Ein besserer Elternteil.
Sich um seine Gesundheit kümmern.
Eine wohlhabende Person, reich an Geist und Gesellschaft.
Jemand, der anderen hilft, bevor er sich selbst hilft.
Jemand, der frei lebt, außerhalb des Systems.

Selbstverachtung ist eine höllische Droge.

Es ist Zeit für ein Upgrade.
#BTC #binance #Ethereum #DeFi #Web3
99% of projects actually don't need a token. Study Base, Arbitrum, LayerZero, and Wormhole (before the token launch), etc. All amazing products – and they all function completely without a token (Base is still functioning and thriving). But let me add another nuance. There are obvious arguments for having a token (decentralization, governance, bootstrapping, liquidity, community building, etc.). And these are undoubtedly important factors. But in reality, and this is important to understand from a retail perspective, these factors are usually secondary to the main principle: it is much easier to attract capital/make a profit compared to traditional revenue models. And many crypto products wouldn't be able to attract capital (and, consequently, create) if it weren't for this dynamic (since these businesses simply wouldn't be profitable enough just from revenues). So do these products need tokens to function? No. But does the industry depend on new tokens for innovation? Yes. Obvious downsides: private > public market, token dilution, liquidity fragmentation, etc. But the obvious upside is: more innovation, as teams can attract capital to build, and developers have an incentive to develop new products/dApps. I would like to see more infrastructure products representing more interesting/dynamic token utilities – as we have seen in the DeFi market. #BTC #binance #Ethereum #DeFi #Web3
99% of projects actually don't need a token.

Study Base, Arbitrum, LayerZero, and Wormhole (before the token launch), etc.

All amazing products – and they all function completely without a token (Base is still functioning and thriving).

But let me add another nuance.

There are obvious arguments for having a token (decentralization, governance, bootstrapping, liquidity, community building, etc.).

And these are undoubtedly important factors.

But in reality, and this is important to understand from a retail perspective, these factors are usually secondary to the main principle: it is much easier to attract capital/make a profit compared to traditional revenue models.

And many crypto products wouldn't be able to attract capital (and, consequently, create) if it weren't for this dynamic (since these businesses simply wouldn't be profitable enough just from revenues).

So do these products need tokens to function? No.
But does the industry depend on new tokens for innovation? Yes.

Obvious downsides: private > public market, token dilution, liquidity fragmentation, etc.

But the obvious upside is: more innovation, as teams can attract capital to build, and developers have an incentive to develop new products/dApps.

I would like to see more infrastructure products representing more interesting/dynamic token utilities – as we have seen in the DeFi market.

#BTC #binance #Ethereum #DeFi #Web3
Rotation of assets is one of the most challenging aspects of the market. It requires you not only to predict the market direction but also to determine the timing of relative strength/weakness between highly correlated assets. Most rotations involve traders buying weak assets because they missed out on the strong ones. Typically, strong assets remain strong, and by the time they become weak, the entire market is already exhausted, and the only rotations should be USD in your bank account. As with everything, there are exceptions, and sometimes you can find truly interesting deals. But if you are a novice trader with strong positions, your first thought should not be "how can I get rid of these and buy something weaker?" #BTC #binance #Ethereum #Web3 #DeFi
Rotation of assets is one of the most challenging aspects of the market.

It requires you not only to predict the market direction but also to determine the timing of relative strength/weakness between highly correlated assets.

Most rotations involve traders buying weak assets because they missed out on the strong ones.

Typically, strong assets remain strong, and by the time they become weak, the entire market is already exhausted, and the only rotations should be USD in your bank account.

As with everything, there are exceptions, and sometimes you can find truly interesting deals.

