🚀🚀Buckle up, Bitcoin enthusiasts! Social Capital CEO Chamath Palihapitiya predicts Bitcoin will hit a whopping $500,000 per coin by the end of 2025! 🎉🎉 This prediction outshines those of analysts at Standard Chartered and Bernstein, who see a more modest price appreciation due to the halving effect.

📈📈Palihapitiya's forecast is based on Bitcoin's performance after previous halvings. For instance, Bitcoin's price multiplied 7.8x within 18 months after its third halving in May 2020. The halving, a feature in Bitcoin's software, cuts its supply inflation rate in half every 210,000 blocks, or roughly every four years, theoretically creating a supply shock that drives up Bitcoin's price.

🔮🔮Using this model, Palihapitiya projects Bitcoin reaching $497,977 by October 2025. If we consider the average price performance between Bitcoin's second and third halvings, the projected price skyrockets to $1.14 million!

💰💰Where will the demand come from, you ask? Palihapitiya points to an "increasing body of countries" that may adopt a dual currency standard, like El Salvador. He believes Bitcoin will "completely replace" gold and even begin to have transactional utility for hard assets if it truly reaches over $500,000 per coin.

🏦🏦The significance of newly launched Bitcoin ETFs, which have "commercialized Bitcoin," is also acknowledged by Palihapitiya. Analysts at Standard Chartered, impressed by the powerful inflows this year, predict Bitcoin to reach $200,000 by the end of 2025.

So, are you ready for the Bitcoin rollercoaster? 🎢🎢