According to Odaily, RISC Zero, a provider of blockchain infrastructure, has officially announced its launch on the Base chain. This development allows programmers to utilize Rust to unlock zkVM features for the creation of computation-intensive decentralized applications (dApps).

The launch of RISC Zero on the Base chain represents a significant step forward in the blockchain technology sector. It provides developers with the tools necessary to create advanced dApps, which are applications that run on a P2P network of computers rather than a single computer.

The use of Rust in this context is particularly noteworthy. Rust is a programming language that offers the performance of low-level languages, but with the added benefits of a high-level one. By utilizing Rust, developers can unlock zkVM features, which are essential for creating computation-intensive dApps.

This development is expected to have a significant impact on the blockchain industry, providing new opportunities for developers and potentially leading to the creation of more advanced and efficient dApps.