Yesterday I literally paid someone half million USD for just a contact information.

The guy whom I paid was in US, and the guy I wanted to network with was in Dubai. I arranged a private jet for the guy and his girlfriend so that they can fly from LA to Dubai. Booked 7 star hotel room for them. Then he took me to the guy I wanted to me.

Then I need to arrange the return for the US guy and his gf. Also gifted him some stuffs as he spent his valuable time for me. (Very expensive items which even I don’t use.)

This how I spent more than half million and still I will say it was worth it.

The reason behind telling the story is simple. Networking is the key!

Both the person is 10x richer than me. You will definitely recognise their name as they are much popular.

But my trick was, I didn’t even let the US guy know that I’m using him to network with the guy I wanted. I just invited him to visit my office and have a chat on a crypto project I’m investing in. Then we went for city tour. After knowing its right time, I asked you know **?. Ah, Really? I think he is in Dubai. Why not you meet him? Let’s go together.

For now you think I lost half million. But actually I didn’t lose anything. The guy I invited, he will definitely invite me to his office and show same hospitality. This will keep our relationship strong. On the other hand, now I’m in touch with the guy I wanted to meet. It’s a wining move by me.

I know, you may think that you don’t need networking like me. You are totally wrong. You must network with people.

So here is a small task for you. Open a professional LinkedIn profile. (Just Google how to, if you cannot.) Then we need another app. Search “Meetup” on App Store. I’ll share the app logo on pinned comment.

Now, you will see there are many events near you. You will see date and place. You need to join relevant events and network with people, and get their LinkedIn and connect them there as well.

I want you to find a web developer / blockchain developer / video editor and connect with them.

Guess WHY or check pinned comment!