But if you are a novice trader with strong positions, your first thought should not be "how can I get rid of these and buy something weaker?"
#BTC #binance #Ethereum #Web3 #DeFi
**10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Trading:** 1. You will make mistakes often, and that's okay. 2. There will always be another trading opportunity. 3. Predicting lows and highs earns you fame, not money. 4. Not making a trade is often the best trade. 5. Forget about your portfolio's past highs; the market doesn't care how much you had before. 6. Learn from the best traders. 7. Winning or losing on a single trade doesn't matter; think about the next 100 trades. 8. Simplify your trading as much as possible. 9. Put health first; always choose sleep over trading. 10. Don't idolize traders with a lot of followers. #binance #Bitcoin #Ethereum
**10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Trading:**

1. You will make mistakes often, and that's okay.
2. There will always be another trading opportunity.
3. Predicting lows and highs earns you fame, not money.
4. Not making a trade is often the best trade.
5. Forget about your portfolio's past highs; the market doesn't care how much you had before.
6. Learn from the best traders.
7. Winning or losing on a single trade doesn't matter; think about the next 100 trades.
8. Simplify your trading as much as possible.
9. Put health first; always choose sleep over trading.
10. Don't idolize traders with a lot of followers.

#binance #Bitcoin #Ethereum
The reality is: Bulls have long-term potential. Bears have short-term advantage. Remember, new trends are born from within and manifest outwardly. So, "zoom out and look at the weekly chart" works until it doesn't. It gives a good broad view of where we might potentially go. But to see shifts in momentum, you need to pay attention to flows, microstructure, and small trend shifts within microtrends. All I want to say is that not the loudest macro bulls will notice these regime changes, so I support sticking to one side according to your thesis. #ЛюбимыйТокен #binance #Bitcoin #Ethereum
The reality is:

Bulls have long-term potential.
Bears have short-term advantage.

Remember, new trends are born from within and manifest outwardly.

So, "zoom out and look at the weekly chart" works until it doesn't.

It gives a good broad view of where we might potentially go.

But to see shifts in momentum, you need to pay attention to flows, microstructure, and small trend shifts within microtrends.

All I want to say is that not the loudest macro bulls will notice these regime changes, so I support sticking to one side according to your thesis.

#ЛюбимыйТокен #binance #Bitcoin #Ethereum
Key events for today, June 24, 2024, Monday: 🇺🇸Waller (Fed) - 10:00 UTC+3 🇩🇪Germany - Ifo Business Climate Index (June) - 11:00 UTC+3 🇪🇺Nagel (ECB) - 13:10 UTC+3 🇪🇺McCaul (ECB) - 17:15 UTC+3 🇺🇸USA - Dallas Fed Manufacturing Business Index (June) - 17:30 UTC+3 🇪🇺Schnabel (ECB) - 18:30 UTC+3 🇨🇦Governor of the Bank of Canada - 20:45 UTC+3 🇺🇸Daly (Fed) - 21:00 UTC+3 🇺🇸#CRWD #KKR #GDDY CrowdStrike, KKR, and GoDaddy stocks will be included in the S&P 500 index calculation #ЛюбимыйТокен #BNB #binance #Bitcoin #Ethereum
Key events for today, June 24, 2024, Monday:

🇺🇸Waller (Fed) - 10:00 UTC+3
🇩🇪Germany - Ifo Business Climate Index (June) - 11:00 UTC+3
🇪🇺Nagel (ECB) - 13:10 UTC+3
🇪🇺McCaul (ECB) - 17:15 UTC+3
🇺🇸USA - Dallas Fed Manufacturing Business Index (June) - 17:30 UTC+3
🇪🇺Schnabel (ECB) - 18:30 UTC+3
🇨🇦Governor of the Bank of Canada - 20:45 UTC+3
🇺🇸Daly (Fed) - 21:00 UTC+3

🇺🇸#CRWD #KKR #GDDY CrowdStrike, KKR, and GoDaddy stocks will be included in the S&P 500 index calculation

