The Zilliqa infrastructure team has released version 3.8.0 of the Scilla plugin for Hardhat, the popular development environment for building EVM applications.

Hardhat is a development environment for smart contracts and decentralised applications (dApps) that makes it easy for developers to create, edit, compile, debug, and deploy smart contracts on EVM-compatible networks.

EVM, or Ethereum Virtual Machine, is a software platform used to build applications on Ethereum and other protocols that have implemented EVM compatibility, including Zilliqa.

The Scilla plugin for Hardhat allows developers to test, build, and deploy smart contracts written in Scilla on the Zilliqa network.

The latest version of the plugin includes a number of general fixes and several new features, which include major improvements to contract deployment.

Version 3.8.0 of the Scilla plugin for Hardhat adds customisable deployment options, giving developers greater control over smart contract deployment by allowing them to override preset deployment parameters such as the gas price and gas limit.

A new deployment builder has also been added to the plugin, which delivers cleaner and more readable smart contract deployment code.

Other new features include the ability to connect to and interact with Scilla contracts that are already deployed on the network, streamlining the development process for applications that interact with existing smart contracts.

The latest version of the Scilla plugin for Hardhat also includes a number of general improvements, including an update to node modules to retain compatibility and security, a migration from ESlint to TSLint in line with industry trends, and the introduction of support for Algebraic Data Type (ADT) parameters for contract constructors.

To learn more about how to use the new features introduced in version 3.8.0 of the Scilla plugin for Hardhat, view the ReadMe on GitHub.

Documentation and package information for version 3.8.0 of the plugin is also available on the npm registry.

The improvements introduced in the latest version of the Scilla plugin for Hardhat represent one facet of the Zilliqa infrastructure team’s ongoing commitment to enhance the development experience on the EVM-compatible Zilliqa platform.

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