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Bing Ventures
Bing Ventures is a pioneering venture capital firm that backs startups and entrepreneurs driving the next wave of Web3 and blockchain innovations.
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#ChartoftheDay Der Crypto Fear & Greed Index von erreichte 90, was auf extreme Gier hinweist. Mit dem Bitcoin-Preis, der sich um 90.000 $ bewegt, und dem allmählichen Reifen des Marktes für Spot-ETFs ziehen immer mehr öffentliche Unternehmen und Regierungen in Betracht, Bitcoin als strategische Reserve zu halten, was zu dem Anstieg dieses Index beiträgt. Zum Beispiel kündigte das an der Nasdaq gelistete Unternehmen Cosmos Health am 18. November an, dass es eine Strategie angenommen hat, Bitcoin und Ethereum als Teil seiner Treasury-Reservevermögen einzubeziehen. Und das an der NYSE American gelistete öffentliche Unternehmen Genius Group Limited gab letzte Woche bekannt, dass es plant, 90 % oder mehr seiner aktuellen und zukünftigen Reserven in Bitcoin zu investieren. Inzwischen wird allgemein erwartet, dass Trumps bevorstehende Amtszeit für die Entwicklung der Krypto-Industrie günstig sein wird. Marktbeobachter erwarten, dass während seiner Amtszeit weitere regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen für digitale Vermögenswerte geschaffen werden, was zu einer beschleunigten Geschäftsanpassung führen wird. Laut Medienberichten wird Trump sich privat mit Coinbase-CEO Brian Armstrong treffen, um Personalfragen für seine zweite Amtszeit zu besprechen. Außerdem haben sowohl Binance-Gründer Changpeng Zhao (CZ) als auch MicroStrategy-Mitbegründer Michael Saylor kürzlich positive Kommentare zu Bitcoin-basierten Treasury-Strategien abgegeben. Beobachten wir die Entstehung eines krypto-freundlicheren Umfelds? Lassen Sie uns abwarten und sehen. #CryptoNewss #BTC☀ #bitcoin☀️ #CryptoMarketTrend #CryptoTradingPrediction
#ChartoftheDay Der Crypto Fear & Greed Index von erreichte 90, was auf extreme Gier hinweist.
Mit dem Bitcoin-Preis, der sich um 90.000 $ bewegt, und dem allmählichen Reifen des Marktes für Spot-ETFs ziehen immer mehr öffentliche Unternehmen und Regierungen in Betracht, Bitcoin als strategische Reserve zu halten, was zu dem Anstieg dieses Index beiträgt. Zum Beispiel kündigte das an der Nasdaq gelistete Unternehmen Cosmos Health am 18. November an, dass es eine Strategie angenommen hat, Bitcoin und Ethereum als Teil seiner Treasury-Reservevermögen einzubeziehen. Und das an der NYSE American gelistete öffentliche Unternehmen Genius Group Limited gab letzte Woche bekannt, dass es plant, 90 % oder mehr seiner aktuellen und zukünftigen Reserven in Bitcoin zu investieren.
Inzwischen wird allgemein erwartet, dass Trumps bevorstehende Amtszeit für die Entwicklung der Krypto-Industrie günstig sein wird. Marktbeobachter erwarten, dass während seiner Amtszeit weitere regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen für digitale Vermögenswerte geschaffen werden, was zu einer beschleunigten Geschäftsanpassung führen wird. Laut Medienberichten wird Trump sich privat mit Coinbase-CEO Brian Armstrong treffen, um Personalfragen für seine zweite Amtszeit zu besprechen.
Außerdem haben sowohl Binance-Gründer Changpeng Zhao (CZ) als auch MicroStrategy-Mitbegründer Michael Saylor kürzlich positive Kommentare zu Bitcoin-basierten Treasury-Strategien abgegeben.
Beobachten wir die Entstehung eines krypto-freundlicheren Umfelds? Lassen Sie uns abwarten und sehen.
#CryptoNewss #BTC☀ #bitcoin☀️ #CryptoMarketTrend #CryptoTradingPrediction
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#ChartoftheDay Mit dem Bitcoin-Preis, der am Dienstag zum ersten Mal 89.000 $ überschritt, sehen sich $BTC-Inhaber riesigen Gewinnen gegenüber. Laut Daten von Coingecko halten derzeit 29 öffentliche Unternehmen Bitcoin. Darunter hat das US-Unternehmen MicroStrategy beeindruckende 252.220 #BTC, was etwa 1,2 % des gesamten BTC-Angebots ausmacht und jetzt über 20 Milliarden $ wert ist, basierend auf dem aktuellen Preis von BTC. Der Mitbegründer von MicroStrategy, Michael Saylor, ist ein fester Unterstützer von Bitcoin. Unter seiner Führung kauft und hält MicroStrategy seit 2020 BTC und hat nun einen Buchgewinn von über 10 Milliarden $. Michael Saylor erwähnte in einem kürzlichen X-Post, dass die Treasury-Operationen von MicroStrategy in den ersten 10 Tagen im November einen Nettovorteil von etwa 18.410 BTC für die Aktionäre erzielten. Marktbeobachter betrachten nun die Aktie von MicroStrategy, $MSTR, als eine der besten Möglichkeiten, indirekt in Bitcoin zu investieren. Traditionelle Finanzinstitutionen haben den Zielpreis für $MSTR angehoben. Profitierend von Trumps Sieg zeigt der Preis von $MSTR einen Aufwärtstrend. MicroStrategy könnte als der größte Gewinner dieses aktuellen #Kryptowährungs-Anstiegs hervorgehen. #bitcoin☀️ #WillBTCBreak100KSoon
#ChartoftheDay Mit dem Bitcoin-Preis, der am Dienstag zum ersten Mal 89.000 $ überschritt, sehen sich $BTC-Inhaber riesigen Gewinnen gegenüber. Laut Daten von Coingecko halten derzeit 29 öffentliche Unternehmen Bitcoin. Darunter hat das US-Unternehmen MicroStrategy beeindruckende 252.220 #BTC, was etwa 1,2 % des gesamten BTC-Angebots ausmacht und jetzt über 20 Milliarden $ wert ist, basierend auf dem aktuellen Preis von BTC.
Der Mitbegründer von MicroStrategy, Michael Saylor, ist ein fester Unterstützer von Bitcoin. Unter seiner Führung kauft und hält MicroStrategy seit 2020 BTC und hat nun einen Buchgewinn von über 10 Milliarden $.
Michael Saylor erwähnte in einem kürzlichen X-Post, dass die Treasury-Operationen von MicroStrategy in den ersten 10 Tagen im November einen Nettovorteil von etwa 18.410 BTC für die Aktionäre erzielten.
Marktbeobachter betrachten nun die Aktie von MicroStrategy, $MSTR, als eine der besten Möglichkeiten, indirekt in Bitcoin zu investieren. Traditionelle Finanzinstitutionen haben den Zielpreis für $MSTR angehoben. Profitierend von Trumps Sieg zeigt der Preis von $MSTR einen Aufwärtstrend.
MicroStrategy könnte als der größte Gewinner dieses aktuellen #Kryptowährungs-Anstiegs hervorgehen.
#bitcoin☀️ #WillBTCBreak100KSoon
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🔥Top 10 #Crypto #Fundraising Ereignisse der letzten zwei Wochen (26. Okt - 8. Nov) In den letzten zwei Wochen wurden 47 Deals angekündigt. #DePIN und #AI waren die beliebten Sektoren für Investoren. 1. Glow Labs, investiert von Framework Ventures, Union Square Ventures 2. Nillion, investiert von Hack VC 3. Ellipsis Labs, investiert von Haun Ventures 4. Gelato Network, investiert von Hack VC, Animoca Brands, IOSG Ventures 5. Sapien, investiert von Variant, Primitive Ventures, Animoca Brands 6. PumpBTC, investiert von SevenX Ventures, Mirana Ventures, UTXO Management 7. bitSmiley, investiert von Nxgen, IBC Group - International Blockchain Consulting, Ca Capital 8. vlayer Labs, investiert von a16z crypto, Credo Ventures, BlockTower Capital 9. Cytonic, investiert von Lemniscap, Lattice Fund 10. Spire Labs, investiert von Maven11 Capital, Anagram, a16z crypto
🔥Top 10 #Crypto #Fundraising Ereignisse der letzten zwei Wochen (26. Okt - 8. Nov)