#ЛюбимыйТокен #BNB #binance #Bitcoin #Ethereum
Trading Frequency and Why It Can Be a Problem If most of your struggles as a trader come from thinking about your last trade instead of the next one, let me tell you something. From my experience, those who dwell too much on their last trade share a common trait: they make fewer trades than those who don’t. The reason is that the more trades you make, the less time you have to think about previous trades. There's already another opportunity to seize. For example, if you make 1-2 trades per week, you have much more time to obsess over the last trade instead of moving on and focusing on the next one. These trades mean more to you than, say, for those who trade intraday/scalp. Intraday traders often make 2-3 trades a day, and scalpers can make between 10 to 100 trades a day. These people don't have time to sit and reflect. Another opportunity has already presented itself. They know how to reset and move on. I don’t believe everyone should trade more frequently. That’s not what I’m advocating for here. Some people can sit for days, waiting for the right moment to pounce. If they lose, they can easily move on. They are constantly in the game. For those who can't switch gears quickly, I would advise increasing your trading frequency. Even if only for a short period, to improve this part of your game. Moving forward quickly is crucial. If you get upset about taking a loss, the next trade will be even harder. Trading is about the next trades, not the last trade you made. #ЛюбимыйТокен #BNB #binance #Bitcoin #Ethereum
Trading Frequency and Why It Can Be a Problem

If most of your struggles as a trader come from thinking about your last trade instead of the next one, let me tell you something.

From my experience, those who dwell too much on their last trade share a common trait: they make fewer trades than those who don’t.

The reason is that the more trades you make, the less time you have to think about previous trades. There's already another opportunity to seize.

For example, if you make 1-2 trades per week, you have much more time to obsess over the last trade instead of moving on and focusing on the next one. These trades mean more to you than, say, for those who trade intraday/scalp.

Intraday traders often make 2-3 trades a day, and scalpers can make between 10 to 100 trades a day. These people don't have time to sit and reflect. Another opportunity has already presented itself. They know how to reset and move on.

I don’t believe everyone should trade more frequently. That’s not what I’m advocating for here. Some people can sit for days, waiting for the right moment to pounce. If they lose, they can easily move on. They are constantly in the game.

For those who can't switch gears quickly, I would advise increasing your trading frequency. Even if only for a short period, to improve this part of your game. Moving forward quickly is crucial. If you get upset about taking a loss, the next trade will be even harder.

Trading is about the next trades, not the last trade you made.
#ЛюбимыйТокен #BNB #binance #Bitcoin #Ethereum
The only people who glorify poverty and claim to have learned "courage" from it are those who have never faced poverty. People who have actually experienced poverty know that you just become chronically anxious because you could never afford a healthy, stable life. They know that in an environment of low trust, you develop a bunch of bad habits that you'll have to unlearn later if you want a chance to build loving relationships. They know that you'll spend many years trying to escape the crab bucket of people who thought that since they never lived well, there's no need to start. They know that you could never invest money in the long term because your family always lived paycheck to paycheck despite the most frugal lifestyle possible. They know that you never had the opportunity to travel or experience anything that cost even a little money, and as a result, you became withdrawn and dogmatic. From time to time, you'll hear stories of a few "survivors" who managed to make it, but they succeeded despite adverse circumstances and would likely have achieved much more if they had spent less time worrying about survival or interacting with people who lack basic common sense. The world is full of shameless people who don't tell the whole story; plenty of successful people will tell you that you need to suffer to succeed, but they usually don't talk about the kind of suffering you'll have to overcome if you start from the very bottom. #ЛюбимыйТокен #BTC #binance #Ethereum
The only people who glorify poverty and claim to have learned "courage" from it are those who have never faced poverty.

People who have actually experienced poverty know that you just become chronically anxious because you could never afford a healthy, stable life.

They know that in an environment of low trust, you develop a bunch of bad habits that you'll have to unlearn later if you want a chance to build loving relationships.

They know that you'll spend many years trying to escape the crab bucket of people who thought that since they never lived well, there's no need to start.

They know that you could never invest money in the long term because your family always lived paycheck to paycheck despite the most frugal lifestyle possible.

They know that you never had the opportunity to travel or experience anything that cost even a little money, and as a result, you became withdrawn and dogmatic.

From time to time, you'll hear stories of a few "survivors" who managed to make it, but they succeeded despite adverse circumstances and would likely have achieved much more if they had spent less time worrying about survival or interacting with people who lack basic common sense.

