Buenos Aires MPs Want Worldcoin Investigation

The crypto project has piqued the interest of more Argentina lawmakers.

In mid-April, Romina Braga, another member of the Buenos Aires assembly, called for an official investigation into Worldcoin.

Braga called on Axel Kicillof, the Governor of the Buenos Aires Province, to commission an investigation. She also voiced several privacy and data-related concerns.

This follows a move from the national data protection agency, which announced the launch of an investigation into Worldcoin in January this year.

Puglelli’s bill calls for the creation of a “regulatory framework” that regulates biometric data collection and introduces punishments for any “abuse” of this data. He explained:

Regulator to Get Involved?

The bill, if adopted, would see the Provincial Directorate for the Defense of the Rights of Consumers and Users appointed as the “supervisor” of Worldcoin.

The Directorate would be charged with “promoting fair and equitable consumer relations in the digital sphere, as well as trust and IT security.”

The media outlet Criptonoticias reported that Worldcoin has been operating in Argentina “for more than a year.”

It added that “thousands of citizens have transferred their biometric data to the Cayman Islands-based firm.”

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