In a blockchain, a replay attack is a type of cyber attack that involves an attacker sending a copy of a valid transaction from one blockchain to another, in an attempt to trick the second blockchain into thinking that the transaction is legitimate and should be processed. Here's a simple example to help explain how this works:

Imagine that Alice and Bob are playing a game where they can send each other virtual "coins" using a blockchain. Alice has 10 coins, and she wants to send 5 coins to Bob. She creates a transaction on the blockchain that sends 5 coins from her account to Bob's account, and the transaction is processed and recorded on the blockchain.

Now, suppose that an attacker named Eve wants to trick the blockchain into thinking that Alice sent Bob 10 coins instead of 5. She could do this by copying the transaction that Alice created and sending it again to the blockchain, but this time she changes the amount of coins to 10 instead of 5. If the blockchain accepts this copied transaction as legitimate, it will think that Alice sent 10 coins to Bob, even though she only intended to send 5.

This is called a replay attack, and it can be harmful because it can allow an attacker to manipulate the blockchain and potentially steal coins from other users. To prevent replay attacks, many blockchains use special techniques like "replay protection" to make it harder for attackers to copy and send transactions multiple times.