We are all here to earn money. We all want to achieve our desired goals.

Someone wants to buy a new car, someone wants to support their family, and someone dreams of changing jobs.

😀But how do you have a dialogue with yourself to achieve these goals?

We have prepared 4 questions that will help you set goals for yourself and simplify their achievement.

Ask yourself these questions and be honest with yourself.

😀What tasks or problems do I have right now? Which ones are under my control?

😀What do I constantly avoid and don't try to do right now?

😀Where am I going right now? What progress have I made in life over the past year?

😀If I had one year of life, what 3 goals would I like to achieve?

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments 💛

#SelfReflection #GoalSetting #PersonalGrowth #Achievement