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🚨 Spannende Marktentwicklungen stehen bevor! 🚨 Halten Sie nach diesen wichtigen Ereignissen Ausschau: - 9. Juli: Jerome Powell tritt vor dem Senat in den Zeugenstand und bereitet damit die Bühne für mögliche Markteinblicke. - 10. Juli: Powell setzt seine Aussage fort, diesmal vor dem Repräsentantenhaus, und verstärkt damit die Auswirkungen auf die Anlegerstimmung. - 11. Juli: Erwarten Sie die Veröffentlichung der CPI-Inflationsdaten, wobei Prognosen einen leichten Rückgang auf 3,1 % (nach 3,3 %) voraussagen. Der Kern-CPI wird voraussichtlich stabil bei 3,4 % bleiben. - 12. Juli: Bleiben Sie dran für die PPI-Inflationsdaten und eine bedeutende Rede des Präsidenten der San Francisco Fed, in der zukünftige Wirtschaftsstrategien gestaltet werden. Denken Sie daran, dass sich die Marktreaktionen aufgrund überarbeiteter Schätzungen und vergangener Daten ändern können. Bleiben Sie also informiert und bereit für den Puls der Finanzwelt! #EconomicInsights#MarketWatch #StayTuned
🚨 Spannende Marktentwicklungen stehen bevor! 🚨

Halten Sie nach diesen wichtigen Ereignissen Ausschau:

- 9. Juli: Jerome Powell tritt vor dem Senat in den Zeugenstand und bereitet damit die Bühne für mögliche Markteinblicke.
- 10. Juli: Powell setzt seine Aussage fort, diesmal vor dem Repräsentantenhaus, und verstärkt damit die Auswirkungen auf die Anlegerstimmung.
- 11. Juli: Erwarten Sie die Veröffentlichung der CPI-Inflationsdaten, wobei Prognosen einen leichten Rückgang auf 3,1 % (nach 3,3 %) voraussagen. Der Kern-CPI wird voraussichtlich stabil bei 3,4 % bleiben.
- 12. Juli: Bleiben Sie dran für die PPI-Inflationsdaten und eine bedeutende Rede des Präsidenten der San Francisco Fed, in der zukünftige Wirtschaftsstrategien gestaltet werden.

Denken Sie daran, dass sich die Marktreaktionen aufgrund überarbeiteter Schätzungen und vergangener Daten ändern können. Bleiben Sie also informiert und bereit für den Puls der Finanzwelt!
#EconomicInsights#MarketWatch #StayTuned
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PASST AUF EUCH AUF, LEUTE! „Erinnert ihr euch an den Typen, den letzte Woche jemand erwähnt hat und der versucht hat, jemandem 50.000 Dollar abzuluchsen? Nun, ob ihr es glaubt oder nicht, sie haben in letzter Zeit ziemlich viel gechattet. Sie hat ihn im Scherz um ein Darlehen von 100 Dollar gebeten und nach Tagen des spielerischen Bettelns hat er tatsächlich nachgegeben! Und jetzt kommt’s: Er spricht davon, 20.000 Dollar auf ihr Coinbase-Konto einzuzahlen. Könnt ihr das glauben? Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob er es ernst meint oder nur mitspielt. Was denkt ihr, Leute? Bleibt dran für Updates! Oh, und wo wir gerade von Updates sprechen: Wenn ihr immer noch auf der Suche nach einem sicheren Token mit geringer Marktkapitalisierung und Potenzial seid, schaut euch PITBULL an. Es könnte der nächste große Hit sein! #UnexpectedTwists#CryptoDrama #StayAlert“

„Erinnert ihr euch an den Typen, den letzte Woche jemand erwähnt hat und der versucht hat, jemandem 50.000 Dollar abzuluchsen? Nun, ob ihr es glaubt oder nicht, sie haben in letzter Zeit ziemlich viel gechattet. Sie hat ihn im Scherz um ein Darlehen von 100 Dollar gebeten und nach Tagen des spielerischen Bettelns hat er tatsächlich nachgegeben! Und jetzt kommt’s: Er spricht davon, 20.000 Dollar auf ihr Coinbase-Konto einzuzahlen. Könnt ihr das glauben? Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob er es ernst meint oder nur mitspielt. Was denkt ihr, Leute? Bleibt dran für Updates!

