Sad News From Robert Kiyosaki😭😭 Please read here 👇🏾

“Harry Dent is predicting the biggest “everything” crash is coming. He is saying the “Baby Boom Generation” will be the biggest losers, as their homes crash in value. He says the S&P will fall by 80%.

He also predicts Bitcoin will drop back to $200 a coin.

If Harry is correct I will simply buy more real estate, gold, and silver.

If Bitcoin drops to $200 per coin I will buy as many coins as I can.

If Harry is right… those who are prepared will soon be multi-millionaires and possibly a few new billionaires.

I hope Harry Dent is right. Even if he isn’t those who are holding gold, silver, and Bitcoin will be richer.

As I have been saying for years:

“Good and silver are Gods money

Bitcoin is people’s money.”

The dollar is fake money.”

Not financial advice do your own research 🧐