In den letzten zwei Wochen wurden 47 Deals angekündigt. #DePIN und #AI waren die beliebten Sektoren für Investoren.

1. Glow Labs, investiert von Framework Ventures, Union Square Ventures

2. Nillion, investiert von Hack VC

3. Ellipsis Labs, investiert von Haun Ventures

4. Gelato Network, investiert von Hack VC, Animoca Brands, IOSG Ventures

5. Sapien, investiert von Variant, Primitive Ventures, Animoca Brands

6. PumpBTC, investiert von SevenX Ventures, Mirana Ventures, UTXO Management

7. bitSmiley, investiert von Nxgen, IBC Group - International Blockchain Consulting, Ca Capital

8. vlayer Labs, investiert von a16z crypto, Credo Ventures, BlockTower Capital

9. Cytonic, investiert von Lemniscap, Lattice Fund

10. Spire Labs, investiert von Maven11 Capital, Anagram, a16z crypto
#ChartoftheDay Berachain, a high-performance Layer-1 (L1) blockchain that runs on a Proof of Liquidity (PoL) consensus, is quickly approaching 100 million unique addresses on its public testnet. Berachain has been creating a buzz with its modular framework and unique PoL consensus in the crowded L1 space. Since its launch, its testnet has received great enthusiasm from the community, with the testnet and its faucet having experienced congestion many times. Berachain’s Tri-token model, which consists of $BERA, $HONEY, and $BGT, is unique, too, with each serving distinct roles to enhance the ecosystem's functionality. #Berachain is now on track to launch its #mainnet within the year after running its testnet for nearly a year. The mainnet launch will also be paralleled with the launch of Berachain’s mainnet token and governance token $BGT and its native stablecoin $HONEY as well as the token generation events (TGE) of many projects in the Berachain ecosystem especially DEXes. Berachain was valued at over $1 billion in its last fundraising event. As an investor in Berachain, Bing Ventures looks forward to its mainnet launch and the impact it will bring.
#ChartoftheDay Berachain, a high-performance Layer-1 (L1) blockchain that runs on a Proof of Liquidity (PoL) consensus, is quickly approaching 100 million unique addresses on its public testnet.
Berachain has been creating a buzz with its modular framework and unique PoL consensus in the crowded L1 space. Since its launch, its testnet has received great enthusiasm from the community, with the testnet and its faucet having experienced congestion many times.
Berachain’s Tri-token model, which consists of $BERA, $HONEY, and $BGT, is unique, too, with each serving distinct roles to enhance the ecosystem's functionality.
#Berachain is now on track to launch its #mainnet within the year after running its testnet for nearly a year. The mainnet launch will also be paralleled with the launch of Berachain’s mainnet token and governance token $BGT and its native stablecoin $HONEY as well as the token generation events (TGE) of many projects in the Berachain ecosystem especially DEXes.
Berachain was valued at over $1 billion in its last fundraising event. As an investor in Berachain, Bing Ventures looks forward to its mainnet launch and the impact it will bring.
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#ChartoftheDay Das ZK-Rollup-Projekt Starknet gab am Mittwoch bekannt, dass es den Rekord für Transaktionen pro Sekunde (TPS) unter #Ethereum #Layer2 Netzwerken gebrochen hat. Am 29. Oktober erreichte es einen Höchstwert von 857 TPS in einem kontrollierten Stresstest. Der Test erzielte im Durchschnitt 127,5 TPS über einen Zeitraum von 24 Stunden und übertraf damit den Rekord von 79,92 TPS von Base für 24 Stunden. Im Gegensatz zu den Stresstests anderer Netzwerke wurde Starknets Stresstest mit einem Spiel namens „Flippyflop“ durchgeführt, das von Cartridge mit Dojo entwickelt wurde. Eine Pressemitteilung besagt: „Das Kachelspiel sah vor, dass Benutzer gegen Bots um die Kacheln im Raster konkurrierten. Bots arbeiteten daran, die Arbeit der Spieler zu vereiteln, indem sie Kacheln zufällig abwählten. Daher war das Thema 'Mensch gegen Maschine.' Die hohe Geschwindigkeit einfacher Transaktionen, die während dieses Spiels generiert wurden, war darauf ausgelegt, den ultimativen Test für Starknets TPS zu sein.“ Obwohl Starknet derzeit hinter seinen Wettbewerbern in Bezug auf den insgesamt gesperrten Wert (TVL) in #DeFi zurückliegt, ist es aufgrund seiner einzigartigen Technologie und Innovationskraft wert, beobachtet zu werden. Dieser Durchbruch bei TPS bedeutet auch, dass es großes Potenzial für On-Chain #gaming und Verbraucher-Apps haben könnte, die großangelegte Benutzerinteraktionen erfordern.
#ChartoftheDay Das ZK-Rollup-Projekt Starknet gab am Mittwoch bekannt, dass es den Rekord für Transaktionen pro Sekunde (TPS) unter #Ethereum #Layer2 Netzwerken gebrochen hat. Am 29. Oktober erreichte es einen Höchstwert von 857 TPS in einem kontrollierten Stresstest. Der Test erzielte im Durchschnitt 127,5 TPS über einen Zeitraum von 24 Stunden und übertraf damit den Rekord von 79,92 TPS von Base für 24 Stunden.
Im Gegensatz zu den Stresstests anderer Netzwerke wurde Starknets Stresstest mit einem Spiel namens „Flippyflop“ durchgeführt, das von Cartridge mit Dojo entwickelt wurde. Eine Pressemitteilung besagt: „Das Kachelspiel sah vor, dass Benutzer gegen Bots um die Kacheln im Raster konkurrierten. Bots arbeiteten daran, die Arbeit der Spieler zu vereiteln, indem sie Kacheln zufällig abwählten. Daher war das Thema 'Mensch gegen Maschine.' Die hohe Geschwindigkeit einfacher Transaktionen, die während dieses Spiels generiert wurden, war darauf ausgelegt, den ultimativen Test für Starknets TPS zu sein.“
Obwohl Starknet derzeit hinter seinen Wettbewerbern in Bezug auf den insgesamt gesperrten Wert (TVL) in #DeFi zurückliegt, ist es aufgrund seiner einzigartigen Technologie und Innovationskraft wert, beobachtet zu werden. Dieser Durchbruch bei TPS bedeutet auch, dass es großes Potenzial für On-Chain #gaming und Verbraucher-Apps haben könnte, die großangelegte Benutzerinteraktionen erfordern.
#ChartoftheDay Phantom Wallet, one of the most popular Solana wallets, is back up and running after it went down yesterday because of a significant backend incident, according to data from SolanaFloor. The downtime coincided with the GRASS token airdrop, which went live 6 minutes before the Phantom outage. Market participants believe the surge in user activity related to the airdrop was the cause. Although the wallet’s backend infrastructure was resolved in 2 hours and 44 minutes, this raised people’s renewed concerns over the stability of major wallets. Decentralized #wallets act as the gateway to interacting with #cryptocurrencies and the general #Web3 ecosystem. In the ecosystem of each major public blockchain, there is a dominant wallet application, such as Metamask for Ethereum and other EVM chains and Phantom for Solana blockchain. Despite over a decade of development, on-chain wallets still face challenges, such as system outages, errors, and technical glitches that undermine the user experience. This exposed some critical issues with the infrastructure sector: projects cannot provide highly professional and reliable services in a specific niche segment. On the one hand, some projects like wallets, which are often equity-based, move especially slow because of a lack of incentives for user engagement and feedback; on the other hand, some other infra projects like pubic chains are chasing the “quick money” with fast token launches while failing to polish their products to the best of their capabilities. From this aspect, crypto infrastructure still has a long way to go in order to catch up with their #Web2 counterparts.
#ChartoftheDay Phantom Wallet, one of the most popular Solana wallets, is back up and running after it went down yesterday because of a significant backend incident, according to data from SolanaFloor. The downtime coincided with the GRASS token airdrop, which went live 6 minutes before the Phantom outage. Market participants believe the surge in user activity related to the airdrop was the cause.

