Not and #NOT : The Collision

Friend: Hey, check out this new cryptocurrency called NOT Coin!

Me: *chuckling* Not coin? That's hilarious!

Friend: It's not just a coin, it's a NOT token.

Me: So, it's not a coin, and it's not a token? What is it then, a philosophical concept?

Friend: *laughs* Maybe it's a loophole in the crypto world, a coin that's not a coin and a token that's not a token.

Me: Ah, the great existential crisis of the digital age - to be or not to be a coin. Shakespeare would be proud!

Friend: We've stumbled upon the Shakespearean tragedy of cryptocurrency!

Me: To hodl or not to hodl, that is the question.

Friend: *laughing* Exactly! Let's just hope our wallets survive this linguistic collision of NOTs and coins.

Me: Anyways, do not forget subscribe your $FDUSD and $BNB to farm this not coin, I mean #NOTCoin and READ THIS POST .

Friend: Okay, I will, thanks.

- More for all, less for none. -