but memecoin degens use only a few of them

I deleted all my useless tools when I found $WIF using them

Here's 7 memecoin tools that will find you 1000x plays 🧵👇

But before I start...

I've put a lot of effort and time into this research and share a lot of alpha totally FREE. If you don't mind, please like and reQuote and FOLLOW me - @Crypto PM

This will help me provide you with even more ALPHA, thank you 🫶

✜ Peak volumes in the meme coin market provide an opportunity for life-changing gains for everyone.

✜ Growth rates of 30,000% are quite common for any meme coin in the current market.

✜ You can easily find a 100x gem using helpful tools for this purpose.

✜ A frequent problem in the crypto community is that they cannot find gems at an early stage.

✜ As a result, all investments at the peaks lead to being REKT as others simply dump on them.

✜ However, few know the strategy to find gems early, where you can see all the gems like a scanner before everyone else.

✜ For a basic understanding of network hype and finding new tokens, I recommend three options:

• Tracking bots that parse new pairs

• Monitoring "Smart Hands" wallets

• Watching activity on DEX

✜ Choose the option that suits you best.

• Tracking bots that parse new pairs

✜ First, you need to follow all the new pairs that appear on the network.

✜ For this task, I personally use this bot -


✜ With it, you won’t miss a single new pair that appears on the blockchain.

• Monitoring "Smart Hands" wallets

✜ With little effort, you can find gems by tracking "smart hands" wallets.

✜ Insiders with a win rate of 65%+ and a PNL of $500,000+ clearly know more than you.

✜ To find such wallets, I use #DexScreener

and check the "Top Traders" section on popular coins.

✜ Verify wallets with high profits for their win rate through -


✜ The win rate should be no lower than 65%, and the PNL should reach $500,000+

✜ Track the wallet’s activities subsequently through this bot -

• Watching activity on DEX

✜ Tracking activities on @Raydium is also quite effective.

✜ Most new meme coins are launched there, giving you the opportunity to track activity and find tokens.

✜ Set the filter to "Token Swap" and pay attention to what is traded most frequently - https://solscan.io/amm/raydium

✜ Once you find a promising token, the first thing to check is its contract.

✜ To avoid losing your investment, I recommend using RugCheck - https://rugcheck.xyz

✜ The contract should have a "Good" rating.

✜ The next step is to check the token holders through


✜ Top holders should not own a large portion of the supply, only DEXs are exceptions.

✜ Otherwise, you risk being used and losing part or all of your investment.

✜ It’s also very important to check the project’s social media to finally determine whether it’s a gem or not.

✜ Use Twiter_score

to check the influencers who follow the project, as they are likely to promote the token.

✜ Always pay attention to the quality of the audience, not just the quantity.

• Personal Case

✜ Recently, I earned $25,000 in a day using the tools and strategy described above.

✜ I received a notification from a wallet I was tracking about a purchase of the $MOTHER token.

✜ Since I knew this was an experienced memecoin trader, I started my own research.

✜ My basic research gave me the following:

• Smart contract is safe with a "Good" rating

• Top holders did not hold a large portion of the supply

• Token creator is an influencer with a large audience.

✜ Based on these parameters, I decided to invest $2,500

✜ Shortly after, there was a significant pump and shilling on Twitter.

✜ I closely monitored the events and followed my selling strategy, setting some take-profits at 10x

✜ As a result, I now have $2,500 turned into $26,000 and a small portion of tokens in a moon bag.


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#Memecoin #1000xGems #CRYPTOPM