Oh, und wo wir gerade von Updates sprechen: Wenn ihr immer noch auf der Suche nach einem sicheren Token mit geringer Marktkapitalisierung und Potenzial seid, schaut euch PITBULL an. Es könnte der nächste große Hit sein!
#UnexpectedTwists#CryptoDrama #StayAlert“
Original ansehen
„Betrüger nutzen weiterhin Schwachstellen in der Kryptowelt aus und täuschen Investoren mit dreisten Machenschaften. Hier sind zehn der bedeutendsten Betrügereien, die die Branche erschüttert haben: 1️⃣ BitConnect – brach 2018 zusammen, nachdem es Investoren durch ein Ponzi-System um Milliarden betrogen hatte. – Die Initiatoren sahen sich rechtlichen Schritten und hohen Geldstrafen gegenüber. 2️⃣ OneCoin – Hat angeblich weltweit 4,4 Milliarden Dollar durch ein betrügerisches ICO gesammelt. – Gründerin Ruja Ignatova verschwand 2017 und entging so der Verhaftung. 3️⃣ BitClub Network – Hat Investoren in einem Ponzi-System für Mining-Pools um 722 Millionen Dollar betrogen. – Betreiber wurden wegen der Organisation des Betrugs zu Gefängnisstrafen verurteilt. 4️⃣ PlusToken – Hat 2019 Benutzer in einem gefälschten Investitionssystem um 2 Milliarden Dollar betrogen. – Betreiber verhaftet und Vermögenswerte in mehreren Fällen beschlagnahmt. Länder. 5️⃣ Mt. Gox – Einst die größte Bitcoin-Börse, brach sie 2014 zusammen, 850.000 BTC fehlten. – Rechtsstreitigkeiten um Wiederbeschaffung und Entschädigung dauern an. 6️⃣ Bitpetite – Versprach tägliche Renditen auf Bitcoin-Investitionen, bevor es mit den Geldern verschwand. – Tausende Anleger gingen mit leeren Händen. 7️⃣ Veritaseum – Hat Anleger angeblich bei einem ICO-Betrug um 8 Millionen Dollar betrogen. – Gründer Reggie Middleton sah sich mit SEC-Anklagen und rechtlichen Konsequenzen konfrontiert. 8️⃣ GAW Miners / ZenMiner – Betreibt 2014 Ponzi-Systeme und täuscht Anleger mit gefälschten Mining-Operationen. – Gründer Josh Garza wegen Betrugs verurteilt und bestraft. 9️⃣ PlexCoin – Hat 15 Millionen Dollar durch falsche Versprechungen von 1.354 % Rendite eingenommen. - SEC stoppte ICO, Gründer Dominic Lacroix sah sich rechtlichen Konsequenzen gegenüber. 🔟 Titanium Blockchain - Hat Investoren um 21 Millionen Dollar betrogen, indem Partnerschaften und Technologie erfunden wurden. - CEO Michael Stollaire wegen Wertpapierbetrugs zu Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt. Diese Fälle unterstreichen die Bedeutung von Sorgfaltspflicht, Skepsis gegenüber unrealistischen Versprechungen und Diversifizierung von Investitionen. Bleiben Sie informiert, überprüfen Sie Anmeldeinformationen und schützen Sie Ihre Vermögenswerte in der dynamischen Kryptolandschaft."
„Betrüger nutzen weiterhin Schwachstellen in der Kryptowelt aus und täuschen Investoren mit dreisten Machenschaften. Hier sind zehn der bedeutendsten Betrügereien, die die Branche erschüttert haben:

1️⃣ BitConnect
– brach 2018 zusammen, nachdem es Investoren durch ein Ponzi-System um Milliarden betrogen hatte.
– Die Initiatoren sahen sich rechtlichen Schritten und hohen Geldstrafen gegenüber.

2️⃣ OneCoin
– Hat angeblich weltweit 4,4 Milliarden Dollar durch ein betrügerisches ICO gesammelt.
– Gründerin Ruja Ignatova verschwand 2017 und entging so der Verhaftung.

3️⃣ BitClub Network
– Hat Investoren in einem Ponzi-System für Mining-Pools um 722 Millionen Dollar betrogen.
– Betreiber wurden wegen der Organisation des Betrugs zu Gefängnisstrafen verurteilt.

4️⃣ PlusToken
– Hat 2019 Benutzer in einem gefälschten Investitionssystem um 2 Milliarden Dollar betrogen.
– Betreiber verhaftet und Vermögenswerte in mehreren Fällen beschlagnahmt. Länder.

5️⃣ Mt. Gox
– Einst die größte Bitcoin-Börse, brach sie 2014 zusammen, 850.000 BTC fehlten.
– Rechtsstreitigkeiten um Wiederbeschaffung und Entschädigung dauern an.

6️⃣ Bitpetite
– Versprach tägliche Renditen auf Bitcoin-Investitionen, bevor es mit den Geldern verschwand.
– Tausende Anleger gingen mit leeren Händen.

7️⃣ Veritaseum
– Hat Anleger angeblich bei einem ICO-Betrug um 8 Millionen Dollar betrogen.
– Gründer Reggie Middleton sah sich mit SEC-Anklagen und rechtlichen Konsequenzen konfrontiert.

8️⃣ GAW Miners / ZenMiner
– Betreibt 2014 Ponzi-Systeme und täuscht Anleger mit gefälschten Mining-Operationen.
– Gründer Josh Garza wegen Betrugs verurteilt und bestraft.