Although the wallet’s backend infrastructure was resolved in 2 hours and 44 minutes, this raised people’s renewed concerns over the stability of major wallets.

Decentralized #wallets act as the gateway to interacting with #cryptocurrencies and the general #Web3 ecosystem. In the ecosystem of each major public blockchain, there is a dominant wallet application, such as Metamask for Ethereum and other EVM chains and Phantom for Solana blockchain. Despite over a decade of development, on-chain wallets still face challenges, such as system outages, errors, and technical glitches that undermine the user experience.

This exposed some critical issues with the infrastructure sector: projects cannot provide highly professional and reliable services in a specific niche segment. On the one hand, some projects like wallets, which are often equity-based, move especially slow because of a lack of incentives for user engagement and feedback; on the other hand, some other infra projects like pubic chains are chasing the “quick money” with fast token launches while failing to polish their products to the best of their capabilities. From this aspect, crypto infrastructure still has a long way to go in order to catch up with their #Web2 counterparts.
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🔥Top #Crypto #Fundraising Veranstaltungen in den letzten zwei Wochen (12. Okt - 25. Okt) ⚡️Vom 12. bis 25. Oktober 2024 wurden 49 Deals angekündigt, ein Anstieg im Vergleich zum vorherigen Zeitraum. Bemerkenswerterweise wurden in den zwei Wochen einige der größten Deals angekündigt. 1. Praxis, investiert von GEM Digital Limited, Arch Lending, Manifold Trading 2. Blockstream, investiert von Fulgur Ventures 3. Azra Games, investiert von Pantera Capital, a16z crypto, A16Z GAMES 4. Yellow Card App, investiert von Blockchain Capital, Polychain Capital, Block 5. Bitnomial, investiert von Ripple 6. zkPass, investiert von dao5, Animoca Brands, Bing Ventures 7. Opacity Labs Inc. Netzwerk, investiert von Archetype, Breyer Capital, a16z crypto 8. Solv Protocol, investiert von Laser Digital, Blockchain Capital, OKX Ventures 9. Variational, investiert von Bain Capital Crypto, Peak XV Partners, Coinbase Ventures 10. Validation Cloud, investiert von True Global Ventures
🔥Top #Crypto #Fundraising Veranstaltungen in den letzten zwei Wochen (12. Okt - 25. Okt)

⚡️Vom 12. bis 25. Oktober 2024 wurden 49 Deals angekündigt, ein Anstieg im Vergleich zum vorherigen Zeitraum. Bemerkenswerterweise wurden in den zwei Wochen einige der größten Deals angekündigt.

