Once, Grandma Rosa, after a week-long binge-watching series about hackers, suddenly decided that she could join their ranks too. With a determined spirit, she decided to start small—steal $BNB cryptocurrency because she found the name quite charming.

Grandma got down to business seriously: she put on dark glasses, pulled the hood of her raincoat over her head, and sat down at her old computer. But instead of hacking exchanges, she accidentally turned on the stream of her favorite gardening show and forgot about her villainous plans.

Several hours later, when she remembered her intention to become a hacker, Rosa mistakenly opened not the hacking software, but a food ordering app. Mixing up all the buttons, she ordered pizza home instead of stealing cryptocurrencies. When the delivery person arrived with the pizza, he found Rosa asleep in front of the computer with an open textbook on programming for beginners.

And thus, without stealing a single #BNB coin, Grandma Rosa became known in her building as the sweetest and least dangerous "hacker," preferring pizza over plans to conquer the world.

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.