According to Odaily, the Bank of Ghana (BoG) has successfully completed a proof of concept exploring the use of digital certificates for international trade and cross-border payments based on Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). This initiative is part of the 'Digital Economy Semi-Fungible Token' (Project Desft), a collaborative effort between the Bank of Ghana and the Monetary Authority of Singapore. The project aims to leverage technology to facilitate the participation of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) from developing countries in international trade.

Maxwell Opoku-Afari, the First Deputy Governor of the Bank of Ghana, stated that Project Desft is designed to support African MSMEs in international trade by addressing significant barriers such as establishing trust with overseas trade partners and accessing cross-border payments and supply chain financing. The initiative seeks to eliminate these obstacles, thereby enabling MSMEs to engage more effectively in the global market.