9️⃣ PlexCoin
– Hat 15 Millionen Dollar durch falsche Versprechungen von 1.354 % Rendite eingenommen.
- SEC stoppte ICO, Gründer Dominic Lacroix sah sich rechtlichen Konsequenzen gegenüber.

🔟 Titanium Blockchain
- Hat Investoren um 21 Millionen Dollar betrogen, indem Partnerschaften und Technologie erfunden wurden.
- CEO Michael Stollaire wegen Wertpapierbetrugs zu Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt.

Diese Fälle unterstreichen die Bedeutung von Sorgfaltspflicht, Skepsis gegenüber unrealistischen Versprechungen und Diversifizierung von Investitionen. Bleiben Sie informiert, überprüfen Sie Anmeldeinformationen und schützen Sie Ihre Vermögenswerte in der dynamischen Kryptolandschaft."
Original ansehen
Robert Kiyosaki, ein bekannter Autor und Finanzexperte, hat nach einem erheblichen Marktcrash eine mutige Vorhersage bezüglich der Preise von Bitcoin und Gold gemacht. Er geht davon aus, dass Bitcoin möglicherweise 10 Millionen Dollar erreichen könnte, während Gold auf 15.000 Dollar klettern könnte.
Robert Kiyosaki, ein bekannter Autor und Finanzexperte, hat nach einem erheblichen Marktcrash eine mutige Vorhersage bezüglich der Preise von Bitcoin und Gold gemacht. Er geht davon aus, dass Bitcoin möglicherweise 10 Millionen Dollar erreichen könnte, während Gold auf 15.000 Dollar klettern könnte.
Original ansehen
„Der jüngste Ausbruch der BTC-Dominanz aus einem symmetrischen Dreieck, gefolgt von seinem anhaltenden erneuten Test, deutet auf ein Potenzial für eine bullische Rallye hin. Dies könnte jedoch Probleme für Altcoins bedeuten, da historisch gesehen ein Anstieg der BTC-Dominanz oft mit einem Abschwung bei alternativen Kryptowährungen korreliert. Anleger sollten wachsam bleiben und ihre Risikomanagementstrategien während dieser Zeit entsprechend anpassen.“
„Der jüngste Ausbruch der BTC-Dominanz aus einem symmetrischen Dreieck, gefolgt von seinem anhaltenden erneuten Test, deutet auf ein Potenzial für eine bullische Rallye hin. Dies könnte jedoch Probleme für Altcoins bedeuten, da historisch gesehen ein Anstieg der BTC-Dominanz oft mit einem Abschwung bei alternativen Kryptowährungen korreliert. Anleger sollten wachsam bleiben und ihre Risikomanagementstrategien während dieser Zeit entsprechend anpassen.“
I have a friend who has been trading cryptocurrencies for five years and has now achieved financial independence. The crypto market is notoriously high-risk. He’s faced liquidation multiple times but managed to bounce back every time. To support his trading endeavors, he delivered food, drove for Didi, and even worked on construction sites. It was incredibly tough, but he never gave up. Today, he owns two luxury flats in Shanghai, drives a Lamborghini and a Cullinan, and has a girlfriend in her 60s. His journey is a testament to resilience and determination in the face of extreme challenges.
I have a friend who has been trading cryptocurrencies for five years and has now achieved financial independence. The crypto market is notoriously high-risk. He’s faced liquidation multiple times but managed to bounce back every time. To support his trading endeavors, he delivered food, drove for Didi, and even worked on construction sites. It was incredibly tough, but he never gave up.

Today, he owns two luxury flats in Shanghai, drives a Lamborghini and a Cullinan, and has a girlfriend in her 60s. His journey is a testament to resilience and determination in the face of extreme challenges.
Many are overly optimistic about Bitcoin's price rise this cycle. As the crypto market matures, significant returns become harder to achieve. I predict BTC won't exceed $120-150k by the end of this cycle. Historically, returns have decreased with each halving. With the latest halving price around $63k, a reasonable next all-time high target would be a 2x increase. Predictions of $200-500k or more seem unrealistic. Save this post and revisit it when BTC nears $100k. At that point, many will predict $1M or more, signaling it might be time to sell and exit. #SOFR_Spike #Write2Earn! #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #MtGoxJulyRepayments #BinanceTournament
Many are overly optimistic about Bitcoin's price rise this cycle. As the crypto market matures, significant returns become harder to achieve. I predict BTC won't exceed $120-150k by the end of this cycle.

Historically, returns have decreased with each halving. With the latest halving price around $63k, a reasonable next all-time high target would be a 2x increase. Predictions of $200-500k or more seem unrealistic.

Save this post and revisit it when BTC nears $100k. At that point, many will predict $1M or more, signaling it might be time to sell and exit.

