The chart for TOKENUSDT Perpetual illustrates a 4-hour candlestick pattern with notable support and resistance levels. The support levels are around $0.0764 and $0.1068, while the resistance levels are near $0.1421 and $0.1773. Currently, the price is $0.12058, up by 8.17%, suggesting bullish momentum.

The price has recently surged past the $0.11293 support level, indicating a potential continuation of the upward trend. This level now acts as a support zone, providing a safety net for potential pullbacks.

Given the current setup, an ideal entry point would be close to the $0.11293 support level. If the price pulls back to this level and exhibits consolidation or a reversal pattern (e.g., a hammer or bullish engulfing candlestick), it would signal a buying opportunity. This approach minimizes risk by buying near support and allows for potential gains if the price rebounds.

Another entry strategy involves waiting for a breakout above the next resistance level at $0.1421. A confirmed breakout, especially with increased trading volume, would suggest further upward movement, providing an entry point for momentum traders.

To enhance the analysis, incorporating technical indicators like the Moving Average (MA), Bollinger Bands (BOLL), and the Relative Strength Index (RSI) can provide additional insights. For instance, if the RSI is below 30 near the support level, it indicates oversold conditions, supporting a buy decision. Conversely, if the RSI is above 70 near the resistance level, it indicates overbought conditions, suggesting caution.

In summary, a prudent entry point would be around $0.11293, with a secondary consideration for a breakout above $0.1421, complemented by using stop-loss orders to manage risk effectively.