The world is full of shameless people who don't tell the whole story; plenty of successful people will tell you that you need to suffer to succeed, but they usually don't talk about the kind of suffering you'll have to overcome if you start from the very bottom.
#ЛюбимыйТокен #BTC #binance #Ethereum
Alloy Tether has launched a new stablecoin — Alloy! Its operations are fully backed by a physical reserve of gold bars. The first token in the Alloy series is USD₮. It is pegged to the value of the US dollar, and the gold itself is stored in a Swiss bank. Tether claims that the new coin is safe and stable due to its backing by tangible assets. #Alloy #USDT


Tether has launched a new stablecoin — Alloy! Its operations are fully backed by a physical reserve of gold bars. The first token in the Alloy series is USD₮. It is pegged to the value of the US dollar, and the gold itself is stored in a Swiss bank.
Tether claims that the new coin is safe and stable due to its backing by tangible assets.
#Alloy #USDT
It is much more difficult to make money in this cycle compared to previous ones. 1) You won't be able to make money by buying old altcoins, as most of them have already been pumped, with various founders and venture funds having already cashed out, and no one, including their team, cares about them anymore. 2) You can't make money by buying new altcoins, as most of them are already launching at too high valuations with low float supply, allowing only venture funds and founders to make money, not you. 3) You can't make money by farming airdrops, as most of them already have millions of farmers, making each project overcrowded, so even if everything goes according to plan, you'll get nothing. Everything is literally sucking money out of retailers right now. And you know what, the next cycle will be harder and harder than you can imagine, so take responsibility and do whatever it takes to achieve financial freedom before the "easy money" runs out and you are forever trapped in the rat race. #binance #Bitcoin #ETH #Polygon
It is much more difficult to make money in this cycle compared to previous ones.

1) You won't be able to make money by buying old altcoins, as most of them have already been pumped, with various founders and venture funds having already cashed out, and no one, including their team, cares about them anymore.

2) You can't make money by buying new altcoins, as most of them are already launching at too high valuations with low float supply, allowing only venture funds and founders to make money, not you.

3) You can't make money by farming airdrops, as most of them already have millions of farmers, making each project overcrowded, so even if everything goes according to plan, you'll get nothing.

Everything is literally sucking money out of retailers right now.

And you know what, the next cycle will be harder and harder than you can imagine, so take responsibility and do whatever it takes to achieve financial freedom before the "easy money" runs out and you are forever trapped in the rat race.
#binance #Bitcoin #ETH #Polygon
Good morning. Earning money in this cycle is much harder than in previous ones. 1) You won't be able to make money by buying old altcoins because most of them have already been pumped, founders and venture funds have already cashed out, and no one, including their teams, cares about them anymore. 2) You can't make money by buying new altcoins because most of them are already launching with too high valuations and low float supply, allowing only venture funds and founders to make money, but not you. 3) You can't make money farming airdrops because most of them already have millions of farmers, making each project oversaturated, so even if everything goes according to plan, you'll get peanuts. Everything is literally sucking money out of retailers right now. And you know what, the next cycle will be harder and harder than you can imagine, so take responsibility and do whatever it takes to achieve financial freedom before the "easy money" ends and you are forever trapped in the rat race. #binance #Bitcoin #ETH #Polygon
Good morning.

Earning money in this cycle is much harder than in previous ones.

1) You won't be able to make money by buying old altcoins because most of them have already been pumped, founders and venture funds have already cashed out, and no one, including their teams, cares about them anymore.

2) You can't make money by buying new altcoins because most of them are already launching with too high valuations and low float supply, allowing only venture funds and founders to make money, but not you.

3) You can't make money farming airdrops because most of them already have millions of farmers, making each project oversaturated, so even if everything goes according to plan, you'll get peanuts.

Everything is literally sucking money out of retailers right now.

And you know what, the next cycle will be harder and harder than you can imagine, so take responsibility and do whatever it takes to achieve financial freedom before the "easy money" ends and you are forever trapped in the rat race.