#SOFR_Spike #Write2Earn! #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #MtGoxJulyRepayments #BinanceTournament
Hey there! Imagine if you'd invested a modest $65 in Bitcoin back in 2019. It might not seem like much, but stay with me! In 2019, Bitcoin was trading at around $3,860 per coin. With your $65, you could've bought approximately 0.017 BTC. Fast forward to 2021, when Bitcoin hit an all-time high of $67,500 per coin! Incredible, right? If you'd held onto your 0.017 BTC, its value would have soared to roughly $1,148! That's an astounding return of over 1,700% in just two years! It's wild to think about, but it highlights the immense growth potential of cryptocurrencies, even with a small investment. This kind of return showcases the transformative power of crypto investments. However, it's crucial to remember that the crypto market is highly volatile, and prices can swing dramatically. Always do your due diligence and invest wisely! So, what do you think? Are you feeling the urge to dive into the world of crypto now?
Hey there! Imagine if you'd invested a modest $65 in Bitcoin back in 2019. It might not seem like much, but stay with me!

In 2019, Bitcoin was trading at around $3,860 per coin. With your $65, you could've bought approximately 0.017 BTC. Fast forward to 2021, when Bitcoin hit an all-time high of $67,500 per coin! Incredible, right?

If you'd held onto your 0.017 BTC, its value would have soared to roughly $1,148! That's an astounding return of over 1,700% in just two years! It's wild to think about, but it highlights the immense growth potential of cryptocurrencies, even with a small investment.

This kind of return showcases the transformative power of crypto investments. However, it's crucial to remember that the crypto market is highly volatile, and prices can swing dramatically. Always do your due diligence and invest wisely!

So, what do you think? Are you feeling the urge to dive into the world of crypto now?
Original ansehen
es ist wahr geworden. Der Markt ist wieder abgestürzt 🥱 Ich habe bereits vor diesem 4. Absturz gewarnt! jetzt passiert es … Der Markt muss noch in den Bullenmodus kommen. Handeln Sie also vorsichtig und verwenden Sie nur geringe Hebel!
es ist wahr geworden. Der Markt ist wieder abgestürzt 🥱

Ich habe bereits vor diesem 4. Absturz gewarnt!
jetzt passiert es … Der Markt muss noch in den Bullenmodus kommen. Handeln Sie also vorsichtig und verwenden Sie nur geringe Hebel!
was wäre wenn, Leute? 😂
🚨 **Urgent Update: Aevo (AEVO) Insight 🚨 $AEVO is showing signs of a strong rebound and potential for continued growth. 📈 ### **Current Statistics:** - **Current Price:** $0.4518 - **24-Hour High/Low:** $0.4587 / $0.3452 - **All-Time High:** $4.46 (March 13, 2024) - Down 89.9% - **All-Time Low:** $0.3452 (July 5, 2024) - Up 30.62% - **Market Cap:** $380.54M - **Circulating Supply:** 843.74M AEVO - **24-Hour Trading Volume:** $76.89M ### **Technical Indicators:** - **RSI:** Neutral, with potential for a bullish trend. - **MACD:** Showing a slight bullish crossover, hinting at upward momentum. - **Bollinger Bands:** Narrowing, indicating potential for increased volatility. - **Moving Averages:** Short-term averages are crossing above long-term averages, suggesting a bullish trend. ### **Sentiment Analysis:** - **Community Growth:** Aevo is seeing strong community engagement, especially due to its decentralized derivatives exchange. - **Market Sentiment:** Cautiously optimistic, with traders looking for strategic entry points. ### **World News Impact:** - **Regulatory Developments:** Positive news on global crypto regulations could bolster Aevo’s market presence. - **Market Trends:** Growing interest in decentralized exchanges and derivatives trading. ### **Conclusion:** **Long Position:** At the current price of $0.4518, there is a buy opportunity targeting the recent high of $0.4587 for short-term gains. **Short Position:** Consider entry around recent highs with a stop-loss near the all-time low of $0.3452 to manage risk. 📊 **Final Take:** With the potential for Aevo to regain momentum and approach its former highs, it presents an attractive option for both short-term and long-term investments. 🚀
🚨 **Urgent Update: Aevo (AEVO) Insight 🚨

$AEVO is showing signs of a strong rebound and potential for continued growth. 📈

### **Current Statistics:**
- **Current Price:** $0.4518
- **24-Hour High/Low:** $0.4587 / $0.3452
- **All-Time High:** $4.46 (March 13, 2024) - Down 89.9%
- **All-Time Low:** $0.3452 (July 5, 2024) - Up 30.62%
- **Market Cap:** $380.54M
- **Circulating Supply:** 843.74M AEVO
- **24-Hour Trading Volume:** $76.89M

### **Technical Indicators:**
- **RSI:** Neutral, with potential for a bullish trend.
- **MACD:** Showing a slight bullish crossover, hinting at upward momentum.
- **Bollinger Bands:** Narrowing, indicating potential for increased volatility.
- **Moving Averages:** Short-term averages are crossing above long-term averages, suggesting a bullish trend.

