#binance #newsdaily #Holograph #HLG

On June 13, the Holograph (HLG) cryptocurrency fell sharply by 79% as a result of a successful hacker attack on the Holograph platform

The smart contract of the Holograph operator was hacked by an attacker who issued 1 billion HLG tokens. Our team applied a patch to eliminate the vulnerability and contacted crypto exchange employees to block accounts belonging to the criminal.

We are conducting an investigation and will report the incident to law enforcement agencies,” employees of the Holograph startup wrote.

Obviously, the hacker who issued the coins got rid of them, which provoked a dump of the Holograph cryptocurrency rate. In a matter of hours, its price collapsed by 79% and dropped to a historical low at $0.002668. However, thanks to the rebound, the coin quickly increased in price by almost three times.

Holograph rate changes during the last 24 hours

One of the commentators was puzzled why the token issuance function worked in the project’s smart contract. Most likely, the developers activated the coin creation option because the platform launched airdrop.