1. Praxis, investiert von GEM Digital Limited, Arch Lending, Manifold Trading
2. Blockstream, investiert von Fulgur Ventures
3. Azra Games, investiert von Pantera Capital, a16z crypto, A16Z GAMES
4. Yellow Card App, investiert von Blockchain Capital, Polychain Capital, Block
5. Bitnomial, investiert von Ripple
6. zkPass, investiert von dao5, Animoca Brands, Bing Ventures
7. Opacity Labs Inc. Netzwerk, investiert von Archetype, Breyer Capital, a16z crypto
8. Solv Protocol, investiert von Laser Digital, Blockchain Capital, OKX Ventures
9. Variational, investiert von Bain Capital Crypto, Peak XV Partners, Coinbase Ventures
10. Validation Cloud, investiert von True Global Ventures
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#ChartoftheDay Auf #USelection entwickelt sich ein heißer Wettbewerb. Mit der unermüdlichen Unterstützung von Elon Musk überholte der ehemalige Präsident#Trumpin der Wahlprognose von Decision Desk HQ/The Hill erstmals Vizepräsidentin #Harris. Unterdessen stieg Trumps Prognose auf dem dezentralen Prognosemarkt #Polymarket , auf dem ein Wettvolumen von über 2,2 Milliarden US-Dollar darauf verzeichnet wurde, wer die US-Präsidentschaftswahl 2024 gewinnen wird, deutlich auf 63,7 %, während die von Harris bei 36,1 % lag. Der Ausgang der US-Präsidentschaftswahl wird Auswirkungen auf die Weltwirtschaft und die Kryptobranche haben. Obwohl beide Kandidaten bis zu einem gewissen Grad eine pro-Krypto-Politik versprochen haben, ist höchst ungewiss, ob diese Wahlversprechen Wirklichkeit werden oder sich als bloße Lippenbekenntnisse herausstellen. Aufgrund des Stils der beiden Parteien wird allgemein angenommen, dass Harris eine vorsichtigere Haltung gegenüber der#Kryptobrancheeinnehmen wird. Eric Balchunas, leitender ETF-Analyst bei Bloomberg Intelligence, merkte an, dass Krypto-ETFs, die kleinere Coins wie Ripples XRP oder Solana (SOL) verfolgen, unter einer Präsidentschaft Harris‘ wahrscheinlich nicht genehmigt werden. Um die Unterstützung der Kryptoindustrie zu gewinnen, hat die Familie Trump hingegen ein Kryptoprojekt namens World Liberty Financial (WLF) gestartet und letzte Woche seinen öffentlichen Token-Verkauf gestartet. Der Markt reagierte jedoch schlecht auf das ehrgeizige Spendenziel des Protokolls von 300 Millionen Dollar bei einer Bewertung von 1,5 Milliarden Dollar, da es am ersten Tag etwa 3,8 % einbrachte. Darüber hinaus könnten Trump und seine Familie laut dem Projektdokument 75 % des Nettoumsatzes mit nach Hause nehmen, ohne dafür Haftung zu übernehmen. Dies macht viele Menschen misstrauisch, ob seine Unterstützung für Krypto echt ist.
#ChartoftheDay Auf #USelection entwickelt sich ein heißer Wettbewerb. Mit der unermüdlichen Unterstützung von Elon Musk überholte der ehemalige Präsident#Trumpin der Wahlprognose von Decision Desk HQ/The Hill erstmals Vizepräsidentin #Harris.
Unterdessen stieg Trumps Prognose auf dem dezentralen Prognosemarkt #Polymarket , auf dem ein Wettvolumen von über 2,2 Milliarden US-Dollar darauf verzeichnet wurde, wer die US-Präsidentschaftswahl 2024 gewinnen wird, deutlich auf 63,7 %, während die von Harris bei 36,1 % lag.
Der Ausgang der US-Präsidentschaftswahl wird Auswirkungen auf die Weltwirtschaft und die Kryptobranche haben. Obwohl beide Kandidaten bis zu einem gewissen Grad eine pro-Krypto-Politik versprochen haben, ist höchst ungewiss, ob diese Wahlversprechen Wirklichkeit werden oder sich als bloße Lippenbekenntnisse herausstellen.
Aufgrund des Stils der beiden Parteien wird allgemein angenommen, dass Harris eine vorsichtigere Haltung gegenüber der#Kryptobrancheeinnehmen wird. Eric Balchunas, leitender ETF-Analyst bei Bloomberg Intelligence, merkte an, dass Krypto-ETFs, die kleinere Coins wie Ripples XRP oder Solana (SOL) verfolgen, unter einer Präsidentschaft Harris‘ wahrscheinlich nicht genehmigt werden.
Um die Unterstützung der Kryptoindustrie zu gewinnen, hat die Familie Trump hingegen ein Kryptoprojekt namens World Liberty Financial (WLF) gestartet und letzte Woche seinen öffentlichen Token-Verkauf gestartet. Der Markt reagierte jedoch schlecht auf das ehrgeizige Spendenziel des Protokolls von 300 Millionen Dollar bei einer Bewertung von 1,5 Milliarden Dollar, da es am ersten Tag etwa 3,8 % einbrachte. Darüber hinaus könnten Trump und seine Familie laut dem Projektdokument 75 % des Nettoumsatzes mit nach Hause nehmen, ohne dafür Haftung zu übernehmen. Dies macht viele Menschen misstrauisch, ob seine Unterstützung für Krypto echt ist.
#ChartoftheDay According to The Block, the betting volume for who will win the 2024 United States presidential race crossed $2 billion on the decentralized prediction platform Polymarket. As of Oct. 17, Republican candidate Trump maintains nearly $608 million in betting volume with a 62.3% chance of winning. Democratic candidate Harris has $405 million with winning odds of 37.5%. As the November 5 election nears, Polymarket’s prediction market has grown substantially in October, with a 113.7% increase in volume compared to September’s $533.5 million. The platform’s volume for October reached $1.14 billion by mid-month. This demonstrated the increased interest in prediction markets. On Thursday, Polymarket even rose to the #1 spot on Apple’s U.S. App Store’s list of free magazines and news apps. However, if the prediction proves inaccurate, the platform could risk losing all the progress it has made toward being regarded as a truth machine rather than a place for random guessing. Also, many are suspicious of the motivation of one of the largest holders of the pro-Trump side on Polymarket’s election contract. People within the political forecasting community wonder if dark money is trying to manipulate the markets. #USElection2024
#ChartoftheDay According to The Block, the betting volume for who will win the 2024 United States presidential race crossed $2 billion on the decentralized prediction platform Polymarket. As of Oct. 17, Republican candidate Trump maintains nearly $608 million in betting volume with a 62.3% chance of winning. Democratic candidate Harris has $405 million with winning odds of 37.5%.

As the November 5 election nears, Polymarket’s prediction market has grown substantially in October, with a 113.7% increase in volume compared to September’s $533.5 million. The platform’s volume for October reached $1.14 billion by mid-month.

This demonstrated the increased interest in prediction markets. On Thursday, Polymarket even rose to the #1 spot on Apple’s U.S. App Store’s list of free magazines and news apps.

However, if the prediction proves inaccurate, the platform could risk losing all the progress it has made toward being regarded as a truth machine rather than a place for random guessing.

Also, many are suspicious of the motivation of one of the largest holders of the pro-Trump side on Polymarket’s election contract. People within the political forecasting community wonder if dark money is trying to manipulate the markets.

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#ChartoftheDay Am 10. Oktober stellte #Uniswap Labs#Unichainals neue#Ethereum#Layer2-Lösung vor, die die Heimat für DeFi und Liquidität über alle Ketten hinweg sein soll. Unchain ist eine schnelle, dezentrale, kostengünstige Optimism Superchain, die von Uniswap Labs in Zusammenarbeit mit Flashbots, OP Labs und Paradigm auf dem OP-Stack erstellt wurde. Das Unichain-Testnetz ging am selben Tag live und das Mainnet soll später in diesem Jahr veröffentlicht werden. Die Uniswap Foundation wird Zuschüsse und Programmierung bereitstellen, um Entwickler zu unterstützen, die auf Unichain aufbauen. Validierungsnetzwerk Unchain wird ein dezentrales Validierungsnetzwerk einführen, mit dem Knoten Blöcke verifizieren können. Dies fügt eine Ebene der Endgültigkeit hinzu und verringert das Risiko widersprüchlicher oder ungültiger Blöcke. Um als Validator zu dienen, müssen Benutzer UNI einsetzen, um Belohnungen zu erhalten, was bedeutet, dass die UNI-Token endlich auch außerhalb der Governance selbst nützlich werden. TEE-basierter Builder Während Unichains Testnetz mit Blockzeiten von einer Sekunde gestartet wurde, zielt sein Mainnet darauf ab, 250-ms-„Unterblöcke“ einzuführen, die das Benutzererlebnis sofort spürbar machen. Diese Verbesserung wird durch einen Block-Builder erreicht, der eine vertrauenswürdige Ausführungsumgebung (TEE) verwendet, die neben der Geschwindigkeit auch die Transparenz der Transaktionsreihenfolge verbessert und fehlgeschlagene Transaktionen verhindert. Über eine Uniswap-App-Kette wird schon lange gemunkelt. Ob Unchain den Erfolg von Uniswap nachahmen kann, bleibt abzuwarten. Dennoch sollte es für UNI-Investoren ein Segen sein, da es ihnen ermöglicht, an den Einnahmen des Protokolls teilzuhaben.
#ChartoftheDay Am 10. Oktober stellte #Uniswap Labs#Unichainals neue#Ethereum#Layer2-Lösung vor, die die Heimat für DeFi und Liquidität über alle Ketten hinweg sein soll.

