According to Odaily, BEVM has introduced a new incentive program, BEVM Visionary Builders (BVB). The program is designed to stimulate the development of 17 tracks, including Decentralized Exchanges (DEX), lending, and stablecoins. Through community participation and multi-dimensional evaluation, the program will provide incentives worth $60 million to outstanding projects and users. However, the specific form of the $60 million incentive has not been disclosed yet. The BVB program is a significant step towards fostering innovation and growth in the decentralized finance sector. It aims to encourage more community involvement and reward those who contribute significantly to the development of these tracks. The $60 million incentive is a substantial amount that could potentially attract more developers and users to participate in these projects. The specific details of how these incentives will be distributed or what criteria will be used for evaluation are yet to be revealed. This initiative by BEVM is a clear indication of their commitment to supporting and promoting the growth of decentralized finance. It is expected that this program will have a positive impact on the development of DEX, lending, and stablecoins.