Former President and current presidential candidate Donald Trump has recently expressed support for cryptocurrencies, suggesting that he would take a more favorable approach towards the industry if re-elected. This marks a significant shift from his previous criticisms of Bitcoin and other digital assets. The question now is whether Trump's newfound crypto-friendly stance is genuine or merely a strategic move to garner votes.

Trump’s Shift in Stance on Crypto

During a recent appearance, Trump stated, "If we’re going to embrace it, we have to let them be." He further urged crypto enthusiasts to support his candidacy, saying, "If you like crypto, you better vote for Trump."

This is a stark contrast to his statements in July 2019, when he dismissed cryptocurrencies as "not money," criticized their volatility, and warned that they could facilitate illegal activities such as drug trafficking.

Crypto’s Influence on Voter Preferences

The significance of Trump's shift cannot be understated given the growing number of crypto holders in the U.S. According to Coinbase, approximately 20% of American adults, or over 50 million people, claim to hold cryptocurrency. This demographic is becoming increasingly important in elections.

Markus Levin, co-founder of XYO Network, believes that embracing crypto is a smart election strategy. "A sizable number of people in the crypto community will vote for Trump based on his seemingly positive approach towards the industry," he noted.

Jonathan Thomas, CEO of prime brokerage Blueberry, echoed this sentiment, stating that Trump’s crypto-friendly stance will appeal to voters for whom crypto is a key issue. "His crypto-friendly talk will resonate with crypto enthusiasts, but only if it doesn’t clash with other issues they care about even more," Thomas added.

Skepticism and Concerns

Despite this shift, some remain skeptical of Trump’s motivations. Thorne Melcher, an NFT enthusiast, described Trump’s endorsement as "flimsy," noting the departure from his previous negative remarks. She pointed out that the potential for cryptocurrencies to facilitate transactions for services and products opposed by conservative politics could lead to future crackdowns.

Melcher also highlighted that while Trump’s stance may appeal to some, it does not guarantee substantial electoral support, especially considering that current President Joe Biden is not particularly favorable towards cryptocurrency either.

Trump’s Strategy to Woo Crypto Voters

Trump's engagement with the crypto community extends beyond rhetoric. He has become an active participant in the NFT market, selling over $1 million worth of NFTs, including some featuring his mugshot.

Stephanie Vaughan, co-founder of DeFi firm Veda, observed that many in the crypto community might be inclined to support Trump over Biden. "During the last election, many crypto-focused voters likely supported Biden. It wasn’t clear then that he would take such a hardline approach against the industry," Vaughan said. She criticized the Biden Administration's regulatory stance, describing it as "unworkable" for many in the crypto industry.

Vaughan believes Trump recognizes the growing importance of crypto as a factor in the upcoming election and is making efforts to attract these voters away from Biden.


Donald Trump's recent crypto-friendly statements have sparked a mix of optimism and skepticism within the crypto community. While some see it as a genuine shift that could benefit the industry, others view it as a strategic move to gain votes. As the election approaches, it will be interesting to see how Trump's stance on crypto evolves and whether it will significantly impact his campaign.

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,,The information and views presented in this article are intended solely for educational purposes and should not be taken as investment advice in any situation. The content of these pages should not be regarded as financial, investment, or any other form of advice. We caution that investing in cryptocurrencies can be risky and may lead to financial losses.“