Where are my Lunatics?

It's been more than 2 years since the $LUNC crash.

After the crash $LUNA was born and it is now more than 2 years old.

What are my key observations?

1) 0.45 USD is absolute support.

2) 1 USD resistance has been tested twice in the past and is on the verge of breakout

3) There has been an increasing number of validators who have staked more Luna.

4) There has been a decrease in the staking rewards of Luna this is because the percentage of distribution has increased as the number of validators increased.

5) The market cap ranking of Luna has increased both on Coin Market Cap (CMC) as well as on CoinGecko.

6) NFT projects have been revived on Luna blockchain and their developers are building cool stuff to revive the ecosystem.

You can verify my point number 3 on Desktop as well as on Mobile by accessing an application of Luna called Station.

Anyways I will like to end this by just pointing out that price of Luna will not go up because of the release of its Founder Do Kowon but because of the development that happens inside the ecosystem and the community.