Long term Investor must know THIS !! 🤑🤑

There are several reasons why Islamic Coin crypto is attractive to investors, including:

1. $ISLM offers financial instruments that are in line with Islamic values, such as transparency, fairness, risk sharing, and philanthropy. This can attract interest from around 2 billion Muslims in the world who are looking for halal alternatives to invest in the digital era

2. $ISLM has a limited supply of 100 billion coins, which could increase the demand and price of $ISLM in the market. Additionally, 10% of each new coin issuance will be allocated for charitable purposes through the Evergreen DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization. This can increase the social and economic value of $ISLM

3. $ISLM has obtained a sharia compliance certificate from the Indonesian National Sharia Council, which is the highest authority on sharia finance in the country. This can increase the credibility and reputation of $ISLM in the eyes of investors and users

4. $ISLM has registered the exchange on several platforms, a global digital asset trading platform, on August 29, 2023. The purpose of this registration is to expand $ISLM's global reach and help achieve its vision to empower the world's Muslim community by providing halal and digital financial instruments. supports philanthropy

5. $ISLM has announced partnerships with a number of Islamic financial institutions to increase the adoption and integration of $ISLM in the Islamic finance sector

Islamic coins are now available and the potential for a better future is higher😎😎

#Islamiccoin #ISLM $ISLM #BTC #ETH

Spotlight Crypto