### **Sentiment Analysis:**
- **Community Growth:** Aevo is seeing strong community engagement, especially due to its decentralized derivatives exchange.
- **Market Sentiment:** Cautiously optimistic, with traders looking for strategic entry points.

### **World News Impact:**
- **Regulatory Developments:** Positive news on global crypto regulations could bolster Aevo’s market presence.
- **Market Trends:** Growing interest in decentralized exchanges and derivatives trading.

### **Conclusion:**
**Long Position:** At the current price of $0.4518, there is a buy opportunity targeting the recent high of $0.4587 for short-term gains.

**Short Position:** Consider entry around recent highs with a stop-loss near the all-time low of $0.3452 to manage risk.

📊 **Final Take:** With the potential for Aevo to regain momentum and approach its former highs, it presents an attractive option for both short-term and long-term investments. 🚀
🚨 **Emerging Opportunity: Aevo (AEVO) Analysis** 🚨 $AEVO is demonstrating robust signs of recovery and promises further growth potential. 📈 **Current Price:** $0.4518 **24-Hour High/Low:** $0.4587 / $0.3452 **All-Time High:** $4.46 (March 13, 2024) - Down 89.9% **All-Time Low:** $0.3452 (July 5, 2024) - Up 30.62% **Market Cap:** $380.54M **Circulating Supply:** 843.74M AEVO **24-Hour Trading Volume:** $76.89M ### **Technical Insights:** - **RSI:** Currently neutral, signaling potential for bullish momentum. - **MACD:** Shows a slight bullish crossover, indicating upward potential. - **Bollinger Bands:** Squeezing, suggesting increased volatility ahead. - **Moving Averages:** Short-term moving averages crossing above long-term, indicative of a bullish trend. ### **Sentiment Analysis:** - **Community Dynamics:** Strong engagement driven by Aevo’s decentralized derivatives exchange. - **Market Sentiment:** Optimism tempered with cautious entry strategies among traders. ### **Global Influence:** - **Regulatory Developments:** Positive regulatory shifts favoring crypto could bolster Aevo’s market presence. - **Market Trends:** Growing interest in decentralized exchanges and derivatives trading boosts Aevo’s appeal. ### **Strategic Outlook:** **Long Position:** At $0.4518, a strategic buy opportunity with potential targets near $0.4587 for short-term gains. **Short Position:** Consider entry near recent highs with risk management around $0.3452. 📊 **Final Assessment:** Aevo's potential to reclaim momentum toward previous highs positions it favorably for both short-term gains and long-term investments. 🚀 *Insights by Crypto Traders' Analysis | Pathways to Profit* This custom-crafted update presents a distinct overview of Aevo (AEVO), highlighting its unique strengths and opportunities within the dynamic cryptocurrency market.
🚨 **Emerging Opportunity: Aevo (AEVO) Analysis** 🚨
$AEVO is demonstrating robust signs of recovery and promises further growth potential. 📈

**Current Price:** $0.4518
**24-Hour High/Low:** $0.4587 / $0.3452
**All-Time High:** $4.46 (March 13, 2024) - Down 89.9%
**All-Time Low:** $0.3452 (July 5, 2024) - Up 30.62%
**Market Cap:** $380.54M
**Circulating Supply:** 843.74M AEVO
**24-Hour Trading Volume:** $76.89M

### **Technical Insights:**
- **RSI:** Currently neutral, signaling potential for bullish momentum.
- **MACD:** Shows a slight bullish crossover, indicating upward potential.
- **Bollinger Bands:** Squeezing, suggesting increased volatility ahead.
- **Moving Averages:** Short-term moving averages crossing above long-term, indicative of a bullish trend.

### **Sentiment Analysis:**
- **Community Dynamics:** Strong engagement driven by Aevo’s decentralized derivatives exchange.
- **Market Sentiment:** Optimism tempered with cautious entry strategies among traders.

### **Global Influence:**
- **Regulatory Developments:** Positive regulatory shifts favoring crypto could bolster Aevo’s market presence.
- **Market Trends:** Growing interest in decentralized exchanges and derivatives trading boosts Aevo’s appeal.

### **Strategic Outlook:**
**Long Position:** At $0.4518, a strategic buy opportunity with potential targets near $0.4587 for short-term gains.
**Short Position:** Consider entry near recent highs with risk management around $0.3452.

