According to Odaily, the Digital Chamber of Commerce has submitted feedback on the proposed 1099-DA form to the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The form is designed to report digital asset transactions. The detailed response from the Chamber aims to simplify the form, making it easier for brokers dealing with digital assets such as cryptocurrencies to use, and to address taxpayers' privacy concerns. This includes only requiring taxpayers to provide necessary information for reporting digital asset transactions.

The Digital Chamber of Commerce's feedback is an attempt to streamline the process of reporting digital asset transactions. By simplifying the form, the Chamber hopes to make it more user-friendly for brokers who handle digital assets. This move is also seen as a step towards addressing privacy concerns of taxpayers. The Chamber suggests that taxpayers should only be required to provide the necessary information for reporting their digital asset transactions, thereby protecting their privacy.

This development comes as digital assets continue to gain prominence in the financial world. The IRS's proposed 1099-DA form is a reflection of the growing need for regulation and transparency in digital asset transactions. The feedback from the Digital Chamber of Commerce could play a crucial role in shaping the final form and its implementation.