Unchain ist eine schnelle, dezentrale, kostengünstige Optimism Superchain, die von Uniswap Labs in Zusammenarbeit mit Flashbots, OP Labs und Paradigm auf dem OP-Stack erstellt wurde. Das Unichain-Testnetz ging am selben Tag live und das Mainnet soll später in diesem Jahr veröffentlicht werden. Die Uniswap Foundation wird Zuschüsse und Programmierung bereitstellen, um Entwickler zu unterstützen, die auf Unichain aufbauen.

Unchain wird ein dezentrales Validierungsnetzwerk einführen, mit dem Knoten Blöcke verifizieren können. Dies fügt eine Ebene der Endgültigkeit hinzu und verringert das Risiko widersprüchlicher oder ungültiger Blöcke. Um als Validator zu dienen, müssen Benutzer UNI einsetzen, um Belohnungen zu erhalten, was bedeutet, dass die UNI-Token endlich auch außerhalb der Governance selbst nützlich werden.
TEE-basierter Builder
Während Unichains Testnetz mit Blockzeiten von einer Sekunde gestartet wurde, zielt sein Mainnet darauf ab, 250-ms-„Unterblöcke“ einzuführen, die das Benutzererlebnis sofort spürbar machen. Diese Verbesserung wird durch einen Block-Builder erreicht, der eine vertrauenswürdige Ausführungsumgebung (TEE) verwendet, die neben der Geschwindigkeit auch die Transparenz der Transaktionsreihenfolge verbessert und fehlgeschlagene Transaktionen verhindert.
Über eine Uniswap-App-Kette wird schon lange gemunkelt. Ob Unchain den Erfolg von Uniswap nachahmen kann, bleibt abzuwarten. Dennoch sollte es für UNI-Investoren ein Segen sein, da es ihnen ermöglicht, an den Einnahmen des Protokolls teilzuhaben.
🔥Top #Crypto #Fundraising Events in the Last Two Weeks (Sep 28 - Oct 11) The number of fundraising deals fell to 24 from 50 in the last period, and their size also decreased substantially. 1. SecondLive, invested by, Spark Digital Capital, Cypher Capital Group 2. delta, invested by Figment Capital, Variant, DBA 3. The Open Network (TON), invested by Gate Ventures 4. PiP World, invested by Exinity 5. Humanode, invested by Big Brain Holdings, Republic Crypto 6. Bitlayer Labs, invested by Polychain Capital, Franklin Templeton,  SCB Limited 7. Dragonz Lab, invested by Syndicate Capital Group Limited Partnership Fund 8. OpenGradient, invested by a16z crypto, SV Angel, Coinbase Ventures 9. Yala invested by Polychain Capital, Ethereal Ventures, Anagram Ltd 10. RD Technologies, invested by Sequoia Capital, Hivemind, Aptos Labs
🔥Top #Crypto #Fundraising Events in the Last Two Weeks (Sep 28 - Oct 11)

The number of fundraising deals fell to 24 from 50 in the last period, and their size also decreased substantially.