#binance #Bitcoin #ETH #Polygon
"The current market sentiment is quite bleak. Rarely have I seen such despair, probably at the bottom of a bear market. There is no interest, and those who are interested complain the most, despite Bitcoin still trading above 60 thousand. It is likely due to the excessive vulnerability of altcoins, where dreams vanish every time BTC moves a few percent in the wrong direction. Perhaps that's what they want from us." #BTC #binance #Ethereum
"The current market sentiment is quite bleak.

Rarely have I seen such despair, probably at the bottom of a bear market.

There is no interest, and those who are interested complain the most, despite Bitcoin still trading above 60 thousand.

It is likely due to the excessive vulnerability of altcoins, where dreams vanish every time BTC moves a few percent in the wrong direction.

Perhaps that's what they want from us."
#BTC #binance #Ethereum
--- Cryptocurrency list for the upcoming week: $BTC - The next FOMC meeting will be held on June 12. Experts estimate a 5% probability of a rate cut. $FET $AGIX $OCEAN - Fetch AI, Ocean Protocol, and SingularityNET will complete the merger of their tokens on June 13. $ZK - It is confirmed that the zkSync token will be launched shortly after the v24 update, which has just been completed. $STRK - On June 15, $73M STRK (4.9% of the circulating supply) will be unlocked. All of these will go to investors and early contributors. $PSTAKE - pSTAKE will soon launch a liquid staking solution for Bitcoin. $FJO - The Fjord Foundry launchpad will be launched on Solana on June 10. That's all for now. #TopCoinsJune2024 #BNB #binance #ETH

Cryptocurrency list for the upcoming week:

$BTC - The next FOMC meeting will be held on June 12. Experts estimate a 5% probability of a rate cut.

$FET $AGIX $OCEAN - Fetch AI, Ocean Protocol, and SingularityNET will complete the merger of their tokens on June 13.

$ZK - It is confirmed that the zkSync token will be launched shortly after the v24 update, which has just been completed.

$STRK - On June 15, $73M STRK (4.9% of the circulating supply) will be unlocked. All of these will go to investors and early contributors.

$PSTAKE - pSTAKE will soon launch a liquid staking solution for Bitcoin.

$FJO - The Fjord Foundry launchpad will be launched on Solana on June 10.

That's all for now.

#TopCoinsJune2024 #BNB #binance #ETH
The best trading management advice I’ve ever received: "Give your trade some breathing room." It sounds simple, but this advice contains several key lessons: 1. **Don’t use overly tight stops.** Unless your market entry is dictated by divine intervention or the setup justifies it, give yourself some room for error. Especially if you're trading altcoins with leverage – you should expect breaches even at the "best" levels. This shouldn't invalidate your entire idea. 2. **Don’t rush to manage the trade immediately.** If your target/assessment is at least a few percent away, don’t worry about small movements between them. The initial reaction may be important, but even on intraday timeframes, the market typically oscillates, tests your entry, etc., before bouncing back. This is especially true if you’re trading on higher timeframes and targeting higher timeframe movements – give the market some time and give yourself a chance to be right. 3. **Over-managing is a symptom of oversized positions.** If you find yourself glued to the PnL and minute chart, accompanied by feelings of anxiety and regret, then you’ve risked too much on something mediocre. The looming threat of significant losses will make you paranoid and nervous, leading to poor trading management decisions. Practically, I’ve seen traders go from unprofitable to profitable by following this. Trade the chart, not the potential PnL. 4. **Beware of breakeven points.** Moving to breakeven doesn’t make a trade “risk-free.” The risk is that you’ll get stopped out on a perfectly valid setup that would have made you money if you had been more patient. This risk is compounded if suddenly your best setups turn into breakeven trades and you have just as many failures – that’s how you ruin an account. Save breakeven points for special circumstances (if any) – extraordinary entries that shouldn't be second-guessed if your idea is correct. #binance #Ethereum #BTC #TopCoinsJune2024
The best trading management advice I’ve ever received:

"Give your trade some breathing room."

It sounds simple, but this advice contains several key lessons:

1. **Don’t use overly tight stops.** Unless your market entry is dictated by divine intervention or the setup justifies it, give yourself some room for error. Especially if you're trading altcoins with leverage – you should expect breaches even at the "best" levels. This shouldn't invalidate your entire idea.

