What is the reason for the increase in the price of TON coin?

Welcome to a journey into the inner workings of the Telegram Open Network (TON) ecosystem, where token vesting and deflation mechanisms reign supreme. These mechanisms play a crucial role in ensuring stability and fairness for all participants.

In the realm of TON, a significant portion of tokens is subject to vesting schedules, ensuring a gradual and controlled release into circulation.

A hefty sum of 1,317,379,088 TON, representing a quarter of the total supply, is securely locked away for a duration of 1080 days. Beginning on October 12, 2025, these tokens embark on a three-year journey of gradual unlocking, promoting stability and discouraging sudden market fluctuations.

Another substantial chunk, totaling 1,081,392,341 TON or 21.18% of the supply, undergoes a more prolonged lockup period. These tokens remain inaccessible for a full 720 days, with no partial unlocking permitted until February 27, 2027. This meticulous approach ensures a balanced distribution of tokens over time, safeguarding against potential market volatility.

In a bold move to combat inflation and bolster token value, the TON ecosystem has embraced a deflationary strategy. By approving the burning of 50% of all transaction fees, TON aims to systematically decrease token supply, driving up its worth in the process. This proactive measure not only enhances the token's intrinsic value but also lays the groundwork for sustained stability and longevity within the ecosystem.

In the realm of TON, fairness and equilibrium reign supreme, thanks to meticulously crafted token vesting schedules and a robust deflationary mechanism. These strategies not only ensure a level playing field for all token holders but also instill confidence and trust in the ecosystem's long-term prospects. As TON continues to evolve and thrive, these mechanisms stand as pillars of strength, guiding the way towards a sustainable and prosperous future.

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