🔥Hot off the press! Uniswap Foundation has hit the pause button on a crucial vote to upgrade its governance structure and fee mechanism. The decision, aimed at better rewarding UNI token holders, was delayed due to concerns raised by a stakeholder.🚀

While the foundation called the move “unexpected” and expressed regret, this isn't the first time a vote on the “fee switch” has been postponed. The switch would direct a small portion of protocol trading fees to token holders.🤔

Uniswap issued the UNI token in 2020 to fend off a “vampire attack” by Sushiswap. The latter was seen as more community-aligned as it was managed by a DAO and directed trading fees to token holders.👀

The “fee switch” was never activated, raising concerns about potential tax and securities law implications for UniDAO. The latest delay has sparked a debate about the treatment of token holders in DeFi protocols.🗣️

What do you think about this delay? Is it a prudent move or a setback for token holders? Let's discuss in the comments!👇 #Uniswap #DeFi #CryptoNews