In the fast-changing environment of asset management, digitization has been a game changer. The conventional means are being interrupted, and novel possibilities arise as the industry starts leveraging digital assets' power and tokenization. This paper discusses the digitization effects on asset management, digital assets, tokenization, and how it has transformed investor views.

Understanding Digital Assets

Digital assets are electronic properties that prove ownership or rights to a digital file. Such portfolios can include different types of assets, including classic securities that may refer to shares and bonds; private market investments such as private equity and real estate provisions; and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Moreover, digital assets include security and utility tokens, as well as non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

The Role of Tokenization

Tokenization is defined as the process of turning an asset's rights into separate, fungible digital tokens. These tokens symbolize ownership or a share in the underlying asset. Tokenization allows for the purchase, sale, and transfer of illiquid or difficult-to-trade assets on digital platforms. This provides new investment options for investors, giving them the chance to trade on a greater number of assets and thus adding diversity to their portfolios.

The Digital Asset Ecosystem

To understand the interconnected world of tokenized assets, let's explore the key players and infrastructure involved:

Investors: The role of institutional and private investors is central to the digital asset ecosystem. These individuals can purchase shares of tokenized funds on digital marketplaces without going through intermediaries such as banks.

Asset Managers: Asset managers are now able to provide shares for special funds or specific share classes as crypto fund stock. This enables them to attract a wider pool of investors and increase liquidity in their funds.

Crypto Custodians: Crypto custodians offer services concerning the storage, care, and safety of digital assets and private cryptography keys. They provide secure storage of investors’ digitally stored assets.

Tokenizers: Tokenizers help issuers with initial placement and tokenization. They create and run a token, as well as an order process. However, tokenizers play an important role in the smooth transformation of traditional assets into digital tokens.

DLT Infrastructure Providers: The DLT infrastructure providers in the market offer platforms and marketplaces based on distributed ledger technology. They serve as sources of liquidity, merge with custody systems, and maintain the effective operation of digital asset infrastructure.

DLT Analytics & Compliance: With the advent of digital assets, surveillance and compliance have become vital. The monitoring of transactions and wallets on DLT infrastructure is ensured by the analytics and compliance solutions offered in terms of DTL. They facilitate AML and KYC compliance for market players.

Regulation and Compliance

With the growing world of digital assets and tokenization, regulations are a significant source for investor protection as well as market integrity. For instance, in Germany, there are legal frameworks such as the eWpG (Electronic Securities Act) and KryptoFAV (Crypto Asset Law) that govern crypto securities.

Unlocking New Investment Opportunities

Tokenization has the capacity to transform the investment ecosystem as it makes many unreachable assets available for various investors. It facilitates fractional ownership, wherein investors are able to own a percentage of an asset as opposed to buying it outright. This creates investment opportunities in illiquid assets such as property, art, and venture capital that were previously made available to affluent individuals or institutions.

Additionally, tokenization improves liquidity because cryptocurrencies can easily be purchased and sold in digital marketplaces. This liquidity allows investors to shift their portfolios and be able to capitalize on opportunities as new investment prospects arise.


The digitalization of asset management, the emergence of cryptoassets, and tokenization are revolutionising the industry. Now investors can access more types of assets and investment options, while asset managers have a larger group to turn their attention towards. But like any new discipline, it is important to keep up-to-date and navigate the regulatory environment in order to preserve investor protection and maintain market integrity.

As the asset management industry matures, there can be a lot of possibilities with digital assets and even tokenization that investors and asset managers could take advantage of. Thanks to technology, the industry is set for a future devoid of barriers in which investment opportunities are more numerous than ever.