It was a pleasure for me.

I'm in Crypto Since 2019, Crypto has been to my lows and Heights. I have learn a lot about Finances in that period even until now.

Sometimes, it was the comfort zone for me, I used to ran Away to Crypto, dreaming big. where one day I will make it in my tiny room, and surprise the whole family, I understood few things and that's why I'm quitting for my peace of mind.

I'm stopping pursuing money, or seeing it as the main goal, instead I'm starting pursuing GOD. I understood that money is essential, so I decided to do what I love, and choose profession with higher demand in our Society. or more of so what's our Society in need for.

Life itself is to short, like a blink of an eye.

And I believe GOD has a big plan for me.

Send Your Payid in the Comments I will Choose One person with the most creative comment.

For Now, Don't stop if you don't feel it, keep grading!

Love You, And In Few Days, I will never be here Again!
