A recent announcement by James K. Filan has stirred anticipation as he revealed the date for unveiling a crucial document in the Ripple vs. SEC lawsuit.

If you’re left with bated breaths like us, read on!

It’s Time for Closure

The Ripple vs. SEC legal battle has dragged on for years, leaving community members eager for closure. The prolonged lawsuit has tested their patience, fueling a collective desire for resolution.

With the Ripple Labs vs. SEC lawsuit now in its crucial ending phase, both parties have presented a detailed plan to the Southern District Court of New York. This plan outlines how court documents related to the upcoming remedies phase will be sealed and redacted.

The remedies-related brief is currently sealed as it is highly sensitive. However, it is rest assured transparency will be maintained as the documents will be made public soon. 

Upcoming Timeline for Ripple vs SEC

  • March 22, 2024: The SEC will file its opening remedies brief under seal.

  • March 25, 2024: The SEC and Ripple will meet to discuss and agree upon redactions.

  • March 26, 2024: The SEC will file a public, redacted version of its opening brief.

  • April 22, 2024: Ripple is expected to file its opposition brief.

  • April 23-24, 2024: Meeting to discuss redactions for Ripple’s materials.

  • May 6-8, 2024: The SEC will submit its reply brief.

While the proposed timeline provides clarity, doubts remain about when the case will conclude. Concerns linger over potential delays if the SEC seeks an extension.

Despite the uncertainties, count on us to keep you informed with the latest updates. Whether the case extends further or reaches its conclusion, rely on our coverage to provide timely and accurate information every step of the way.

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