According to Odaily, Base Chain's USDC supply has seen a significant increase in the past 90 days. The data from Token Terminal reveals that the supply has grown by a staggering 1,055.9%, making it the fastest-growing stablecoin.

The rapid growth of USDC supply on Base Chain underscores the increasing adoption and trust in stablecoins. Stablecoins, such as USDC, are digital currencies pegged to a stable asset like the US dollar. They are designed to minimize the volatility typically associated with cryptocurrencies, making them an attractive option for investors and traders.

This surge in USDC supply on Base Chain is a clear indication of the growing demand for stablecoins in the digital currency market. It also highlights the role of Base Chain as a preferred platform for stablecoin transactions. The data from Token Terminal provides a valuable insight into the trends and dynamics of the digital currency market.