Tired of getting rugpulled? 😞 Here's some good news: the Starknet ecosystem even integrates integrity into the wild world of Memecoins, all thanks to @UnrugMemec0in! Unruggable is a framework that enables two main things: 🐺 Simplifies creation of Memecoin, without requiring any developer knowledge from the creator and can be done in just a few minutes (even less than 1 minute if you have your tokenomics in mind 🤓) 🐺 Provides short-term protection for traders This latter point is crucial since all Memecoins created through Unruggable have the following security measures: ✅ Fair distribution of supply: at launch, the team can only possess 10% of the supply, with only 5% per wallet ✅ The remaining 90% are locked in the LP: either for a minimum of 6 months if the creator provides liquidity in the pool, or forever (burned) if not ✅ Anti-whale measure on the first day, protecting the supply from being monopolized by a small group of insiders Unruggable is a fully open-source public good, so don't trust and verify! And remember two things before you ape! 1️⃣ You can check if a coin is certified Unruggable at any time either by directly visiting the Unruggable website and clicking on "Check a token" and pasting the token address. Or, you can go directly to the official Unruggable TG and use the /unrug bot command. 2️⃣ An Unruggable certification doesn't guarantee the success of a Meme. In reality, 99.9% will either end up in Pump and Dump or never pump at all. If you ape, protect yourself and choose your meme on Unruggable wisely 🐒