They didn't notice you were crying
They didn't notice you were sad
They didn’t notice you were tired
They didn’t notice you were alone
They didn’t notice how attentive you were
They didn’t notice how sweet you actually are...
They didn’t notice how you actually try to make others smile

They did notice you failing grades
They did notice your unattractive
They did notice the mean side of you
They did notice all your mistakes
They did notice all you flaws
They did notice that you weren’t good enough for them.

But you stayed strong
You kept going on
You never gave up on hope
You never let them take you down
And you know they wasn’t good enough for you
And that’s what make you stronger

You aren’t ugly
You aren’t mean
You aren’t lazy
You aren’t a failure
You aren’t a mistake

You are beautiful
You are worth it
You do deserve everything
You are trying
You are smart