When could the crypto market's bull run season 2024/25 end?


Predicting the exact end of a bull run is challenging, but several factors could indicate its conclusion:

1. *Market saturation*: When most investors have entered the market, and there are no longer enough buyers to drive prices up.

2. *Price extremes*: If prices become detached from fundamental values, a correction or reversal may occur.

3. *Regulatory changes*: Stricter regulations or bans on cryptocurrency could negatively impact the market.

4. *Economic downturn*: A global economic recession or crisis could lead to a decrease in investment in risky assets like cryptocurrencies.

5. *Technical analysis*: Chart patterns, such as head and shoulders or double tops, can indicate a potential reversal.

6. *Sentiment shift*: A significant change in investor sentiment, from optimism to pessimism, could mark the end of the bull run.

Potential timelines for the bull run's end include:

- *Q2-Q3 2024*: If the market reaches extreme price levels or investor sentiment shifts.

- *Q4 2024*: As the year comes to a close, investors may take profits, leading to a correction.

- *H1 2025*: If regulatory changes or economic downturns impact the market.

- *Q2-Q3 2025*: As the bull run reaches its two-year mark, a natural correction could occur.

Keep in mind that these are speculative scenarios, and the crypto market's unpredictability makes it challenging to predict the exact end of the bull run.