🔴 Urgent | Important for gold:

• China recently sold 50-year bonds amid very weak investor demand

• Sources say that even Chinese investors do not show interest in Chinese government bonds.

👈 Some other sources say that we may be witnessing new and surprising decisions from decision-makers in China.

🌟 The question is, is gold on this list? Or maybe at the top of this list? Will China sell quantities of gold to obtain liquidity?

🛑🛑🛑 Any news or information issued by me is not advice, so do not forget to use DYOR

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🔴🔴🔴 Note about coin : 1. Analysis in front of you, no need for questions 2. Taking profits is not my responsibility so I order it for you 3. Click the currency symbol (yellow font) in the post to buy spot. Click the rectangular box at the end of the post to buy Futures.