2. **Don’t rush to manage the trade immediately.** If your target/assessment is at least a few percent away, don’t worry about small movements between them. The initial reaction may be important, but even on intraday timeframes, the market typically oscillates, tests your entry, etc., before bouncing back. This is especially true if you’re trading on higher timeframes and targeting higher timeframe movements – give the market some time and give yourself a chance to be right.

3. **Over-managing is a symptom of oversized positions.** If you find yourself glued to the PnL and minute chart, accompanied by feelings of anxiety and regret, then you’ve risked too much on something mediocre. The looming threat of significant losses will make you paranoid and nervous, leading to poor trading management decisions. Practically, I’ve seen traders go from unprofitable to profitable by following this. Trade the chart, not the potential PnL.

4. **Beware of breakeven points.** Moving to breakeven doesn’t make a trade “risk-free.” The risk is that you’ll get stopped out on a perfectly valid setup that would have made you money if you had been more patient. This risk is compounded if suddenly your best setups turn into breakeven trades and you have just as many failures – that’s how you ruin an account. Save breakeven points for special circumstances (if any) – extraordinary entries that shouldn't be second-guessed if your idea is correct.
#binance #Ethereum #BTC #TopCoinsJune2024
Regrets about a bull market take two main forms: 1. Insufficient positions 2. Insufficient holding To fix (1), you increase size and make more positions (including increasing the overall leverage of the portfolio, less liquid positions, and holding through "unreasonable" price + valuation movements). The cost - higher portfolio volatility, higher risk of ruin, and likely significant drawdowns from your portfolio's ATH. But if done well, you can earn quite a bit, though with a higher risk of depleting your portfolio. To fix (2), you take profits on the way up and generally become more conservative the longer the trend continues (fewer illiquid bets, less leverage, more TP and trade management). The cost - lower growth potential and potentially "missing out" on the cycle of opportunities. If done right, you earn much less but preserve more. Important: it is not possible to solve both tasks simultaneously. Choose your poison. #TopCoinsJune2024 #BTC #BNB #Ethereum
Regrets about a bull market take two main forms:

1. Insufficient positions
2. Insufficient holding

To fix (1), you increase size and make more positions (including increasing the overall leverage of the portfolio, less liquid positions, and holding through "unreasonable" price + valuation movements). The cost - higher portfolio volatility, higher risk of ruin, and likely significant drawdowns from your portfolio's ATH. But if done well, you can earn quite a bit, though with a higher risk of depleting your portfolio.

To fix (2), you take profits on the way up and generally become more conservative the longer the trend continues (fewer illiquid bets, less leverage, more TP and trade management). The cost - lower growth potential and potentially "missing out" on the cycle of opportunities. If done right, you earn much less but preserve more.

Important: it is not possible to solve both tasks simultaneously.

Choose your poison.

#TopCoinsJune2024 #BTC #BNB #Ethereum
"A strong inflow of funds into Bitcoin ETFs bodes well for ETH. It signals strong institutional demand, which might be stronger than we initially thought. The overall consensus regarding the inflow of ETH is still weak. It's quite possible that everyone will be surprised." #BTC #Ethereum
"A strong inflow of funds into Bitcoin ETFs bodes well for ETH.

It signals strong institutional demand, which might be stronger than we initially thought.

The overall consensus regarding the inflow of ETH is still weak.

It's quite possible that everyone will be surprised."

#BTC #Ethereum
Crypto apps are climbing the charts in Google Play Finance again. Tonkeeper #1 Binance #6 Coinbase #26 Phantom #27 This suggests that either: a) beginners are simply interested in meme coins, or b) this is the start of a massive influx of retail trading. I believe it could be both. #BTC #BNB #binance #Ethereum
Crypto apps are climbing the charts in Google Play Finance again.

Tonkeeper #1
Binance #6
Coinbase #26
Phantom #27

This suggests that either:

a) beginners are simply interested in meme coins, or
b) this is the start of a massive influx of retail trading.

I believe it could be both.
#BTC #BNB #binance #Ethereum
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