📊 **Final Assessment:** Aevo's potential to reclaim momentum toward previous highs positions it favorably for both short-term gains and long-term investments. 🚀
*Insights by Crypto Traders' Analysis | Pathways to Profit*

This custom-crafted update presents a distinct overview of Aevo (AEVO), highlighting its unique strengths and opportunities within the dynamic cryptocurrency market.
## Number of Worldwide Crypto Owners Reached 615 Million 🚀 For all the data enthusiasts out there, here's the latest Crypto Market Data from June 2024: ### Crypto Market in June 🔴 The overall crypto market price index dropped by 9.3% compared to May. 🔴 Market volume saw a 20% decline from the previous month. 🟢 However, the volatility index decreased by 10.5%, signaling a more stable market. ### Crypto Adoption in June 🟢 The global number of crypto owners grew by 1%, reaching a milestone of 615 million. 🟢 Ethereum adoption surged by over 3%, marking the highest year-to-date increase, likely spurred by the recent ETF approval. 🟢 Around 20 million individuals have invested in spot Bitcoin ETFs. $BTC $ETH #ETFEthereum #CryptoAdoption #MarketData #CryptoGrowth #Write2Earn
## Number of Worldwide Crypto Owners Reached 615 Million 🚀

For all the data enthusiasts out there, here's the latest Crypto Market Data from June 2024:

### Crypto Market in June
🔴 The overall crypto market price index dropped by 9.3% compared to May.
🔴 Market volume saw a 20% decline from the previous month.
🟢 However, the volatility index decreased by 10.5%, signaling a more stable market.

### Crypto Adoption in June
🟢 The global number of crypto owners grew by 1%, reaching a milestone of 615 million.
🟢 Ethereum adoption surged by over 3%, marking the highest year-to-date increase, likely spurred by the recent ETF approval.
🟢 Around 20 million individuals have invested in spot Bitcoin ETFs.

$BTC $ETH #ETFEthereum #CryptoAdoption #MarketData #CryptoGrowth #Write2Earn
The German Government transferred 700 BTC worth $40.55 million to a wallet last night. •The government still has 39,826 BTC ($2.31 billion).#Btc $BTC
The German Government transferred 700 BTC worth $40.55 million to a wallet last night.

•The government still has 39,826 BTC ($2.31 billion).#Btc $BTC
Crypto was "over" many times: 2014: Mt. Gox collapse 2022: Luna collapse, FTX collapse 2024: Germany, Mt. Gox, more to comeBut after these manipulations, the real bull run began. 🧵: How market makers manipulate the market and how not to fall for it 👇
Crypto was "over" many times:

2014: Mt. Gox collapse
2022: Luna collapse, FTX collapse
2024: Germany, Mt. Gox, more to comeBut after these manipulations, the real bull run began.

🧵: How market makers manipulate the market and how not to fall for it 👇
What,s ur expectations on 2024 bullrun ? do you think btc will touch 100k ? share ur opinions in comments
What,s ur expectations on 2024 bullrun ?

do you think btc will touch 100k ?

share ur opinions in comments
## 5 Must-Have Coins and Tokens for This Bull Run 🚀 Build your portfolio for the upcoming bull run with these top picks: ### 1. $ETH (35%) Ethereum remains a cornerstone with its robust ecosystem and widespread adoption. ### 2. $ORDI (20%) Ordinal revolution is capturing attention with its unique offerings and growth potential. ### 3. $FLOKI (10%) Floki Inu is riding the meme coin wave with a dedicated community and innovative projects. ### 4. #OMNI (15%) Omni's multi-chain capabilities and advanced DeFi solutions make it a strong contender. ### 5. #BONK🔥🔥 (20%) Bonk is making waves with its explosive growth and strong market presence. **Start Buying Your 75% Portfolio in SPOT Wallet 🚀** #BullRunAhead #BTC☀ #BinanceTournament #CryptoPortfolio #CryptoInvesting #Write2Earn
## 5 Must-Have Coins and Tokens for This Bull Run 🚀

Build your portfolio for the upcoming bull run with these top picks:

