According to Odaily, Michael Saylor, the co-founder of MicroStrategy, has stated that Bitcoin was designed to 'keep winning'. He revealed that Bitcoin remains the best-performing asset since 2011. As of July 5, 2024, Bitcoin has seen a rise of 145.9%, ranking it first among other significant assets.

The other assets and their respective increases are as follows: US Growth at 16.3%, US NASDAQ 100 at 18.99%, US Large Caps at 13.7%, and Gold at 3.5%. Saylor's statement underscores the continued dominance of Bitcoin in the financial market, outperforming traditional and emerging assets alike.

This information further solidifies Bitcoin's position as a viable investment option, despite the volatility often associated with cryptocurrencies. It also highlights the potential for significant returns for investors willing to navigate the risks inherent in the crypto market.