They don’t show you their losses because they’re either trying to sell you something.

Course, signals or mentorship.

So they feel if they start to show their losses, it’ll chase away potential clients.

But you need to understand that #trading is not just all about profits. It’s about losses too. It’s a game of probabilities. You win some, you lose some. Every single trader alive takes losses.

Yep, every single person trading the market takes losses but not everyone will show you their losses because they’ve got something up their sleeves.Yep, every single person trading the market takes losses but not everyone will show you their losses because they’ve got something up their sleeves.

I don't offer signals services, i don't offer mentorship service but i talk about losses, i show losses just to program people’s minds and help them realize what #trading really is.

Why lie to people? Why lie to yourself? Where’s the honor in that?

You can’t win every trade. If someone tells you otherwise, UNFOLLOW THEM!

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