1. SecondLive, invested by, Spark Digital Capital, Cypher Capital Group

2. delta, invested by Figment Capital, Variant, DBA

3. The Open Network (TON), invested by Gate Ventures

4. PiP World, invested by Exinity

5. Humanode, invested by Big Brain Holdings, Republic Crypto

6. Bitlayer Labs, invested by Polychain Capital, Franklin Templeton,  SCB Limited

7. Dragonz Lab, invested by Syndicate Capital Group Limited Partnership Fund

8. OpenGradient, invested by a16z crypto, SV Angel, Coinbase Ventures

9. Yala invested by Polychain Capital, Ethereal Ventures, Anagram Ltd

10. RD Technologies, invested by Sequoia Capital, Hivemind, Aptos Labs
#ChartoftheDay Thanks to aggressive stimulus measures announced before the Golden Week break for China’s National Day celebration, China’s stock markets saw their steepest rally in over two years. The Shanghai Composite (#SSE Index) gained over 20% over five sessions. The Hang Seng Index, a market-cap-weighted stock market index in Hong Kong, also posted gains of similar magnitude during the period. On October 8th, the first trading day back from the Golden Week, China’s stock markets returned with a bang and scaled to more than two-year highs. The same day, China’s top economic planner, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), unveiled a wide-ranging action plan to support economic growth. However, by midday today, #chinesestocks tumbled, with a more than 5% reversal so far. While views across the market on whether Chinese stocks can sustain the rally are varied, many believe whether the Chinese government can detail sufficiently big or new measures to inspire confidence will be the key. #ChinaDrama #StockMarketSuccess
#ChartoftheDay Thanks to aggressive stimulus measures announced before the Golden Week break for China’s National Day celebration, China’s stock markets saw their steepest rally in over two years. The Shanghai Composite (#SSE Index) gained over 20% over five sessions. The Hang Seng Index, a market-cap-weighted stock market index in Hong Kong, also posted gains of similar magnitude during the period.
On October 8th, the first trading day back from the Golden Week, China’s stock markets returned with a bang and scaled to more than two-year highs. The same day, China’s top economic planner, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), unveiled a wide-ranging action plan to support economic growth.
However, by midday today, #chinesestocks tumbled, with a more than 5% reversal so far. While views across the market on whether Chinese stocks can sustain the rally are varied, many believe whether the Chinese government can detail sufficiently big or new measures to inspire confidence will be the key.
#ChinaDrama #StockMarketSuccess
🔥 Top #Crypto #Fundraising Events in the Last Month (Aug 31 – Sep 27) Our biweekly monitoring shows an average of around 50 deals announced every two weeks in the last month, reflecting continued interest from investors in the primary market. Top 10 Deals in Sep 14 - 27 1. Celestia, invested by Bain Capital Crypto, 1kx, Robot Ventures 2. TON, invested by Bitget, Foresight Ventures 3. Drift Labs, invested by Multicoin Capital, Blockchain Capital, Folius Ventures 4. Helius, invested by Haun Ventures, Founders Fund, Foundation Capital 5. Hemi XYZ, invested by Binance Labs, Breyer Capital, Big Brain Holdings 6. Initia, invested by Theory Ventures, Delphi Ventures, Hack VC 7. Mawari Network, invested by Anfield Ltd, Borderless Capital, 1kx 8. Pipe Network, invested by Multicoin Capital 9. Yellow, invested by Consensys, GSR, NxGen 10. Truex, invested by RRE Ventures, Hack VC Top 10 Deals in Aug 31 - Sep 13 1. Huma Finance, invested by Distributed Global Ventures, HashKey Capital, Folius Ventures 2. Balance (E-Pal), invested by a16z crypto, Galaxy Interactive, Bing Ventures 3. Hypernative Labs, invested by Quantstamp, Inc., Bloccelerate VC, Boldstart Ventures 4. PIN AI, invested by a16z crypto, Hack VC, Anagram 5. Nytro Lab, invested by SevenX Ventures, OKX Ventures, Aptos Labs 6. DRiP, invested by NFX, Coinbase Ventures, Progression Fund 7. Infinit, invested by Electric Capital, Mirana Ventures, Hashed 8. IDA, invested by CMCC Global, Hashed, Hack VC 9. Puffpaw, invested by Lemniscap, Volt Capital, The Spartan Group 10. Moku, invested by Sky Mavis, A16Z GAMES SPEEDRUN, Arca
🔥 Top #Crypto #Fundraising Events in the Last Month (Aug 31 – Sep 27)
Our biweekly monitoring shows an average of around 50 deals announced every two weeks in the last month, reflecting continued interest from investors in the primary market.
Top 10 Deals in Sep 14 - 27
1. Celestia, invested by Bain Capital Crypto, 1kx, Robot Ventures
2. TON, invested by Bitget, Foresight Ventures
3. Drift Labs, invested by Multicoin Capital, Blockchain Capital, Folius Ventures
4. Helius, invested by Haun Ventures, Founders Fund, Foundation Capital
5. Hemi XYZ, invested by Binance Labs, Breyer Capital, Big Brain Holdings
6. Initia, invested by Theory Ventures, Delphi Ventures, Hack VC
7. Mawari Network, invested by Anfield Ltd, Borderless Capital, 1kx
8. Pipe Network, invested by Multicoin Capital
9. Yellow, invested by Consensys, GSR, NxGen
10. Truex, invested by RRE Ventures, Hack VC
Top 10 Deals in Aug 31 - Sep 13
1. Huma Finance, invested by Distributed Global Ventures, HashKey Capital, Folius Ventures
2. Balance (E-Pal), invested by a16z crypto, Galaxy Interactive, Bing Ventures
3. Hypernative Labs, invested by Quantstamp, Inc., Bloccelerate VC, Boldstart Ventures
4. PIN AI, invested by a16z crypto, Hack VC, Anagram
5. Nytro Lab, invested by SevenX Ventures, OKX Ventures, Aptos Labs
6. DRiP, invested by NFX, Coinbase Ventures, Progression Fund
7. Infinit, invested by Electric Capital, Mirana Ventures, Hashed
8. IDA, invested by CMCC Global, Hashed, Hack VC
9. Puffpaw, invested by Lemniscap, Volt Capital, The Spartan Group
10. Moku, invested by Sky Mavis, A16Z GAMES SPEEDRUN, Arca
TOKEN 2049 week is a wrap. Here are some spicey takeaways from our investment team:🤔 1⃣Shifted market focuses –— #AI, #Bitcoin, Real-world Assets (#RWA), and #TON and Solana-based projects were discussed more this year. Comparatively, sectors and narratives like #GameFi, #DeFi, #DAO, and #Layer2, which used to be hot topics in previous years, saw significantly fewer projects participating this year. 2⃣Ethereum's decreased dominance — Many investors used to invest and allocate alongside #Ethereum’s roadmap. With Ethereum’s dwindling dominance, investors are losing guidance. 3⃣Waned investor interests—Many venture capitalists and funds are halting investment in new projects because of this cycle's generally low ROI. Meanwhile, non-European and US VCs suffer from decreasing global influence and face difficulties securing investment in solid projects. 4⃣Positive macroeconomic catalysts expected for the near future — Investors have positive expectations for the remainder of this year, betting on potentially favorable macroeconomic events such as the US rate cuts and the US presidential election. As monetary policies ease, market liquidity will improve. 5⃣Cautious attitude on the economic outlook for the next three years — With US stocks standing at historical highs and rate cut expectations reflecting risks of economic recessions and potentially leading to decreased dominance, investors expect more money to flow into safe-haven assets. This will result in selloffs of risky assets like crypto, which may suffer huge volatility before they can enjoy recoveries and surges. 6⃣Increased market uncertainty — Many projects proliferated in the last two years, and institutional investors' participation has become increasingly prominent, especially in this cycle. The market will need to take at least two to three years to assimilate the projects accumulated. Given the lack of enthusiasm from retail investors, market uncertainty is increasing. #TOKEN2049Week #TOKEN2049 #Token2049singapore
TOKEN 2049 week is a wrap. Here are some spicey takeaways from our investment team:🤔
1⃣Shifted market focuses –— #AI, #Bitcoin, Real-world Assets (#RWA), and #TON and Solana-based projects were discussed more this year. Comparatively, sectors and narratives like #GameFi, #DeFi, #DAO, and #Layer2, which used to be hot topics in previous years, saw significantly fewer projects participating this year.
2⃣Ethereum's decreased dominance — Many investors used to invest and allocate alongside #Ethereum’s roadmap. With Ethereum’s dwindling dominance, investors are losing guidance.
3⃣Waned investor interests—Many venture capitalists and funds are halting investment in new projects because of this cycle's generally low ROI. Meanwhile, non-European and US VCs suffer from decreasing global influence and face difficulties securing investment in solid projects.
4⃣Positive macroeconomic catalysts expected for the near future — Investors have positive expectations for the remainder of this year, betting on potentially favorable macroeconomic events such as the US rate cuts and the US presidential election. As monetary policies ease, market liquidity will improve.
5⃣Cautious attitude on the economic outlook for the next three years — With US stocks standing at historical highs and rate cut expectations reflecting risks of economic recessions and potentially leading to decreased dominance, investors expect more money to flow into safe-haven assets. This will result in selloffs of risky assets like crypto, which may suffer huge volatility before they can enjoy recoveries and surges.
