According to BlockBeats, on August 19, Bounce Brand announced on social media that the TNA Protocol (BN) Initial DEX Offering (IDO) will commence today at 18:00. The IDO will run until August 21 at 18:00.

The detailed information about the TNA Protocol (BN) IDO is as follows: The total supply for the IDO is 4,200,000 BN tokens. Pool 1 involves AUCTION staking with 1,050,000 BN tokens and aims to raise $12,500. Pool 2 is a fixed-price public sale with 2,730,000 BN tokens, priced at $0.011905 per BN. Pool 3 is a fixed-price whitelist sale with 420,000 BN tokens, also priced at $0.011905 per BN.

It is reported that 10% of BN tokens will be unlocked on August 21 at 19:00, with a subsequent linear unlock of 7.5% each month over the next 12 months.