$XRP's price has gone up by 13% in the last week, reaching about $0.70. This increase is in line with the overall rise in the cryptocurrency market. Some experts think this could lead to a big rally, possibly setting a new highest price ever for $XRP.

One analyst named LEB CRYPTO thinks that $XRP might hit its peak either before or after the Bitcoin halving, which is set to happen next month.

A lawyer who supports Ripple, Bill Morgan, kind of agrees with this idea. He thinks $XRP might jump up to about $2 in April or May, but it's too early to say if it will reach its highest price ever. There's a big trial between Ripple and the SEC coming up on April 23, which could affect XRP's price and how cryptocurrency is regulated. If Ripple wins decisively, it could be good news for the whole cryptocurrency market. But if things don't go well for Ripple, there might be stricter rules that could slow down the progress of the cryptocurrency sector. Ripple has already won three important but incomplete court cases last year.

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