6⃣Increased market uncertainty — Many projects proliferated in the last two years, and institutional investors' participation has become increasingly prominent, especially in this cycle. The market will need to take at least two to three years to assimilate the projects accumulated. Given the lack of enthusiasm from retail investors, market uncertainty is increasing.
#TOKEN2049Week #TOKEN2049 #Token2049singapore
#ChartoftheDay According to data from Trader T, #Bitcoin spot ETFs have returned to a positive net inflow overall. Impacted by the recent sluggishness in the crypto market and the volatility in US stocks, Bitcoin spot ETFs suffered over a week of negative net inflows before yesterday. Nevertheless, in retrospect, the launch of $BTC spot ETFs was successful in many aspects. According to Form 13F filings with the SEC, over 1,000 institutional investors are currently holding BTC spot ETFs. iShares Bitcoin Trust (#IBIT ) by BlackRock is the most popular one, with over 600 institutional holders. About 20% of IBIT’s shares are held by institutions and large advisors, and analysts project the figure to double next year. Given the positive market reactions for BTC spot ETFs, Wall Street and financial institutions in other countries are reported to be considering including them as constituents in their asset management products. Initially, the allocation to BTC spot ETFs should not be high. Nevertheless, it signals more profound market acceptance and enhanced regulatory compliance. Compared to BTC spot ETFs, Ethereum spot ETFs are underperforming the market expectations. For one reason, $ETH spot ETFs only allow for unstaked Ether holdings. For another reason, Ether’s price performance has been unsatisfactory this year. All in all, spot ETFs are a necessary path for major cryptocurrencies to gain regulatory compliance.
#ChartoftheDay According to data from Trader T, #Bitcoin spot ETFs have returned to a positive net inflow overall.
Impacted by the recent sluggishness in the crypto market and the volatility in US stocks, Bitcoin spot ETFs suffered over a week of negative net inflows before yesterday.
Nevertheless, in retrospect, the launch of $BTC spot ETFs was successful in many aspects.
According to Form 13F filings with the SEC, over 1,000 institutional investors are currently holding BTC spot ETFs. iShares Bitcoin Trust (#IBIT ) by BlackRock is the most popular one, with over 600 institutional holders. About 20% of IBIT’s shares are held by institutions and large advisors, and analysts project the figure to double next year.
Given the positive market reactions for BTC spot ETFs, Wall Street and financial institutions in other countries are reported to be considering including them as constituents in their asset management products. Initially, the allocation to BTC spot ETFs should not be high. Nevertheless, it signals more profound market acceptance and enhanced regulatory compliance.
Compared to BTC spot ETFs, Ethereum spot ETFs are underperforming the market expectations. For one reason, $ETH spot ETFs only allow for unstaked Ether holdings. For another reason, Ether’s price performance has been unsatisfactory this year.
All in all, spot ETFs are a necessary path for major cryptocurrencies to gain regulatory compliance.
#ChartoftheDay After a year of community-led discussions and consensus, MATIC has been upgraded to POL as the network token for Polygon. According to the official announcement, starting Sep 4, every transaction that takes place on Polygon PoS uses POL as the native gas token. More about the POL upgrade: - Backwards compatibility. This ensures that existing applications and users experience a seamless transition without disruption, facilitating a smoother upgrade process and preserving the stability of the Polygon network. Makes it easy for validators, delegates, apps, and users to transition smoothly from MATIC to POL. - Native gas and staking token for Polygon PoS. POL now secures the Polygon PoS network—and every transaction on the network is fueled by POL. - Future utility for an aggregated network subject to community consensus. With a staking hub planned for 2025, the current community consensus would see POL support broader roles in an aggregated network in the long term. - Tokenomic Changes. The initial POL to MATIC upgrade ratio is 1:1, with a critical tokenomics change, subject to ongoing community consensus, that has a 2% emission over a decade to support network security and community development. Half goes to the Polygon PoS staking contract for validator rewards to secure the network, and the other half to a community treasury, supporting builders through a grant program overseen by an independent board accountable to the community. This emission model will continue for as long as needed, with the community holding the power to adjust or discontinue based on evolving needs. This upgrade lays an essential foundation for Polygon's continued evolution into a multi-pronged, aggregated network. POL will be a crucial part of the massively used Polygon PoS network: It will be used as the native gas and staking token on Polygon PoS and, therefore, fundamental to Polygon network security. Polygon PoS will connect to the AggLayer if it reaches community consensus as part of its evolution into a ZK chain, thereby bringing POL into a broader aggregated network.
#ChartoftheDay After a year of community-led discussions and consensus, MATIC has been upgraded to POL as the network token for Polygon. According to the official announcement, starting Sep 4, every transaction that takes place on Polygon PoS uses POL as the native gas token.
More about the POL upgrade:
- Backwards compatibility. This ensures that existing applications and users experience a seamless transition without disruption, facilitating a smoother upgrade process and preserving the stability of the Polygon network. Makes it easy for validators, delegates, apps, and users to transition smoothly from MATIC to POL.
- Native gas and staking token for Polygon PoS. POL now secures the Polygon PoS network—and every transaction on the network is fueled by POL.
- Future utility for an aggregated network subject to community consensus. With a staking hub planned for 2025, the current community consensus would see POL support broader roles in an aggregated network in the long term.
- Tokenomic Changes. The initial POL to MATIC upgrade ratio is 1:1, with a critical tokenomics change, subject to ongoing community consensus, that has a 2% emission over a decade to support network security and community development. Half goes to the Polygon PoS staking contract for validator rewards to secure the network, and the other half to a community treasury, supporting builders through a grant program overseen by an independent board accountable to the community. This emission model will continue for as long as needed, with the community holding the power to adjust or discontinue based on evolving needs.
This upgrade lays an essential foundation for Polygon's continued evolution into a multi-pronged, aggregated network. POL will be a crucial part of the massively used Polygon PoS network: It will be used as the native gas and staking token on Polygon PoS and, therefore, fundamental to Polygon network security. Polygon PoS will connect to the AggLayer if it reaches community consensus as part of its evolution into a ZK chain, thereby bringing POL into a broader aggregated network.
#ChartoftheDay In the last few months, #DEFİ project and the issuer of stablecoin DAI, MakerDAO, has been brewing some major changes to their protocol. Last week, MakerDAO announced it was rebranded to Sky. Along with it, it will upgrade and extend itself with two upgraded tokens and several new features, scheduled to go live on Sep 18. #DAI will upgrade to a new stablecoin, USDS (Sky Dollar), at a 1:1 ratio, and MakerDAO’s governance token, MRK, will become upgradeable to SKY at a 1:24,000 ratio. USDS holders will have access to SKY token rewards, built into the Sky Protocol, from the moment it launches. The SKY token rewards will be distributed at 600 million SKY annually, representing a 2.5% inflation to the current circulating supply, across participating USDS holders. Maker’s Spark lending market subDAOs (now known as Stars) will airdrop 66.66M SPK to participants once the token goes live. Annual subsidies of 1B SPK will be distributed over the following four years to incentivize USDS and Maker token activation programs. Other key elements of Sky include a new DeFi app,, which will provides access to the key features of the Sky Protocol, and the multichain solution Skyline, which will launch and begin connecting USDS, SKY, and other Sky Ecosystem tokens from Ethereum Mainnet to major L2s. Decentralized stablecoins are facing much regulatory pressure, especially in the US. Dai’s market cap kept declining after hitting an all-time high of around $9.87B in Feb 2022. Now, it stands at only 45.5% of this record. Despite ranking third among all stablecoins by market cap, DAI’s market cap is only 4.5% of USDT and 15.5% of #USDC. Its founder, Rune Christensen, revealed the intention to upgrade DAI in May of this year. He indicated that there would be two stablecoins, one aimed at regulatory compliance and scale and the other at decentralization ideology. Judging by the announcement, USDS should be the first one. This means it will need to compete with its centralized competitors. PureDai, which should be the second one, will be launched after USDS.