### 1. $ETH (35%)
Ethereum remains a cornerstone with its robust ecosystem and widespread adoption.

### 2. $ORDI (20%)
Ordinal revolution is capturing attention with its unique offerings and growth potential.

### 3. $FLOKI (10%)
Floki Inu is riding the meme coin wave with a dedicated community and innovative projects.

### 4. #OMNI (15%)
Omni's multi-chain capabilities and advanced DeFi solutions make it a strong contender.

### 5. #BONK🔥🔥 (20%)
Bonk is making waves with its explosive growth and strong market presence.

**Start Buying Your 75% Portfolio in SPOT Wallet 🚀**

#BullRunAhead #BTC☀ #BinanceTournament #CryptoPortfolio #CryptoInvesting #Write2Earn
## $16B May Flow Into Crypto in Q3 😱 **FTX Cash Distribution Alert** A staggering $16 billion might pour into the cryptocurrency market in Q3, largely due to the #FTX cash distribution. However, this influx won't be in BTC, ETH, SOL, or any other crypto. Instead, returns will be distributed in stablecoins based on November 2022 prices. Imagine holding 1 BTC valued at $16k then—you'll get $16k, not the current $56k. Here are two key dates to watch: - **August 16, 2024:** Deadline for voting on FTX bankruptcy - **October 7, 2024:** Potential approval of FTX bankruptcy plan ### Market Impact The expected returns at the end of Q3, coupled with the global focus on the US election, could spark a bull market. Historical inflows have shown significant price surges: **$BTC:** - *January 8:* $210M inflow, +5% in a day - *February 26 - March 4:* $1.139B inflow, +32% **$ETH:** - *November 9, 2023:* $100M inflow, +10% - *April 8:* $217M inflow, +8% **$SOL:** - *March 11 - March 21:* $634M inflow, +25% ### Potential Heights Given these historical trends, the anticipated $16B inflow could push crypto prices significantly higher. Stay informed, stay prepared, and watch how these factors unfold. #FTX #CryptoInflows #BullMarket #BTC #ETH #SOL #CryptoTrends #BinanceReferralProgram #LayerZero #CPIAlert #Write2Earn
## $16B May Flow Into Crypto in Q3 😱

**FTX Cash Distribution Alert**

A staggering $16 billion might pour into the cryptocurrency market in Q3, largely due to the #FTX cash distribution. However, this influx won't be in BTC, ETH, SOL, or any other crypto. Instead, returns will be distributed in stablecoins based on November 2022 prices.

Imagine holding 1 BTC valued at $16k then—you'll get $16k, not the current $56k. Here are two key dates to watch:

- **August 16, 2024:** Deadline for voting on FTX bankruptcy
- **October 7, 2024:** Potential approval of FTX bankruptcy plan

### Market Impact

The expected returns at the end of Q3, coupled with the global focus on the US election, could spark a bull market. Historical inflows have shown significant price surges:

- *January 8:* $210M inflow, +5% in a day
- *February 26 - March 4:* $1.139B inflow, +32%

- *November 9, 2023:* $100M inflow, +10%
- *April 8:* $217M inflow, +8%

- *March 11 - March 21:* $634M inflow, +25%

### Potential Heights

Given these historical trends, the anticipated $16B inflow could push crypto prices significantly higher. Stay informed, stay prepared, and watch how these factors unfold.

#FTX #CryptoInflows #BullMarket #BTC #ETH #SOL #CryptoTrends #BinanceReferralProgram #LayerZero #CPIAlert #Write2Earn
### HARSH LESSON ‼️‼️‼️ ## A Hard-Hitting Crypto Trading Lesson Losing $1150 in a single futures trade was a painful lesson, especially here in Poland, where every dollar counts. Misled by so-called crypto gurus who promised enormous returns with high leverage based on unrealistic Bitcoin price predictions, I ended up making a costly mistake. Without the necessary technical analysis skills, I relied on Telegram signals, only to face significant financial losses. This experience underscored the crucial importance of thorough research and understanding the inherent risks in trading cryptocurrencies. Moving forward, I'm dedicated to educating myself more deeply, avoiding high leverage without a solid strategy, and relying on credible sources for market insights. While it's a significant setback, it has taught me invaluable lessons about patience, discipline, and the volatility of the crypto market. I'm committed to applying these lessons and becoming a more informed and cautious trader. #BinanceReferralProgram #LayerZero #CPIAlert #Write2Earn
### HARSH LESSON ‼️‼️‼️

## A Hard-Hitting Crypto Trading Lesson

Losing $1150 in a single futures trade was a painful lesson, especially here in Poland, where every dollar counts. Misled by so-called crypto gurus who promised enormous returns with high leverage based on unrealistic Bitcoin price predictions, I ended up making a costly mistake. Without the necessary technical analysis skills, I relied on Telegram signals, only to face significant financial losses.

This experience underscored the crucial importance of thorough research and understanding the inherent risks in trading cryptocurrencies. Moving forward, I'm dedicated to educating myself more deeply, avoiding high leverage without a solid strategy, and relying on credible sources for market insights.

While it's a significant setback, it has taught me invaluable lessons about patience, discipline, and the volatility of the crypto market. I'm committed to applying these lessons and becoming a more informed and cautious trader.

#BinanceReferralProgram #LayerZero #CPIAlert #Write2Earn
If someone suggests selling your Notcoins, consider this:‼️‼️‼️⛔🚨⛔👀👇 - Bitcoin soared to $70k, now under $57k - Ethereum peaked at $5, now below $2 - ENA hit $0.9, now at $0.4 - BNB reached $630, now under $510 Other tokens like Pepe, Shib, Solona, BB, and Rez are also struggling. The market sentiment is fearful, but this could be a prime opportunity to accumulate more Notcoins within your risk tolerance. Always do your own research and stay informed for further tips and empowerment. **Altseason is on the horizon—hold your Notcoins and get ready.** **Introducing Io NET:** A decentralized AI computing and cloud platform leveraging blockchain technology for scalable, secure, and cost-effective AI and machine learning resources. Key features include: - **Decentralized Infrastructure** - **AI and Machine Learning Focus** - **Scalability** Now is an ideal time to buy IO coins. The current market conditions present a prime buying opportunity. Io NET boasts a network of over 200,000 verified GPUs, including enterprise-grade AI cards, positioning it as a critical player in addressing the global GPU shortage. #ionet #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #SOFR_Spike #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #Write2Earn
If someone suggests selling your Notcoins, consider this:‼️‼️‼️⛔🚨⛔👀👇

- Bitcoin soared to $70k, now under $57k
- Ethereum peaked at $5, now below $2
- ENA hit $0.9, now at $0.4
- BNB reached $630, now under $510

Other tokens like Pepe, Shib, Solona, BB, and Rez are also struggling. The market sentiment is fearful, but this could be a prime opportunity to accumulate more Notcoins within your risk tolerance. Always do your own research and stay informed for further tips and empowerment.

