#Ethena #BinanceLaunchpool

$ENA Token Utility :Recently ,Ethena released a crucial event for the platform's future decntralization -the launch of it's native token $ENA token. The primary role of the native Ethena token is granting access to governance votings regarding the protocol , including risk management frameworks, DEX integration SDe backing exposure, and more.

It has already confirmed the first phase of the Ethena airdrop , allocating 750M $ENA or 5%of the total supply for the first phase. $BNB Finance and pros and cons that you should consider before investing in the $ENA token or participating in $ENA airdrop.

Ethena pros:$ETH

. Outstanding concept and design

. Highly-demanding product

. Competent vesting schedule

.Support from Tier 1 funds

. Wide network📡 of Tier 1 partners👭

. Strong PR and growth marketing performance

. Powerful influencer marketing performance

. Multiple Security Audits and Bug Bounty from top -tier companies.

. Relatively low initial Market Cap/Fully Diluted Valuation( FDV) ratio (9.5%) .

. Experienced C-level team

Ethena Cons:$ICP

. Due to its complexity, the protocol has significant risks related to its delta hedging technique.

. Weak marketing infrastructure.

. Reputational burden caused by Terra/Luna rekt.