#ChartoftheDay In the last few months, #DEFİ project and the issuer of stablecoin DAI, MakerDAO, has been brewing some major changes to their protocol. Last week, MakerDAO announced it was rebranded to Sky. Along with it, it will upgrade and extend itself with two upgraded tokens and several new features, scheduled to go live on Sep 18.
#DAI will upgrade to a new stablecoin, USDS (Sky Dollar), at a 1:1 ratio, and MakerDAO’s governance token, MRK, will become upgradeable to SKY at a 1:24,000 ratio.
USDS holders will have access to SKY token rewards, built into the Sky Protocol, from the moment it launches. The SKY token rewards will be distributed at 600 million SKY annually, representing a 2.5% inflation to the current circulating supply, across participating USDS holders.
Maker’s Spark lending market subDAOs (now known as Stars) will airdrop 66.66M SPK to participants once the token goes live. Annual subsidies of 1B SPK will be distributed over the following four years to incentivize USDS and Maker token activation programs.
Other key elements of Sky include a new DeFi app,, which will provides access to the key features of the Sky Protocol, and the multichain solution Skyline, which will launch and begin connecting USDS, SKY, and other Sky Ecosystem tokens from Ethereum Mainnet to major L2s.
Decentralized stablecoins are facing much regulatory pressure, especially in the US. Dai’s market cap kept declining after hitting an all-time high of around $9.87B in Feb 2022. Now, it stands at only 45.5% of this record. Despite ranking third among all stablecoins by market cap, DAI’s market cap is only 4.5% of USDT and 15.5% of #USDC.
Its founder, Rune Christensen, revealed the intention to upgrade DAI in May of this year. He indicated that there would be two stablecoins, one aimed at regulatory compliance and scale and the other at decentralization ideology. Judging by the announcement, USDS should be the first one. This means it will need to compete with its centralized competitors. PureDai, which should be the second one, will be launched after USDS.
#ChartoftheDay Solana-based memecoin launchpad Pump.Fun hit $100 million in revenue in a record time of merely 217 days since it debuted in January, according to data from Dune Analytics. This makes it the fastest-growing dapp by revenue growth in the crypto ecosystem. Currently, over 1 million tokens are deployed on Pump.Fun. Despite the recent cooling of the market, Pump.Fun’s ecosystem and revenue have taken off since this May. Amid retail traders’ dislikes for VC coins with high FDV and low float, memecoins that distribute the entire available supply at launch became favored. Against this backdrop, leveraging Solana’s high TPS and low fees, Pump.Fun quickly rose to prominence. Although many copycat projects were churned out, Pump.Fun has always controlled the majority of market shares. Leading Solana DEX Raydium also benefited greatly from handling tokens migrated from Pump.Fun. Recently, the rise of memecoins on the Tron ecosystem has partially directed away the attention and the associated liquidity, but Pump.Fun has maintained a positive daily revenue of over $300,000 every day. Nevertheless, as Pump.Fun rose because of the meme coin fever, considering the short-lived nature of most meme coin projects, whether Pump.Fun’s success will be sustainable depends highly on overall market sentiments and opinions on meme coins.
#ChartoftheDay Solana-based memecoin launchpad Pump.Fun hit $100 million in revenue in a record time of merely 217 days since it debuted in January, according to data from Dune Analytics. This makes it the fastest-growing dapp by revenue growth in the crypto ecosystem.
Currently, over 1 million tokens are deployed on Pump.Fun. Despite the recent cooling of the market, Pump.Fun’s ecosystem and revenue have taken off since this May.
Amid retail traders’ dislikes for VC coins with high FDV and low float, memecoins that distribute the entire available supply at launch became favored. Against this backdrop, leveraging Solana’s high TPS and low fees, Pump.Fun quickly rose to prominence.
Although many copycat projects were churned out, Pump.Fun has always controlled the majority of market shares. Leading Solana DEX Raydium also benefited greatly from handling tokens migrated from Pump.Fun.
Recently, the rise of memecoins on the Tron ecosystem has partially directed away the attention and the associated liquidity, but Pump.Fun has maintained a positive daily revenue of over $300,000 every day.
Nevertheless, as Pump.Fun rose because of the meme coin fever, considering the short-lived nature of most meme coin projects, whether Pump.Fun’s success will be sustainable depends highly on overall market sentiments and opinions on meme coins.
🔥Top 10 #Crypto #Fundraising Events in the Last Two Weeks (Aug 17-30) With 56 deals announced in the last two weeks, interest in the primary market is increasing. 1. Story Protocol, invested by a16z crypto, Polychain Capital, Cozomo de'Medici 2. Fabric Cryptography, invested by Blockchain Capital, 1kx network, 3. Edge Matrix Chain, invested by Amber Group, Polygon Labs Ventures, Candaq Fintech Group 4. Space and Time, invested by Framework Ventures, Faction VC, Arrington Capital 5. Solayer Labs, invested by Polychain Capital, Binance Labs, Hack VC 6. Gameplay Galaxy, invested by Blockchain Capital, Merit Circle 7., invested by DAMANN INVEST, Aptos Labs, MOCHAVentures 8. double, Inc., invested by SBI Investment, Sony, Bing Ventures 9. BIFinance, invested by Sunfund Fortuna Global Opportunities, Eternal Asia (S) Pte. Ltd., SDM Education Group 10. Skyfire, invested by Circle Ventures, Ripple, Gemini #AiNarratives #InfrastructureCoins #GamingCoins
🔥Top 10 #Crypto #Fundraising Events in the Last Two Weeks (Aug 17-30)
With 56 deals announced in the last two weeks, interest in the primary market is increasing.
1. Story Protocol, invested by a16z crypto, Polychain Capital, Cozomo de'Medici
2. Fabric Cryptography, invested by Blockchain Capital, 1kx network,
3. Edge Matrix Chain, invested by Amber Group, Polygon Labs Ventures, Candaq Fintech Group
4. Space and Time, invested by Framework Ventures, Faction VC, Arrington Capital
5. Solayer Labs, invested by Polychain Capital, Binance Labs, Hack VC
6. Gameplay Galaxy, invested by Blockchain Capital, Merit Circle
7., invested by DAMANN INVEST, Aptos Labs, MOCHAVentures
8. double, Inc., invested by SBI Investment, Sony, Bing Ventures
9. BIFinance, invested by Sunfund Fortuna Global Opportunities, Eternal Asia (S) Pte. Ltd., SDM Education Group
10. Skyfire, invested by Circle Ventures, Ripple, Gemini
#AiNarratives #InfrastructureCoins #GamingCoins
#ChartoftheDay PayPal’s US dollar-pegged stablecoin, PayPal USD, has surpassed $1 billion in total market capitalization, according to data from CoinMarketCap. PYUSD’s monthly supply has been growing at a high speed since the start of the third quarter. And its market cap more than doubled from around $423 million at the end of June. The growth can be partially attributed to its May expansion to the Solana Network. Since then, its issuance on Solana quickly surpassed that on Ethereum. Compliance with MiCA, the new European regulations regarding stablecoins that came into effect on June 30 with a 60-day compliance period, may also be critical.PYUSD, the 1:1 USD-backed stablecoin issued by PayPal and managed by Paxos Trust Company, is one of the few that has already obtained #MiCA approval, which enabled it to quickly start nibbling away at market share from those that have not yet received it. While PayPal saw bringing PYUSD to Solana as a strategic move to boost its usage, the number one stablecoin on Solana right now is still USDC. USDC has twice the market cap of PYUSD, and like PYUSD, it is already compliant with MiCA.Nevertheless, #PYUSD is rising as a potential competitor to #USDC, with more projects in the #Solana ecosystem, such as Jupiter and Kamino, starting to integrate PUSD.
#ChartoftheDay PayPal’s US dollar-pegged stablecoin, PayPal USD, has surpassed $1 billion in total market capitalization, according to data from CoinMarketCap. PYUSD’s monthly supply has been growing at a high speed since the start of the third quarter. And its market cap more than doubled from around $423 million at the end of June.
The growth can be partially attributed to its May expansion to the Solana Network. Since then, its issuance on Solana quickly surpassed that on Ethereum.
Compliance with MiCA, the new European regulations regarding stablecoins that came into effect on June 30 with a 60-day compliance period, may also be critical.PYUSD, the 1:1 USD-backed stablecoin issued by PayPal and managed by Paxos Trust Company, is one of the few that has already obtained #MiCA approval, which enabled it to quickly start nibbling away at market share from those that have not yet received it.
While PayPal saw bringing PYUSD to Solana as a strategic move to boost its usage, the number one stablecoin on Solana right now is still USDC. USDC has twice the market cap of PYUSD, and like PYUSD, it is already compliant with MiCA.Nevertheless, #PYUSD is rising as a potential competitor to #USDC, with more projects in the #Solana ecosystem, such as Jupiter and Kamino, starting to integrate PUSD.
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