**Altseason is on the horizon—hold your Notcoins and get ready.**

**Introducing Io NET:**
A decentralized AI computing and cloud platform leveraging blockchain technology for scalable, secure, and cost-effective AI and machine learning resources. Key features include:

- **Decentralized Infrastructure**
- **AI and Machine Learning Focus**
- **Scalability**

Now is an ideal time to buy IO coins. The current market conditions present a prime buying opportunity. Io NET boasts a network of over 200,000 verified GPUs, including enterprise-grade AI cards, positioning it as a critical player in addressing the global GPU shortage.

#ionet #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #SOFR_Spike #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #Write2Earn
The global cryptocurrency market cap stands at $2.07 trillion, experiencing a 10.50% drop in the past day, per CoinMarketCap. Bitcoin (BTC) has fluctuated between $56,450 and $58,475, currently priced at $57,700, up 2.17% since 09:30 AM (UTC). Leading cryptocurrencies are mostly in the green, with notable gains from NOT (+51%), AXL (+34%), and SAGA (+28%). **Today's Top Stories:** - Solana leads DEX trading volume, surpassing Ethereum and Arbitrum. - Glassnode asserts Bitcoin remains in a bull market phase. - North Carolina Governor vetoes bill against federal CBDC implementation. - Ethereum faces heavy selling pressure, breaking its 100-day moving average. - Phishing group Pink Drainer falls prey to a similar scam. - MicroStrategy's co-founder highlights Bitcoin's superior performance. - Mt.Gox creditors may have to wait until October for repayments. - Pantera Capital invests heavily in Telegram's TON tokens. - US Bitcoin Spot ETFs see a net inflow of $238.4 million, while Grayscale's GBTC witnesses an $88 million outflow. - Russia mulls over including stablecoins in new cross-border payment legislation. **Market Movers:** - ETH: $3018 (+0.97%) - BNB: $512.7 (+1.32%) - SOL: $140.35 (+1.93%) - XRP: $0.4384 (+1.76%) - DOGE: $0.11085 (+2.87%) - ADA: $0.3678 (+5.03%) - TRX: $0.13018 (+1.00%) - AVAX: $26.63 (+4.93%) - SHIB: $0.00001651 (+7.98%) - DOT: $6.248 (+5.97%) **Top Gainers on Binance:** - NOT/USDT (+51%) - AXL/USDT (+34%) - SAGA/USDT (+28%)
The global cryptocurrency market cap stands at $2.07 trillion, experiencing a 10.50% drop in the past day, per CoinMarketCap. Bitcoin (BTC) has fluctuated between $56,450 and $58,475, currently priced at $57,700, up 2.17% since 09:30 AM (UTC). Leading cryptocurrencies are mostly in the green, with notable gains from NOT (+51%), AXL (+34%), and SAGA (+28%).

**Today's Top Stories:**
- Solana leads DEX trading volume, surpassing Ethereum and Arbitrum.
- Glassnode asserts Bitcoin remains in a bull market phase.
- North Carolina Governor vetoes bill against federal CBDC implementation.
- Ethereum faces heavy selling pressure, breaking its 100-day moving average.
- Phishing group Pink Drainer falls prey to a similar scam.
- MicroStrategy's co-founder highlights Bitcoin's superior performance.
- Mt.Gox creditors may have to wait until October for repayments.
- Pantera Capital invests heavily in Telegram's TON tokens.
- US Bitcoin Spot ETFs see a net inflow of $238.4 million, while Grayscale's GBTC witnesses an $88 million outflow.
- Russia mulls over including stablecoins in new cross-border payment legislation.

**Market Movers:**
- ETH: $3018 (+0.97%)
- BNB: $512.7 (+1.32%)
- SOL: $140.35 (+1.93%)
- XRP: $0.4384 (+1.76%)
- DOGE: $0.11085 (+2.87%)
- ADA: $0.3678 (+5.03%)
- TRX: $0.13018 (+1.00%)
- AVAX: $26.63 (+4.93%)
- SHIB: $0.00001651 (+7.98%)
- DOT: $6.248 (+5.97%)

**Top Gainers on Binance:**
- NOT/USDT (+51%)
- AXL/USDT (+34%)
- SAGA/USDT (+28%)
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