#BinanceSquareFamily in the span of 3 months Binance has listed 10 coins/token and every token is down atleast 50-60% from the ATH of the exchange.

By looking at the previous history after the listing usually at start new coins/ tokens price goes up due to hype and then it reversal start due to strong selling pressure.

It should be wise to not HODL newly listed coins because

i) after a few months their supply increases (read white paper for unlocking mechanism) which causes a price dump.

ii) initially trade volume very high but then slowly traders interest decreases due to many other opportunities.

iii) Crypto market is usually trend based so when things change more quickly than you think. So before buying new coins/token do some research and make it habit to avoid loses.

Last but not the least there are some chances that these newly listed tokens perform well but it is not guaranteed. If you research and find a token that got listed on CEX they never go straight up. They go down 50-60% ever in some cases 90-95%. and then they never recover.

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